“Yes. Don’t feel bad at all. I’m sure it is strange to you and other humans that we share so easily.”
“Before coming here, I knew it happened between shifters. It’s very odd living in it, though. It’s hard to adjust my expectations easily.” I shove more pancakes in my mouth.
“You can take the time you need. There is no need to worry about us.” He clears his throat, and I look at him. “I want to thank you.”
I swallow quickly. “Why?”
“I have been judged harshly in the past for my preferences. I thought I was weird for a long time. I listened to what others thought for too long. I worked hard to accept what I like and not let others' opinions make me feel like I shouldn't enjoy being a Daddy. I am not a so-called traditional one. I like certain elements of it.” He strokes my cheek. “You accepted me without a second's hesitation. The universe couldn’t have sent us a better mate.”
“Fuck, you're going to make me cry,” I say, sniffling. I set down my fork and turn to him. “It’s hard to explain.” I put my hand on his knee. “It felt right. It was brand new to me, and I had never felt an urge like that before. With you, it came naturally. I’m starting to understand each of you. I would never call Logan or Lucas Daddy. It doesn’t feel like that would be genuine. It’s easy at first to group all three of you together, but now that I have spent time with each of you, you are very different.”
“We are, and they are not the same in that regard as I am.”
“You just seem like a Daddy,” I blurt. “Fuck, did that sound weird?” Las gives off the vibe.
“Never,” he says firmly. He kisses me gently. “Your other mates are here.”
“Honey, I’m home,” Lucas yells as he opens the door. “Slugger.” He walks over with his arms wide.
“Lucas,” I giggle and lift my lips to his. He takes full advantage of the offering.
“Mmmm…you taste good.” He tips my chin up. “How’s the face?”
“Hardly sore,” I deflect.
“Right,” he mutters. “Where's my food?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, helping himself to a plate.
“Sugar,” Logan growls. I love it when he does that in his deep voice.
“Handsome,” I reply, giving him the same offer as Lucas.
He takes my lips gently. His hand cups the back of my neck, holding my head in place as he takes his time greeting me.
“Your phone is ringing,” Lucas says, scooting it across the counter.
I pull back reluctantly to answer. I’ve been a bad friend. I am assuming that it’s Stephanie. She called numerous times yesterday. I smile when I look at the screen, but it becomes strained as I see my brother's name. I put it back down after silencing it.
“Everything okay?” Logan squeezes my neck.
“Of course,” I lie.
“Slugger?” Lucas studies me.
I don’t want to lie. I know they can tell. “It was my brother. I don’t want to talk to him.” Not a lie, necessarily.
“Baby girl,” Las grumbles.
Shit, he baby girled me. “It’s complicated.”
“Isn’t every sibling relationship?” Lucas snorts. “What?” he asks when his brothers glare at him.
“Are you in trouble? Is your brother in trouble?” Logan asks.
“When isn’t my brother in trouble,” I groan before I can monitor my words.
“What is going on with him?” Las turns to cage my legs between his.
With the force of their probing stares, I cave. “He has a gambling problem. It’s been happening for years. Anything that you can bet on, he does. He isn’t very good at it because he constantly asks for money to bail him out of a situation. For a long time, I gave him the money.” I hoped to end it there, but they settled in to listen. I guess if I’m serious about being with them and completing the bond, they are going to have to know about my life. “The problems started when my grandmother died. She left me some money.” There are raised brows all around. “Okay, a lot of money. Ever since, my family has been on a constant rotation of asking me for money. My brother refuses to get help, so he keeps risking his money, my money, and his life for the possibility of winning big.”