Page 45 of Healing Her Lions

“What? I know you are curious, too,” she says accusingly.

Harmony shrugs and doesn’t argue.

“We all are,” Ava says into her glass.

Bash shakes his head, and Marie peeks over her shoulder but says nothing.

Serenity looks under her lashes towards her mate, remaining silent. I swear she is going to draw blood because she’s biting her lip so hard.

Saylor drinks the rest of her water. “I am perfectly satisfied with my mate,” she shouts. She leans over her arm on the table and whispers, “We all would like to know.”

These women are hilarious. “They are very talented with their hands and mouths.” They let out dreamy sighs.

We all burst out in laughter.

We all turn when Saylor grabs a woman’s wrist that is walking by. “Sally?”

“Hey, girl,” she grins, leaning over to hug her. I recognize the name. The guys said she was a rabbit shifter. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, subtle curves, and the best legs I’ve seen on a woman.

“What are you doing here? You said you were busy,” Saylor frowns.

“I am. I’m chasing a fox.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “I want to pretend to run from him in the woods.”

“What happened to the bear you were dating?” Saylor asks.

“Him?” She waves her hand. “Old news. He found his mate. So I’m on to the next.”

Saylor smiles indulgently. “This is Breeane. I told you about her.”

Sally swings her killer smile my way. “Girl, you are beautiful. Welcome to the crew. You lucked out, those lions…” Her eyes roll back. “So fine. They’ve been waiting for you.” She leans over, clasping my hand. “It will be a fight, but you will win in the end.” She straightens and smiles. “My fox is getting away. Love you.”

We all watch her saunter away. “Sally is a rabbit,” Saylor explains. My wide eyes meet hers. “She sometimes can tell the future.”

The other girls act like that isn’t a big deal. I don’t know if I should be scared or excited by what she said.

“Rabbits can be vicious. I’m glad Sally is on our side,” Harmony says.

“I’d rather have a rabbit around than coyotes.” Serenity shudders.

“Let’s not get started with coyotes,” Penny hisses through her teeth.

“I swear there has to be a good one,” Marie says before eating a piece of chocolate.

“Not likely,” Ave sneers.

“Enough about coyotes.” Penny slaps her palms on the table. “Just how good are they with their mouths?” she whispers.

This is the best night.

But every night can’t be perfect. I thought this would be until we overheard a group of women talking as they walked in front of our table.

“I’ll take the white-haired one,” Lady Number One says. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of him.”

Marie’s cup freezes on the way to her mouth.

“Give me the tall, dark, and sexy. I wonder if he leaves the knives on in bed?” Lady Number Two says.

Serenity narrows her eyes.