Page 122 of Healing Her Lions

Light blinds me and then I am on all fours, except my hands are paws.

Holy shit.

“Good girl, you're beautiful.” I swing my head and he shines with pride. “Take your time, easy.” He runs his hand down my back.

He’s even hotter seeing him through my lion's eyes. I swing around searching for my other mates. Yep, gorgeous.

“Stunning,” Handsome whispers.

“You are badass, woman,” Lucas grins and shifts in an instant, making me insanely jealous.

I’m distracted from that feeling when Handsome and Las join us. They surround me, brushing their bodies over mine, butting my head. They are massive, their heads twice the size of mine. Their coat is more of the traditional lion color, and I wonder if mine is different because I wasn’t a born lion.

“Probably,” the word floats through my mind.

What the fuck? It sounded like Las’s voice.

“It was,” Logan’s words are in my head, but it’s more like a picture of what he is saying.

So bizarre. “You understand me?”

“Yes. You don’t know how to shield your thoughts yet,” Lucas says as they circle me.

“Will you teach me?”

“Of course,” they say at the same time.

I take a few steps, and then a few more, experimenting with my other body. I feel the power in the movement, the freedom in this form. My mates keep pace with me as I get faster and faster. We fly by the trees and jump over fallen trees.

My lion eats up miles that would take hours for my human body to travel. The guys take turns in front of me, and beside me, constantly rotating their positions, watching me carefully, but also with joy.

They give me their emotions freely.




I am bombarded with everything they are feeling in this moment and I relish the knowing. It doesn’t seem overwhelming. I take it all.

We run together for the first time and I know this is how we were meant to be.


A family.

As one we turn to go back. I think of nothing but the placement of my feet. That changes as we come to the house and I see the gathering waiting there.

Crap. I have to figure out how to turn back while everyone is watching. I know that Sass doesn’t want to and it is so easy to agree with her.

“Baby girl.” Las pulls on the sweatpants Elijah hands him. “You have to shift back.”

I look around and sit on my ass.

Logan laughs. “You will have plenty of time to run, but it’s important for the first time you shift, to not stay as your lion too long.”

“She would stay like this forever if you let her. The more times you shift, the easier it will become.” Lucas pulls up his shorts.