Page 111 of Healing Her Lions

My fingers thread through Lucas’s hair, and the other slides over Handsome’s stubble, adding to the pleasure coursing through me. My eyes are heavy as they look at each of them. They are mine. Mine to love. My heart expands.

“This pussy is so hot, baby,” Las says as he looks at where we are joined. “You hold Daddy perfectly.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, baby girl.” He palms my hips. “Come now so your mates can bite you.” That's all it takes. I come for the third time, once with each mate. “Yes,” Las sucks air between his teeth. He strokes twice and then grinds deep. “You are so wet, baby girl.”

“Daddy,” I moan. Las groans and I feel his come joining his brothers’ and mine. Another roll of orgasm rides through at the thought of it.

“Fuck,” Las says. He slows to a stop, looking down. “I want to take a picture of that so when I’m not with you, I can stare at the picture of my cock inside you.” More desire shoots through me at the image. He grins.

“Are you ready, Breeane?” Handsome asks.

I turn my head. “Yes.”

“Do you accept the bond?” Lucas asks.

“Yes,” I say to him.

“Do you want to complete the bond and be with your three mates forever?” Las asks, pulling back.

“Yes,” I answer firmly and with my whole heart.

“We love you,” they say together and then bite.

My back comes off the bed as Logan sinks his teeth where my neck meets my shoulder, Lucas into my hip and Las into my inner thigh. Pleasure and pain mix and I orgasm again.

The bed seems to pulse along with my heart. A breeze circles around us and the air turns electric. Magic flows from my mates to my body. Their eyes shine with the lion inside them. I can’t explain how I know the minute it hits my bloodstream—I just do. I squeeze my eyes closed, every emotion possible consuming me.

“Mine,” I whisper as it takes over my body. “My mates.”

I don’t remember closing my eyes.

All I remember is the pain.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Iput my jeans back on but don’t leave Breeane’s side for longer than the time to slide them up my legs. Lucas is pacing at the end of the bed, and Las is standing with his arms crossed, his eyes glued to Breeane.

She closed her eyes and was quiet. I tucked her under the covers and took up residence beside her, watching her chest rise and fall. Logically, we know this is what is supposed to happen, but it’s still jarring. What if something happens? What if she doesn’t wake up? I realize those are my fears talking.

“She’s going to be fine,” I say out loud to comfort all of us.

“Our girl is a fighter,” Lucas says, stopping to touch her leg.

“She’s brave,” Las rumbles. “She will come back to us.”

Lucas moves again and I watch. He is naturally a high-energy person, but he’s going to drive me nuts. “Why don’t you get some sleep?” I suggest.

“You think I can sleep?” He stops and puts his hands in his pockets.

“Probably not,” I sigh. “Why don’t you go make some food? When Breeane wakes, she will be hungry.”

“She will,” he mumbles. “Her new body is going to need fuel.”

“It will,” I encourage.