Page 106 of Healing Her Lions

“Can I approach the bed?” Lucas asks, glaring at his brother as he stands. Logan waves him over. I try not to drool as I watch his body stalk toward me in nothing but shorts that are hanging low on his hips. He eases on the bed at my feet. “I am so fucking in love with you, Breeane.”

“I love you, Lucas.” I reach out for his hand. “You all give me something different and meaningful.”

“We had hoped if we shared a mate, that we all would have separate relationships with her. We are in this together, but we are different men with different needs.” Lucas squeezes my fingers.

“Do you swear you guys won’t get jealous?” They have told me they wouldn’t before.

“Never,” they say together.

“We don’t think of it in terms as humans would,” Logan says. “We will not keep score on our time together. It pleases me to know my brothers are loved by you, that you want to spend time with them.”

“There will be times, like tonight, that we knew Las was the one better suited to be with you. We were too worked up from what happened. You needed a calm presence. There will be other times that one of us will be the one you need,” Lucas explains.

“I was just fortunate to be the chosen one,” Las says as he walks into the room wearing black sweatpants and a smile. He sits on the bed by Lucas. It feels so good to have all of us together.

“Chosen one?” Lucas snorts, and Las shrugs.

I shake my head. “I do love you,” I breathe. “You have told me some before, but you need to tell me again with all the details,” I start, and they stare at me intensely. “How do I turn into a lion?” Their focus is locked on my face, and they freeze.

Logan is the first to break the silence. “You have decided? No doubts?”

“No doubts,” I say firmly. “I think it will be cool to be a lion shifter, plus I’ll have three hot men in my bed.” I grin cheekily.

Lucas laughs. “We are the lucky fucks that get you in our bed.”

“And in our home,” Handsome adds.

“And in our kitchen,” Las teases but sobers quickly. “We can’t tell you how it will feel to be turned since we were born lions. That is the part that you will have to go through on your own. We will be by your side, but we can’t interfere.”

“When you are ready, all three of us will mark you. Usually, it is during sex. We will choose a place on your body where we want to put our permanent mark. I could be your shoulder, which is a popular place.” Logan glides his fingers on my neck.

“My personal favorite is on the hip,” Lucas says, touching his fingers to the area.

“Or it could be your thigh,” Las whispers, his hand sneaking under my shirt to squeeze the sensitive area of my inner thigh.

They have all been innocent touches but have started a fire within me. “Do you do it all at once?”

“Yes, or one after another,” Logan says. “We can’t wait too long between the bites, or it could start the change, and you have to have all three of our markings for it to be successful.”

“Does it ever fail?” I don’t want to think about it not working.

“Not if it is done correctly and with the blessing of the bond. We know we are mates, and you were meant to be ours,” Las says.

“When all three of us bite you with the intention of bonding with you, the change will start quickly. Your body will change from the inside out,” Handsome explains.

“Unfortunately, after that, it is up to you, and we don’t have a time frame for how long it will take. It could take hours or days.” Las's eyes hold the gravity of the moment. “Once you are changed, we will be able to feel you, your emotions, and your location. We can show you how to shield your emotions; at first, it can be overwhelming. All of your senses will be enhanced.”

“I will wake up and shift?” I ask.

“Sometimes,” Lucas says. “It all depends on what your lion wants. If she pushes you to, it’s best to do it outside. We usually don’t shift inside the house, especially the first few times. You don’t know how you will react the first time.”

We fall silent, and I take in all the information. There is no other choice but to bond with them. My gut and my heart are in agreement. I want to be with them in every way. I believe that it is meant to be.

I look at their faces, watching me patiently and with love. Their world is filled with magic, and I am fascinated with the possibilities. They are my family. Their friends have welcomed me and treated me with respect. Some may think they are monsters. Humans that turn into animals have been spoken of in books and fairy tales, but this will be my life. They are the men I love who have something special.

“I want to do this. I want to complete the bond.” They don’t move or say anything. “Can we do that now?” I raise my eyebrows, suddenly unsure.

“Now?” Logan growls.