“Are they brothers?”
“Yes, Lucas and Las are his brothers’ names.”
“Damn. Only you can leave a man like Kevin and land in the lap of three hot lion shifters.”
“Yeah,” I sigh. “I thought my luck was turning around.”
“They were bound to find out. You didn’t move from across the country, just a state over. Caleb was determined. Anyone can be found if you are not off the grid.”
“Quinn said the same thing.”
“Who’s Quinn?”
“He owns an investigation company. He is a bear shifter.”
“Is he going to help you?”
“Logan demanded that he does,” I chuckle.
“Is Quinn a shifter that follows demands?” she asks curiously.
“Not at all,” I say firmly. He is definitely Daddy material.
“How’s the sex?” She reads my mind.
“I have no words,” I say dreamily.
“Damn, Logan looked like the take-control type,” she says. I say nothing. “Breeane?”
“They all are, to some degree,” I give in. “We fit perfectly so far. I haven’t been with Lucas yet.”
“How can I concentrate on getting to know them when I have a brother that’s in deep shit and won’t leave me alone? Do I tell them?” I don’t know if I can lie to them. What if something happened and I didn’t?
“I vote for being honest.”
“Do you want to be with them?”
“Yes,” I say.
“Forever, Breeane. You know that shifters are different. After the bond is completed and they mark you, there is no going back. The mark will start the change for you,” she stresses.
“I know.”
“You have to be sure. There isn’t divorce for shifters. Once you are a lion, you won’t want to be without them either. You have to really think about it. I’m sure the sex is amazing, but they are still men. Men with flaws. They will do shit that annoys you. If Logan’s brothers have a traumatic past like he does, they all have things to work through. It’s a serious, life-changing decision,” she lectures.
“I appreciate you so much, Steph,” I say. I pull my shirt together again. “I get it, I do. I know you don’t mean anything bad by reminding me. But I get tired of people thinking I don’t know what I want. When I met them, I felt it, too. I felt a pull to be near them, touch them, talk to them. It’s so hard to describe how right it felt. I believe that this is supposed to happen. What are the odds of us moving here and the connection you two share?” I grip the shirt tight. “I’m not saying that I want to be turned tomorrow, but it will happen eventually. I just think I will know in my gut when it’s the right time. They do have a lot of their past to work through.
“I have mine, too. I am certain that my past is barreling down on us and won’t go away so easily. I wish that they didn’t have to deal with it. I should have resolved it before I came. I shouldn’t have run away, hoping it would go away. You’re right. I was naive, believing they couldn’t find me. I didn’t cover my tracks that well, even though it was confirmed by your uncles. I didn’t change my name. Both of our names are on the bakery. I used credit cards driving here.
“What I know is that I don’t want to give up on my mates. I will not move again just to get away from my past. I’m going to stay here. We’ll have to deal with whatever happens,” I finish.
“I believe in you, Breeane. Be honest with yourself and your mates. You can get through anything. I have relied on that strength for a while now. I couldn’t have gotten through the past several months without you.”
“Ste—” I start to deny.