Page 29 of Healing Her Lions

When we pulled in, I focused entirely on Logan and not the cute cottage to the left of a large cabin. It’s stunning. Both are built with dark wood. I want to study their house closer, but Logan guides me to the door of my new home.

He opens the door with a flourish and lets me enter first. I take a step and stop on the threshold.

“Holy crap,” I gasp. When they said cottage, I thought of a tiny one-room stuffy place. This isn’t tiny or stuffy. It is all white inside. The kitchen is directly in front of me. It is small but has an island, stove, and fridge. To the right is a living room with a white leather couch, a recliner in the same fabric, and a large fireplace that is made of white colored brick. Behind the couch is a large open window, and the light blue curtains blow in the breeze.

“We built this with our mom in mind,” Lucas says. “She loves light colors.”

“It’s,” I start. “I have no words.” I walk in further and run my hand over the white swirly tile that covers the island.

“There isn’t that much room for baking,” Logan says. “You are free to use ours, like we said.”

I look past the kitchen, and, and to the left of the door is another door. “That’s the bedroom,” Las tells me. He walks past me, grabbing my hand along the way. He opens the door.

“Wow,” I whisper. It’s not very big, but mainly because the large bed takes up all the room. The fluffiest comforter graces the four-poster bed. There is a flowy white fabric that is woven across the top.

“That’s the bathroom. It has a tub and shower.” Logan waves to the left of the bed.

“I love baths,” I say. “I won’t ever want to leave.”

“That’s the plan, baby girl,” Lucas grins.

“Let’s bring in your things.” Logan cups his hand on Lucas’s shoulder in a show of brotherly affection that I haven’t seen between them yet on the way out the door.

Las laces his fingers with mine as we stare after his two brothers. “We want you to be happy here. Happy with us.” He lifts our joined hands and kisses my wrist. “Sometimes, we seem broken, but we are just slightly bent. We are dedicated to finding our way, hopefully with you beside us.”

His words bring sudden tears to my eyes. “Las,” I rasp.

“Give us the chance to prove our worth to you.”

“You don’t have to prove anything. I see it. We all have our issues and pasts that affect us in one way or another. I want to get to know you, but I feel the pull,” I confess. I feel safe here. In this bedroom, with just Las and me in a little bubble. He already cares for me. I can see it. “I don’t know how to explain why I feel so comfortable with all of you.”

“It’s because we are meant to be. You are the one that was chosen for us.”

“No pressure,” I laugh lightly.

“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that.” He steps close, our threaded hands at our side. He lifts his other hand and cups the side of my neck. “You will make the decision for you when you are ready. We won’t force anything on you. It’s hard for us to back off. Our animal side is pushing to take, to mark you, but we won’t until you want it and are completely ready. If we push, just tell us to fuck off.”

“I will,” I assure him. “I already like you.” I put my hand over his heart. “From what I’ve seen, you are a good man. You keep them in check. You take care of them. I would like to be the woman that takes care of you.”

He drops his forehead to mine. “Fuck, I want that, too.” We both hear the guys coming back in, making as much noise as possible.

I think they want to take care of Las, too. “We should help.”

“I’ll help. You put shit where you want it,” he instructs.

“Fine,” I say like I am bothered by it. “I’ll follow orders this time.”

He kisses me briefly but hard. “I bet we can get you to follow orders at other times, too.” He smirks, turns, and walks out the door.

I hit the bed with my ass. I bet they can, too.

“You bought a shit ton of meat,” I say dryly.

They are standing at the island as I stare into the fridge. We put everything away. I took joy in emptying all my suitcases into the closet and the dresser. I was doing that while the guys were putting all the food away that I wasn’t aware they bought me.

“You don’t like meat?” Lucas asks his hand to his heart. “You ate a burger.”

“I do, but this is a lot.” I shake my head, smiling. “Let me cook you supper.”