Our mates are not looking forward to it.
Ryker and Serenity have been staying close to home with the doctor on alert. Ryker is biting everyone's head off that calls or comes by. I expect there to be a baby in the world soon.
Caleb is in treatment. I get choked up thinking about him. He wrote me a letter talking about his progress and hopes for the future. The guys have doubts about my ability to forgive him, and it will take time to trust him again. I hope he does the work he needs to. His health and well-being have always been what I wanted. Eventually, maybe we can have a relationship like we used to.
“Baby,” Lucas says as his arms wrap around me. “What are you thinking about?”
“Everything that’s happened.” I slide my hand over his arm.
“You’ve done amazing.” He nuzzles my neck.
The heat has hit me in full force, but my mates have generously eased it every time.
“Lucas,” Handsome says as he comes out. “Are you avoiding the dishes?”
“Yes,” he replies and I laugh.
“Dinner was delicious,” Logan says, running his knuckles over my cheek.
“Thank you.” I have been enjoying getting to cook for them. Like I said before, it makes all the difference when those you cook for appreciate it.
“What the fuck?” Las growls from the doorway. “You both are assholes.”
“You are just pissed you didn’t escape first,” Lucas says.
I giggle. They made it a rule they would do the cleanup if I was going to cook. It hasn’t been without problems.
“I vote for buying a dishwasher,” Logan suggests and I roll my eyes. They may be hot shifter men, but they are still men.
“I second that,” Las mumbles.
“It’s settled then,” Lucas decides. “Let’s go tomorrow. Leave the dishes for tonight.
I sigh and lean heavily on Lucas. Las steps out.
“Baby girl?” Las calls.
“Hmm…” I give him my attention.
“We have something we want to discuss.”
I frown at his serious tone. “What’s wrong?” I thought we were past all the serious crap happening.
Handsome steps beside Las. “We have something to say.”
I startle as Lucas lets me go and joins his brothers. My heart jumps. “We have been thinking about this since before we bonded.”
“What’s going on?” I look between them.
“We love you,” Lucas says.
“I love you, too.” I rub my arms, their seriousness putting me on guard.
“I was broken,” Logan starts. “I finally had my brothers but I wouldn’t let them get close, too wrapped in my own misery. Then I heard this husky, sexy voice over the phone and I was curious. I didn’t know by walking into a potential job to see a woman that for some reason, I wanted to meet, that my life would change forever.” I start to cry. “You are everything that is beauty and kindness. I had no hope until you. I am grateful the universe picked you for us. Even though they did, I would have picked you. Thank you for putting me back together.”
“Handsome,” I whimper, and reach for his hand.
“I love you,” he whispers, bringing our joined hands to his mouth.