Page 97 of Rugged and Filthy

I was shocked the door was easy to open, the asshole not bothering to lock it. He either had huge balls or believed that we’d died out in the ocean waters. Whatever the case, he was in for a very rude awakening.

We were in the living room within two seconds, Jack coming in through the back door only a moment later. Holding the weapon in both hands, I headed toward the single sound coming from down the short hallway.

It was easy to find Declan and he wasn’t paying a bit of attention, merely tossing clothes into a bag. All three of us were inside before he stiffened, swinging around with a weapon in his hands.

And he couldn’t be more shocked at who was standing in front of him.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I said, proud of myself I didn’t simply fire off a shot like I wanted to.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Declan growled as if we were the criminals.

“Coming for you. We need answers. How deep are you in with Madden?” Jack asked, moving closer to the man.

Declan shook his head, glancing over our shoulders as if he was going to be able to make it to the door.

“You’re a dumb motherfucker if you think you’re getting away,” Hudson added, his voice strained.

“You don’t understand,” Declan protested, as if either one of us gave a shit.

“Let me think. What don’t we understand? That you lied to both Rylee and her father? That you gained their trust then betrayed the man who hired you by lying about the oil production? That you were spying for Madden, working for the man to sabotage Sean’s entire world? And for what? Is this about drugs or just money? Who are you? Cause we drilled down on your background and from what I can tell, Declan Brady doesn’t exist, at least not any longer.”

Declan’s eyes opened wide, but he remained silent.

“Talk!” Jack huffed.

“I was trying to buy some time,” Declan insisted.

Hudson laughed. “So you admit you sabotaged the equipment.”

“No, that wasn’t me. Altering the production reports was a necessity. How do you know about me?” Declan’s voice held frustration as well as deep concern.

“Well, I have a good buddy who can find out all sorts of information. I called in a favor,” Hudson said almost gleefully. “It would seem that you assumed the identity of a dead man, or at least one that doesn’t exist.”

“Now, as you might imagine, that put a lot of red flags into the air.” I took a deep breath, pointing the barrel of the weapon directly at the center of his forehead.

“You don’t want to shoot me,” he said.

“Yeah, actually, I do. Oh, and if you’re wondering, I was considered the best sharpshooter in my unit in the Marines. I could shoot a peanut off a can at two hundred yards.” So I was embellishing a little. So what? “That means I won’t miss. Before you can pull that trigger, you’ll have a hole in your brain. Got it? Now, talk.”

“You don’t understand,” he repeated.

Hudson swaggered closer. “So why don’t you paint a picture for us.”

Declan shook his head, exhaling as if we were nothing but an annoyance. When he reached behind him, I took a step closer.

“Stop right there,” I barked.

“What I’m going to show you will answer some questions.”

I took a deep breath, debating whether I wanted to do that. But I nodded. Answers are what we’d come for.

When he pulled out something, extending his arm, Jack was the one who snatched it from him.

As I peered down at the information, it wasn’t anything like what I’d expected.

“What the fuck?” I growled.

“I’ve been working in conjunction with the Irish Garda undercover for the CIA for over two years.”