Or so the rumor mill stated.
I had a connection to one of the dark web sites, something my buddy back in Washington State had hooked me up with. That had allowed me to gather some information. However, proving it would be difficult at best. The authorities, including the CIA, were having issues with determining the purchaser of the various oil rigs. From what I could tell, a virtual explosion was set to occur any time.
And Sean O’Rourke had unknowingly placed himself directly in the middle.
“Please tell me you found something,” Foxx stated as he walked in behind Jack and Rylee.
“Enough to realize we have a situation on our hands.” I glanced at Rylee. “Were you aware there was an influx of cash into the business about five months ago? It appears to the tune of almost five hundred thousand. That was the same time production levels started to drop on paper at least.”
“Yes,” she said far too quietly but with utter confidence.
“What are you hiding?” Jack pressed.
She moved against the wall, closing her eyes. “I’m not hiding anything. I’m simply trying to ingest what I was told without falling apart. I confronted my father after I asked my sister to take him and my son to her place for additional safety.”
“Because of Madden,” Foxx murmured.
“Yes.” Her voice was unsteady. “I know how dangerous he is and my behavior likely antagonized him. Anyway, Daddy was angry that I’d approached Madden then tore up the contract. From what he said, Madden called him. After pushing my father, he finally told me he’d managed to get another loan. How? I have no clue. I talked to the bank. They had no interest in providing one.”
“Interesting since it appeared your father’s production company was doing even worse. Do you have any idea how that occurred?” I asked but could tell Foxx was already formulating an idea.
She shook her head. “He mentioned collateral. It’s likely using the combination of his house and mine. They haven’t been appraised but I would assume they’re worth somewhere in that neighborhood.”
“Jesus,” Jack huffed. “Risky.”
“Maybe your father went to Madden for the loan.” Foxx’s statement was a good one.
Rylee rubbed her arms and lifted her head. “Madden does own half the businesses in Ireland, it would seem. That makes sense. When he couldn’t pay what had to be the exorbitant interest let alone the principal, maybe Madden threatened him.”
“Or is being generous at offering thirty million.” Foxx laughed, but there was no doubt his mind was still spinning just like mine.
What he’d suggested made the most sense of anything I’d read or had thought about. Given the down market everywhere, banks were no longer interested in using that kind of collateral. I sat back, rubbing my jaw.
“What is it?” Foxx grilled, his stare harsh.
“What if what collateral your father used isn’t the issue. The question is, was he the one that had a hand in devaluing his own operation? Making it appear less palatable for any buyer. I doubt he’d do that. Not after the influx of cash.”
“Yeah, it should be just the opposite,” Foxx continued. “He’d want the rig to appear as profitable and worthwhile as possible.”
“Then that could mean Declan was involved, maybe working with another party,” Jack offered.
“Unless Declan was working directly with Madden, as it appears he was,” Rylee countered, taking a deep breath and placing her hand over her heart. “Think about it. If Declan could make Daddy think the rig was worthless anyway, he certainly wouldn’t have any qualms about selling it to a man like Madden.”
She was in significant distress. Hell, at this point, we all should be. We’d been asked to walk into a fucking war zone of sorts. “Which does make more sense. That way Madden could swoop in, lowballing the sale and grabbing what he wanted, knowing damn good and well there was an excellent oil field out there in the waters. You’d know that best, Foxx. Did you sniff it out?”
“There is oil out there. I would bet on it,” he said, slightly grinning. “But for all we know, this could be about a hub for drug lords. However, just to be clear, I’d suggest we grab a geological report, which I can work on in the morning.”
“Unless Madden owns the people taking the samples.” She glanced from one to the other of us. “He is a powerful man in Ireland, England. Hell, his wealth and family stretch to Spain and beyond.”
“Why would Declan sell out your father other than for money? There are no large cash deposits in the man’s accounts.”
Rylee seemed shocked at my statement. “How would you know that?”
I grinned and Foxx laughed, ready to answer the question.
“Hudson is not only an incredible hockey player and the cameras and women love him, but he’s becoming an expert hacker.” Foxx grinned like a kid.
Rylee shook her head. “There’s a lot more to you boys than I realized. Isn’t there?”