“I’m not trying to,” I told her. I’d met her outside Pops’ house by her vehicle, still trying to determine what I could tell my dad to convince him to go with Erin, staying until I returned. The night of passion continued to weigh heavily on my mind, but not nearly as much as the concern Foxx had expressed, the determined look he’d had on his face when he’d walked out the door only a few hours earlier.
But not before telling me in no uncertain terms what we’d shared wasn’t over by a long shot.
After I’d basically shut him down, he’d refused to leave, lying right next to me on the bed until the wee hours of the morning. All I’d wanted to do was to curl up in his arms. Some big, bad girl I was. The fear was starting to become crippling.
“What is going on? Be straight with me.” Erin was determined to find out. How could I keep all the ugly thoughts from her, the horrified concerns that continued to build?
I kicked my shoe into the dirt pooled on the cracked driveway. “Let’s just say I was doing some investigation, and learned Dad did talk to someone about selling the rig. Uncle Danny was also aware of it.”
“Really? Who is it?” When I didn’t say anything at first, she huffed. “Talk to me. I’m part of this too.”
She had a good point.
“It’s some mafia guy. He’s pretty powerful and very influential. I just happened to go and see him. Maybe I threatened the man as well.” I cringed after making the admittance.
Erin’s jaw dropped. “Oh, God. You did not.”
“Yeah, I did. I know it wasn’t the best thing to do but I couldn’t help myself. It would seem Pops had all but agreed and I tore up the contract. Madden Byrne is a horrible manipulator. That was evident when I met with him.”
“Madden Byrne?”
“You know him.”
“I’ve certainly heard of him. He’s even on the board of the hospital where I work,” Erin admitted.
“Then he needs to be shut down. I’m glad I tore up the contract.” Maybe I was but if I had to guess, Madden had used the knowledge of my sister’s struggles keeping enough hours to live against my father as well, likely helping to influence his decision.
“Shit. Why would Daddy even consider selling to the man?”
“Because Mr. Byrne offered a significant amount of money.” I glanced around me, grateful Aiden would be in his pre-kindergarten class for another few hours, even though I wouldn’t get to see him before I left. And if my sister did what I asked, I wouldn’t get to see him when I left for the first rig for the night like I’d hoped. Maybe it was for the best, but I couldn’t stand it. My heart ached, the worry already tearing me up inside.
“How much?”
“Thirty million dollars.”
Erin pressed her fingers across her mouth. “Oh, my God. You should take it. That’s… life changing.”
“No, it’s blood money.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Think about how that money would do us some good.”
Us. Nasty words were on the tip of my tongue, but I was just lashing out.
“That can’t happen now. I tore up the contract and tossed it in his face. Then I fired Declan because he had a meeting with the mafia asshole. He took a payoff from the man.”
“Wow. You really think you know what’s best for all of us, don’t you? What the fuck are you doing, Rylee? You have a little boy to take care of. You’re not some superwoman, for fuck’s sake. Maybe you don’t understand how dangerous Madden is, but let me tell you that you’ve placed our lives in jeopardy and you’re not thinking with your head on straight. This rig isn’t your life. How many times do I need to tell you that?”
I couldn’t help but think about how Aiden had called Foxx Superman. Maybe he and the other two men could protect me, but what about my family? What had I done? “Yeah, I get how dangerous Madden is. However, we can’t fall prey to the man like just about everyone else in this town. I did what I felt was necessary. Selling might happen but not to a monster. Now, will you please just do me a favor and take Aiden and Daddy to your place to stay after my baby gets home from school?”
“So, you’re playing the martyr card.”
Her accusations were heartfelt and damning. “Not trying to.”
“Don’t you think Madden and the thugs he had on his staff can find me where I live? He could do almost anything at the hospital and make it look like an accident since he has full access to everything inside the facility. Did you stop and think of that?”
“You live in a townhouse in the heart of town. You have lots of neighbors around you. He’ll think twice about trying to get to you in a crowded facility. And I doubt any jerk is going to enter a hospital to kill you.” Just saying the words brought a chill skating down my spine.
“You really have no clue what the man and his family are capable of. This is crazy, sister of mine. I don’t like what is happening or your decision at all. And Declan? Daddy trusted him. There was a reason he did.”