Page 49 of Rugged and Filthy

“Yes, sir? What would you like?” she asked, more timidly than I would sound. That was for certain.

“Lobster and wagyu filet, blood rare. Make certain the chef does his job.” He didn’t bother asking me what I wanted, ordering as if I was his wife, girlfriend, or perhaps his submissive. There was nothing I hated more than a man ordering for me.

Yet I bit my tongue, sitting back in my chair and enjoying the wine. I had no idea why a strange set of sensations rushed through me, a prickling of my skin, but I was compelled to glance into the dining room, scanning the other customers. It took just about everything I had not to react when I noticed the three fucking musketeers hovering around a table watching me.

What in God’s name were they doing here? Following me? I was as incensed as I could be, but the last thing I wanted to do was acknowledge their presence.

“I am certainly capable of ordering my own food and besides. I never said I was staying.” I purposely returned my attention to the man, although seeing the three musketeers gave me a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wasn’t just because they’d had the nerve to follow me. Something was off. I felt it.

“Of course you are. As I can imagine, you feel the need to learn everything about me you can. I respect that.”

His smile was lecherous. Disgusting. I kept the smile, doing my best not to vomit a little inside my mouth. Instead, I took a sip of wine, trying to buy myself some time. “I’ve looked into who you are.”

“Have you now? And what did you find?”

“That you’re a very bad man, reprehensible in fact.”

I hadn’t managed to provoke a shred of emotion from the man. “Interesting. Meanwhile, your father spoke very highly of you and the slack you picked up over the years. Admirable. However, it’s time that you, your father, and your entire family are allowed to move into a much richer life and lifestyle. I can help you with that, become your great savior.”

I was about to vomit all over his expensive suit, not just inside my mouth.

“If my father mentioned anything to the likes of you about me, then you know I can take care of myself and my fabulous family. Get on with what you want.”

It was funny how his smile started to fade, the icy cold glare in his eyes prickling my skin.

“Very well, although most would not be so keen to turn away such riches.”

Everything about the man grated on my nerves, including his way too pronounced and repulsive aftershave. It was as if he’d bathed in the expensive stuff to try to impress me. It wasn’t working. However, he was obviously as interested in sharing time and space with me, his nostrils flaring as he sipped his wine. I could swear that man was preparing to devour me as an appetizer.

I was thoroughly disgusted but wasn’t leaving until he provided me with what I’d come here for.


“Riches. There’s something to be said about having a lifestyle rich in family and friends, which I’m lucky to have. I wonder, Madden. Do you? I’ve heard you and your father haven’t been on the best of terms. Something about a hostile takeover?” I was doing nothing more than fishing.

Where he’d been amused before, he wasn’t now. His eyes flashed a raw moment of anger before he settled himself down. “My father and I have always had a tumultuous relationship, as I’m certain you can understand. While he’s dying of coronary issues given his love of fried foods and fast women, your father is succumbing to the very illness you refuse to acknowledge will kill him soon.”

It was as if he was looking for shock and awe. He didn’t know very much about me or how tough I’d become. I was the one leaning over the table this time, planting the sexiest smile on my face possible. “My father is much stronger than you think. So am I. The wining and dining might work on some women, but I prefer pigs in a blanket.” It was an expression used by Americans for nasty hot dogs wrapped in bread of some kind. For reasons I wasn’t certain about, I was paying homage to the three men I’d wanted to rip into shreds earlier in the day.

I’d been surprised at my behavior around them, especially the fact I’d expressed such emotion around the other men. However, Foxx’s attitude and sexy demeanor, acting as if he was going to rush in and save the day had pissed me off royally. Then there was the fact all three men had acted possessive.

Not that Declan’s behavior had been any better. I hadn’t seen him so obsessed over me in all the times he’d insisted we go out. My spidey sense was still working overtime. Something odd was going on and I was determined to find out what that was.

“Very well, Mrs. Donnelly. Have it your way. I’m certain your husband, before you believe he killed himself of course, fully enjoyed your spunky attitude in bed. Did he not?”

I said nothing at first, staring at him.

He grinned as if he’d won the round. “Imagine the possibility he didn’t kill himself after all. Maybe he pissed off a very. Dangerous. Man.”



Had the bastard just admitting to murdering my husband? Not a chance.


The icy chill was digging into me, making it almost impossible to think clearly.