Page 42 of Rugged and Filthy

“At the local tavern. Right?”

Her laugh was almost infectious. We’d both knew about his usual nips of whiskey, if he truly believed he’d been fooling us. “How did you know?”

“I’m a mind reader. Is Aiden in bed?”

“He is. He didn’t fight me at all. But he missed being with Xena. I am curious. Why did you take her?”

“Because she can spot a jerk a mile away and I needed that.” I headed into the living room, plopping down on the couch.

“Confess. What is going on with you? I can tell your nasty attitude is about someone in particular.” She eased down on the opposite end, curling her legs under her.

I took a sip of wine, hating the fact I had to purchase rotgut shit all the time. “It’s nothing, other than Daddy brought in a crew from the US and asked a couple of them to check our rig. That’s because he wants to sell but doesn’t want to tell me. Don’t you dare say a word until I know what we’re dealing with.”


“Yeah, ouch.”

“Why do I have a feeling there’s more to it than even that?”

I raked my hand through my hair, wanting to rip it out strand by strand. “Isn’t that enough?”

“Don’t do that. Not with me. I can tell something happened so you might as well confess your sins, little girl.”

Dropping my head, I couldn’t keep a spiteful groan from erupting. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I could never hide anything from Erin. “Fine, but this stays between us as well. What if I told you, in the rhetorical sense of course, like a fantasy, that I met three really hot men from America and maybe shared a drink with them. Then what would you think, I mean if this really happened, that I happened to allow myself to become an itsy bitsy amorous with them only to find out today that they are to be a part of my crew.” I bit my lip, wincing after admitting my horrific behavior.

When she didn’t say anything, I lifted my head. The twinkle in her eyes was positively evil.

“Don’t you dare say it.” I pointed my finger at her.

“Oh, I’ll say it, rhetorically of course. Or maybe I should say biblically. I’d say… You go, girl. Wonk. Wonk. Wonk.” It would seem the two of us had watched Pretty Woman way too many times. “Friends with benefits? On ship romance. Oh, you are one bad girl.”

“First of all, it’s not funny. Second, it’s not a ship but an oil rig. You know, with tiny little quarters. Lastly, I hate them. Period. They are Neanderthals.”

“Which is why you slept with them.”

“You’re going to continue throwing this in my face for a very long time. Aren’t you?”

“Three men at once? You? Hell, yes. It’s my right as a sister.” She laughed.

I cringed but found my pussy throbbing once again as it had been the entire time I’d been standing there staring at the three hotties. I took a gulp of wine, now wishing I’d brought the bottle in with me. “Now, I’ll be forced to spend at least a night on a nearly empty rig with the three of them. Nothing but testosterone and salt water. What am I going to do?”

“That’s simple. Fuck them. Again.”

After acting as if I was going to scratch her eyes out, I jerked off the couch, heading down the hall to where Aiden was hopefully sleeping. When I peered in, Xena lifted her head. She adored sleeping with my little boy more than she did with me. I pressed my finger across my lips before closing the door. I’d open it later but the last thing I wanted was for Aiden to overhear me saying anything about any other man.

Let alone three.

When I returned to the living room, she had a shit-eating grin on her face. “So, why don’t you tell me just how hot they really are? As in smokin’ hot or just run of the mill charcoal hot?”

Her analogies always managed to crack me up. This time was no exception. I choked on my wine, spitting out a good amount on my tee shirt. Thank God it was a darker color. Just thinking about what I was wearing reminded me that Foxx had been staring at my titties from almost minute one.



Sexy man.

Then there’d been Jack, who’d undressed me with his sultry eyes not once but three times. And finally, the golden celebrity boy Hudson, who used to have a wild and tumultuous hockey career. I’d looked all of the men up and seen his antics from years ago, women hanging all over him. He couldn’t fool me with his angelic face and puppy dog eyes. Nope. Not one bit.