Page 40 of Rugged and Filthy

“It’s possible this is going to be the last project for O’Rourke Corporation as well. I have an aging rig, a group of unruly men, many of them in need of retiring, and I have a daughter determined to carry on my legacy at the expense of living her life. She’s been through some serious shit in the past three years, including tending to my care.”

“Your care?” I went back to what my father had said. This wasn’t just about his heart attack.

He half laughed. “I can tell you’re no fool, Foxx. You’re the spitting image of your father in every way. I’m dying. I have maybe three months to live if that. Now, my two beautiful daughters don’t want to believe it and they’d give anything to make my life better, Rylee especially. She’s given up so much, enduring so much tragedy. I just want more for her. Some things I just can’t talk to her about, at least not at this point in time. Sometimes, a man needs to do what he needs to do in take care of his family.” The faraway, haunted look in his eyes made me take pause.

What other tragedy? Wait a minute. She wasn’t wearing a wedding band even now. I was certain of it. “I can totally understand that. What else do you need from me?”

“Work with her. You and your men. I mean really work. Care. Show the guys under my employ what hard work is like. I guess as a longshot, I’m hoping you can smell out oil near my rig if this goes well, but that’s for another conversation. I agreed to helping a friend here in Ireland and I intend on maintaining our integrity and reputation. But before that gig starts, I need the truth about our rig, our group, and whether or not I should sell. I have an offer I don’t really want to take, but I will if necessary. And that is being told to you in confidence. Rylee is not to know I’m considering any offer made. Meanwhile, I’ll tell Rylee I want you to check our rig first. She won’t like it, but she’ll get over it.”

Keeping secrets from his own daughter. And I had to be a damn part of it. It was obvious he didn’t know how close I’d gotten to her. What the hell was I saying? She’d fry my balls in oil if she could. “Understood.”

“Good. I just need a decent second opinion from someone I can trust. I think you’re that person. You’ve got a few days before the other project is set to begin. Our rig is closer. I’d like you and your top couple of men to check out the rig before the contract gig. I have a maintenance crew heading out there today to handle some repairs.”

“I heard you had some issues with sabotage.”

His exhaled was ragged. “Yeah. It makes me nervous since the equipment is old.”

He was right to be concerned. There’d been dozens of horrific accidents on rigs over the last few decades. I had no clue about the Irish safety standards, but I had a feeling I’d need to learn.

What concerned me just as much was that he was putting a lot of weight on my shoulders. I took a deep breath, turning to glance out the foggy window. “We can do that. I’ll do my best helping both of you get on your feet, sir.”

“I really appreciate that, son. That’s what I wanted to hear. Now, it’s obvious something is going on with you and my daughter, but you can’t allow that to interfere. I will not have her hurt. She might seem crusty on the outside, but she has her reasons. She’s fragile, a very special girl with a heart of gold given a bad hand and then some. Don’t hurt her, Foxx. If you do, well…” He shook his head. “Just don’t hurt my daughter.”

“I have no intention of doing that. Can I ask you a question?”


“What happened to Rylee’s husband?”

Just by the way he looked at me, I could tell I was right. Whatever tragedy she’d endured was the reason she was pushing as hard as she was to be accepted.

And to appear as a badass.

“You’ll need to ask her, son, but I will warn you. Rylee doesn’t like to talk about it. I suggest you leave that subject alone.”

“But is she married? I need to know, sir.” Why was I asking, pushing him? Because I really did need to know. For whatever it was worth, and I highly doubted she’d allow me to touch her ever again.

“Not any longer.”




Mac and cheese.

Ice cream.


That was the extent of what I allowed myself to purchase from the grocery store. And why? Because I was more rattled than I wanted to admit even to myself. However, by the time I made it back to the house, it was already dark, past Aiden’s bedtime. I’d been driving around for a few hours, only remembering to stop at the store because I wanted a drink. Maybe I should say I needed a drink instead.

“You liked him. All of them. Didn’t you?” I asked Xena, still angry he’d acted like my pup belonged to him. The nerve of the man. And Hudson and Jack had acted just as smug, looking at me as if I was food on a silver platter. I hadn’t wanted to beat three men with my bare hands so badly in my entire life. Foxx was just lucky I refused to make a fool of myself.


“But why?”