For some reason, I went to finger my weddings rings, remembering I’d taken them off the night when I’d met… the three American rogues. I still felt naked without them.
As I drove, I thought about how I was going to approach the meeting. I hadn’t even asked my father what friend he’d called on for men to help. He knew almost everyone in the business. My father was well respected and known for his generosity, which had allowed him to garner a dozen good friends that would help him when asked. It was rare for my father to ask anyone for a favor. It was the old Irish pride in the entire family, something my father had noted a long time ago I’d inherited.
But for a woman, that made her a bitch. I grinned as I turned down the road leading to the construction site. I wore the title like a badge of honor, much to my father’s chagrin sometimes. Still, it helped when dealing with burly men with surly attitudes.
Which was also a standard for the industry.
As I pulled into the lot, I found myself fighting to keep from hyperventilating. It was silly of me to be nervous, but it had taken me two months of hard work to convince the boys on my father’s rig that I was not just a pretty little object. If my father had contacted his Scottish friend, those riggers ate their young for breakfast. I had no doubt about the way I’d be treated. And with no support, no one looking after my back while out to sea, it could be a long and arduous nightmare of a project.
I could see a clamoring of men standing outside the office and I parked a good distance away so I was able to take the time to get my shit together while I headed toward the group. As soon as I climbed out, I noticed my uncle heading in my direction, a huge smile on his face. I let Xena out and she raced toward him, her tail wagging.
“Little Miss Xena. How are you?” Uncle Danny said as he grinned, pulling a ball from his jacket and tossing it.
Xena raced off happily, eager to please and play.
“You spoil her,” I told him.
“Why shouldn’t I? Hiya, niece of mine,” he said right before he jerked me into a giant hug. “I’d rather spoil you and your sister.”
“You do.”
“Bullshit,” he said, laughing afterward.
“Uncle Danny. Have you talked to Daddy yet?”
“Yah, he told me what he had planned.” He squeezed me tightly, holding on for a few extra seconds before pulling away. “I’m not sure he’s doing the right thing.”
“Yeah, well, Daddy has a mind of his own. He’s determined to try and force me into finding another life.”
He laughed. “Your father loves you and Erin. You’re the apples of his eye.”
“I know, but I just don’t know what to make of all this.”
“Have you talked to the bank?”
I shook my head. “Yes, and just as I’d suspected, it didn’t do anything. The asshole practically laughed at me. The rig isn’t worth what it used to be.” I could tell he had something on his mind. “What is it?”
“Look, I tried talking to your dad, but you know how he is. He was made an offer on the rig, a damn good one, but he refused to talk to the guy.”
“Who is this person?”
“He’s a powerful man in Ireland and other countries. From what I understand, he’s trying to get into the oil business. He’s paying top dollar too, which is nice.”
“For Pops’ rig?”
Uncle Danny shrugged. “I guess he wants it badly.”
That didn’t make any sense to me, like someone paying top dollar for fool’s gold. However, beggars certainly couldn’t be choosers.
“Why don’t you give me this guy’s name.”
He looked sheepish, which wasn’t like my big, burly uncle at all. He was considered a bruiser, a man most likely to get into a barroom fight. He rubbed the scruff on his face and sighed. “I’ll think about it. Your dad is determined to fight this his way. I don’t think he wants you to know.”
“I realize that, and I can’t deny having an opportunity is a good thing. I just don’t know to make of it. Let me talk to this guy. Maybe the deal can be sweetened if this project goes well. What can it hurt?”
It took him a few seconds, studying my eyes and taking a deep breath before he nodded. “Alright. I’ll email you the name. Let me know how this goes today. Not sure about bringing in hired help.”
“I will and neither am I. Thanks for always being here, Uncle Danny. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”