Page 105 of Rugged and Filthy

“What?” She was shocked, placing her fingers across her lips.

“Yep. All ours. It’s big enough for the five of us and Xena, with room for another dog or two and maybe a passel of kids.”

I think all three of us were shocked when she didn’t respond right away.

Fuck. Had we made a huge mistake?

When she raced toward me, flinging her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist, I was knocked back by several inches. The three of us laughed.

“I take it you like it,” I said under my breath as she squeezed.

“Are you kidding me?” She pulled away, her eyes darting back and forth across mine. “I love everything about this gorgeous house so far. You did this. Your idea. I know it. I feel it.”

“Guilty as charged.”

I wasn’t certain what to expect but when she crushed her mouth over mine, I felt that beautiful moment when the last inkling of sadness from my past faded away. There was nothing more precious than friends and family, a home where we could relax and enjoy just being together.

I couldn’t help myself, pressing my tongue inside her pert little mouth, enjoying the taste of the cinnamon candy she’d consumed just seconds before her spanking.

This was indeed perfect in every way.

When she finally lowered her legs, she smiled in a way that would light up the world with her joy. Squealing once again, she flew into Jack’s arms, kissing him just as passionately. But when she moved to Foxx, she frowned, sticking out her tongue, backing away before he could grab her.

There was something so special about her playfulness, her ability to let go of the treachery we’d all been through extraordinary.

I unlocked the door, throwing it open and beckoning her inside.

She took her time walking in, which prompted me to look at the other two. We waited in the entrance to the living room as she sauntered in, remaining quiet. But as she flew from one room to another, her sandal-covered feet making no sound as she flitted down one hallway then another, I finally managed to take a deep breath.

We were home.


And no one was going to tear us apart.

So help me God.

Seconds later, I head another car coming up the driveway, realizing I’d left the door open. The timing was perfect and seconds later, Xena bounded in, immediately starting to bark.

“I take it you approve, fluff bucket,” I said, the nickname I’d taken to calling her always making me smile and the pup bark.

Today was no exception.

Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof.

Now it was official. This was our new home.

I heard little feet seconds later and turned to face the door. As Aiden bounded in, he scrunched up his face, glancing up from one to the other of us.

Erin rushed into the door seconds later, the lovely Irish rose insisting she move with us to the States. She already had secured a nursing job and I’d help her find a little cottage not far from where we were living.

The smile on her face was huge, the surprise in her eyes just like her sister’s.

Rylee appeared after hearing the commotion, her eyes bright, twinkling in the waning sun.

“This is incredible,” Erin said. “I can’t believe this.”

“It’s perfect,” Rylee agreed.