“Do you like or dislike the woods and hiking?” he questions, making me smile and laugh a bit at the so not serious question. “Well?”

“A day hike through the woods or on a trail—yes. An overnight or couple of days camping trip—still a yes. Being forced to live in the woods for weeks on end with no food, water or shelter—never again,” I tell him, sinking into his hold as he pulls me tighter still to him.

“They made you stay out in the woods for weeks?” he fumes his forehead resting against mine and I nod once more. “How often?”

“Two to three times a year since we got there,” I admit, letting out a gasp when he picks me up, moving us into the house and sets me on a barstool at a kitchen island that’s gorgeous.

“Your sexy ass isn’t allowed out of this house without me overnight period. The only time you’ll ever be out in the woods is if we’re doing an overnight trip together up to one of the peaks. Got it?” he questions, and I nod, smiling as he holds my head, his gaze holding mine as well. “Good. You keep that ass right there. I’m going to grab the bags and be right back.”

“Can I at least use the bathroom?” I tease and he gives me a long look before he nods, holding out his hand as he steps away, and I take it.

“Bathroom is right here.” He shows me into a half-bath that’s the same colors as the granite in the kitchen, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the house. He gives me a little kiss at the door, rubbing my chin as I flush at the look in his eyes. “I’ll be right back. I’ll make us something to eat, and then we’re going to bed. I’ll give you a full tour of the house tomorrow.”

“Are you the early to bed early to rise sort?” I ask. It was barely ten o’clock. Maybe a little late for supper but not so late that I’m just dying to go to sleep.

“I said we’re going to bed, baby. I didn’t say anything about sleeping. You have until we’re done eating to tell me if you want to take this slower, because if you come into my bedroom, there’s no going back, Emery. You’ll be mine entirely and I’m going to own every last part of you,” he warns, and damn if my underwear isn’t soaked again.

“Do we have to eat?” I ask, smiling as he breathes in long and hard.

“When’s the last time they fed you?” he returns, and I have to admit it was last night. “Food first, then bed.”

“Okay,” I whisper, lifting up to press a kiss to his lips, before shutting the door pulling a growl from him that just makes me want him more.

Chapter 5


I drop off the last bag in the bedroom before heading back downstairs to get to Emery. I have some soup warming on the stove, not wanting anything that takes too long tonight. I do want her belly to be nice and full before I bring her into my bed—our bed now. There’s no way I’m letting her out of my sight, let alone letting her go. Fuck no, she’s mine, and tonight, I’ll show her everything I’ve ever picked up from websites I know she’s never visited.

Can’t say I’m into the hardcore shit I’ve seen on some sites. It never got me extra hard or extra excited when I saw some of those videos but hearing the words yes sir from her mouth…had my cock leaking like a fucking faucet earlier. I can’t wait to be buried ten inches deep inside her.

My heart almost stops when I don’t find Emery on the stool where I left her when I reach the kitchen, but it quickens when I see her stirring the soup as it bubbles gently. “I’ve got it, baby,” I tell her, sliding my arms around her as I slip in behind her at the stove.

“Pretty sure I can handle stirring a pot of soup,” she says, looking over her shoulder at me, her eyes twinkling, and it has my cock pulsing, wanting out, wanting inside her now.

“I know, but tonight I’m taking care of it,” I state, holding onto her until I’m about to say fuck it. Only the memory of her stomach growling earlier stops me. All she had was a little snack to calm it. That’s not going to hold her for long—especially not once I’ve got her under me.

I drop a kiss onto the top of her head, then pick her up and settle her back onto the stool. Her smiling lips are too much of a temptation and I drop a quick kiss onto them, needing her taste to tide me over until I can drink from her heavenly pussy.

“Do you want a grilled cheese to go along with the soup or I have some crackers,” I offer.

“Crackers are fine,” she says, and I can’t stop my brow from lifting a bit. If apples, peanut butter, and bananas were some of her favorite snacks, I know grilled cheese were her favorite side with soup.

“It won’t take any time to make them, don’t think you’re putting me out, Emery,” I assure her, letting my knuckle stroke her cheek, unable to stop from touching her.

“It’s not that,” she states and my brow lifts higher. “We didn’t have a lot of store-bought stuff on the homestead,” she adds making my chin lift a bit. “They gave us some generic sandwiches last night to eat and my stomach was pretty upset from them. I don’t know if it was the bread, the cheese, or the meat on them, but I’m thinking it might better to ease back into some foods. The cheese earlier seems to not be an issue, but I’d rather not sit up all night with a stomachache again.”

My jaw tightens thinking of my girl in pain—any sort of pain, and I nod, brushing a kiss to her forehead before I speak. “We can go into town tomorrow and pick up whatever you’re used to, the grocery store sells more than just the packaged white bread those sandwiches likely used.”

“I’d like that, maybe I can find a bakery or something so I can get a job to pay you back for everything,” she adds, and that shit is not happening, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

“Emery, look at me,” I state when her gaze drifts away from mine. “I meant it about you not having to worry about a job,” I assure her, stopping her before she can protest with anything else. “I can more than take care of you, baby. You don’t have to pay me back for anything. I want to spend my money on you. If you really want a job then okay, but first we’ve got some stuff to work out. Like getting you a car and your license, and I need to know that you can handle these roads because it takes a good thirty minutes to get into town.”

“I just…what if things…” She stops but I have a feeling I know what she’s trying to say.

“I know I’m a lot older than you are, Emery, that you haven’t had a chance to do what girls your age should be doing, but I also know that you’re it for me. I’ve been waiting for a woman that made me feel anything for her, and when I saw your photo on that website, I knew that woman was you. If you’re not sure about this, that it’s what you want for life, then maybe tonight you should stay in your own bed,” I state, doing my best to not simply slam my mouth to hers, drag her to the floor and fill her with my baby so she can’t leave me.

“You mean it?” she asks, her eyes wide as she stares up at me. Her tongue flicks out over her lips and my fingers tighten on her waist to not take it back, tell her she’s mine and she’s never leaving me. “You’re not just doing this for David?”