They hesitate and I shake my head, holding out the page with the information for someone that only lets girls that are solely after the money for whatever reason go up on the block.

“These girls,” I add, nodding towards the ones cowering in the other cell, “don’t want to be here. Clearly don’t want anything to do with this. They were forced or coerced into it, so is that really whose hands you want to put yourself into? Some slime that locks you in a cage even though you’re here doing it voluntarily?”

That gets them to finally look at the others and they leave their comfier space heading towards the door. The smirky one grabs the page from my hands then leaves and I turn towards the others in that damn cage.

“I’m not going to hurt you, or let this fucker hurt you. Go,” I tell them, nodding towards the doors. “There’s no one out there that’s going to grab you up again. If you need a ride somewhere or want to call someone, I have a car and a phone you can use.”

“You’re not going to take us?” one of them asks quietly as she clings to another girl.

“Only if you need a ride to the bus station, train station, or airport. I came here because that idiot,” I say pointing towards Jonah, “was trying to put my friend’s girl up for auction to get repaid for the money he loaned her to bury her mother properly. Sadie got away from him and thanks to my friend asking me to look into this guy, I finally found Emery. Her brother and I were in the military together and he asked me to look out for her, but her stepfather took her away before I got home to do it. I have no plans except to take her home with me and keep her safe. If you need help to get home, I can do that. If you don’t need it, that’s great, but I’m not leaving here until you’re all gone so this fucker can’t try anything stupid. Emery’s out in my car, my phone is in there if you need to use it. If you need or want a ride somewhere, it seats at least seven, so you can get it. You have my word I won’t lay a hand on you.”

The two that were huddled together hurry out, holding onto one another tightly still. The other three follow quickly, one after the other, and I’m left with the stirring motherfucker that thought he could make money off my girl.

“Just you and me now,” I tell him as he scrambles to his feet, and I pull out my gun once more. “So now you’re going to tell me if there’s anyone else in your fucking ring of perverts that I need to handle, before I bullet in your brain.”

“I’m the boss, so I’ve got money, plenty of it. I’ll pay you…”

I don’t let him get any further before dropping him, then grab the gas can and pour out the rest of it over the bodies after taking the website offline. This place will go up like kindling and it’s what they deserve.

A sense of calm settles over me when I get outside, seeing Emery sitting in the front seat of my SUV, three of the others standing near her door, while the backdoor is open and I’m guessing the other two are in it. Emery’s safe and that’s what matters most to me.

“Gage,” Emery says as I move closer, slowly so they don’t spook at my size. Not only am I six-foot-five, but I’m also two-hundred and seventy-five pounds of pure muscle, which has me towering over most men, let alone these girls.

“You doing okay, baby?” I ask her, putting a soft smile on her lips and she gives me a nod. “Good. Do you girls need a ride?” I add as they continue to stand next to the door.

“I called my brother to come get me,” one of them says, shivering a bit in the cold night. “We’re all from here,” she adds pointing at the other two with her, “so he can take us all home.”

“It’s cold and you all don’t have coats. Why don’t you get in the car to stay warm until he gets here? I’ll be fine out here. It’s colder on my mountain than this,” I add, smiling as Emery’s eyes widen a bit, a hopeful look hitting them and I’m hoping it’s because she’s looking forward to seeing it, being away from her stepfather—wherever the fuck he is. Jonah didn’t say where he’d picked Emery up at and I didn’t ask him wanting to get to Emery sooner. I’ll make sure to get the rest from her in order to take down that bastard as well.

I step up to her window when the group closes the backdoor, leaning down to see her better because fuck she’s gorgeous.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she says softly, her hand slipping up to rest on mine where it sits on the windowsill.

“I’d do anything to find you, baby, and not just because I promised your brother to keep you safe. You deserve far more than the shit you were dealt with that asshole stepfather of yours.”

“So were you,” she whispers to me, holding my gaze and I can see the understanding in her eyes. Shit, I’m not even mad that David told her about my past. It’s better that she knows the truth now than risk her running once I have her home with me, or god-fucking-forbid, after I’ve claimed her learning it.

“We can make a better future together if you want,” I tell her, a smile hitting my lips making my face feel odd when her fingers curl around mine, holding me in return.

“Promise?” she asks, and I nod.

“I promise, baby. All you have to do is let me take care of you now,” I add and the way her eyes darken, makes my cock pulse despite the cold. It’s hungry to have her and her incredible curves wrapped around us, to own her. If anyone’s going to, it’ll be me.

Chapter 3


I stay where I am with Emery, holding onto her hand until headlights sweep over us. My hand moves to my gun as a precaution, and I glance into the car at the one that called her brother. “Can you tell if that’s his car?”

“Yeah, that’s Owen,” she says, reaching for the doorhandle.

“Let me talk to him first,” I suggest. “Unless you want to tell him everything yourself that is.”

“No…will the cops…”

I stop her with a hard shake of my head telling them, “None of them will ever come after you again. The cops don’t need to be involved with any of this.”

“Thank god, my dad would flip out,” one of the others says and I give Emery a wink before moving around the car towards the guy getting out of his.