“Yes sir, oh yes sir,” I moan, as my entire body convulses. His cock thrusts in and out, deeper with each one, as I quake beneath him, unable to stop it. “Thank you sir, thank you. Oh sir…thank you!” I scream as it deepens, his constant urging for more drawing it out of me.

“That’s it greedy girl, so greedy to come. So sweet to thank her sir for making her come. Now show me how much you thank your sir, give me another, milk mine from me, baby,” Gage urges, and I moan, my thighs shaking from all of it, my clit throbbing against the vibrator, but I don’t think I can.

“Please sir, come for me, I don’t think I can take anymore.”

“I told you to give me another, baby, now it give it to me,” he counters, pulling a whine, then a scream from my throat when the clamps fall off my nipples, his cock pounding harder into me, and as his hands squeeze my breasts, I erupt.

“My sir!” I scream, gripping his shoulders tightly every inch of me tingling and seizing with the pleasure. My pussy clamps down around him and the vibrator still buzzing inside me, and I can’t breathe for several long moments, as the world fades, a white wall wrapping around us, and all I can feel is his thick ropes of cum unleashing inside me.

“Shh, that’s my sweet girl, my good girl,” he whispers to me as I come back, wrapped in his hold, my legs around his waist, his half-hard cock pressed against my still pulsing clit, and I can’t stop the shakes that batter me. “Shh, I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you, sweet girl.”

“I love you, sir,” I tell him, burying my face in his neck when he squeezes me tighter. “Thank you, for always knowing what to give me, how much to give me, sir.”

“Fuck baby, stop,” he groans, his cock thickening against me, and I smile, as he pulls back a bit, his hand lifting my head to look at him. “You are everything and more that I’ve ever wanted, baby. You do this to me by just breathing, but you know calling me sir just gets me hard. Telling me you love your sir…”

“I do, love you sir,” I tell him, reaching down between us, running my hand over his hard cock. “So much, always, with everything you do to me sir, with everything you give me. It makes me love you so much more, sir,” I add, stroking his cock harder, and harder until he lets go, coming for me until he’s shaking nearly as much as I am. His legs buckle, sending us deeper into the warm water, just holding each other tight.

“I love you baby. Every bit of you. Your greedy side and your sweet side. Every last bit of you is perfect, never forget that,” he says, and I smile, more than believing it now.

Who wouldn’t with everything he’s given me the last two weeks? Thank goodness he’s mine.

Chapter 9


I press a kiss to Emery’s temple as we wait for our boarding call. Four weeks ago today we were dropping Sam and Jess off at this airport and now, I’m taking my girl to do the one thing I know she needs most. With my rings on her finger, I’m far calmer than I expected sitting here with other fuckers looking at my girl.

The day after we took our little trip to the hot spring, we went into town and got our marriage license. Waiting three days to make her officially mine was the longest, hardest wait of my life, but she’s now mine—entirely mine, including legally. She didn’t mind the fairly simple ring I bought her at all. I say fairly simple because it’s a two and a half carat round diamond, on a platinum band. Nothing more ornate but I didn’t think she’d like some of them compared to this one. Her wedding ring is an eternity band of diamonds, together, they’re an understated statement that she’s mine.

With the wedding certificate in hand, we left Kellan and Sadie on the courthouse steps, and went by the licensing office to get her new ID. It came in the mail yesterday, the last name mine, and fuck, it feels amazing to know she’s now Emery Wilson instead of Emery Jones.

As soon as it came, I bought the tickets for this trip, packed our bags, and the car to be ready for this morning. Now, we’re about to board the plane for D.C.

“You okay?” I ask Emery as we’re seated, waiting for takeoff.

“Yeah, it’s just been a long time since I was on a plane,” she says, and I nod, pulling her closer to me, not at all upset at holding her close.

We have two things to do while here. The first will probably the easier of the two for Emery honestly. We’re sitting down with one of my old army buddies that transitioned over to the FBI. I contacted him the day after I brought Emery home with me, asking him to look into the cult further, giving him the bits that she gave me. Apparently the place wasn’t a surprise to them, and today, we’re meeting up with George and an agent from Seattle that’s been in D.C. working with their team now that they have something a bit more solid to go on. They need Emery to give an official statement, answer some of their questions, and that should be it. The FBI will handle the rest of it, even if I wanted to deal with Harvey and her mother myself.

Emery didn’t want that, didn’t want to risk anything about what happened to Jonah and the other fuckers coming back on me. I understood her need to protect me from that was as deep as my need to protect her from everything else, so I gave in and called George.

The second part of our trip is something I haven’t told Emery about yet. It’s a visit to the cemetery and David’s grave. I know she needs the closure for that as well, especially since the pregnancy test she took on Thursday came up positive.

We’re having a baby and need the rest of this handled so we can simply indulge in that news—and each other. We’ve definitely been doing that.

Emery’s taken over the kitchen mostly, but I don’t argue when it means getting fresh homemade bread to enjoy. She’s started to like cooking more as well, since it’s just us that she’s doing it for, well, other than when we had Kellan and Sadie over for the girls to meet. It took that one meeting for them to become best friends, and now that they’re both pregnant, I have a feeling it’ll only deepen, but I don’t mind. They both deserve someone that can relate to and understand the shit they’ve been through, and it’s not like I can’t stand Kellan.

Not to mention that since he only has eyes for Sadie, I can handle him being around Emery.

We land without a problem, and I grab our bags, then get the rental car I reserved. No way am I putting Emery in the hands of some taxi or Uber driver. She’s far too precious to risk her safety to anyone but me.

I stop in at the hotel, getting us checked in, before sending the message to George so they can join us. His brow lifts when he sees Emery, and I shoot him a warning look in return, as the agent from Seattle introduces herself.

“I’m Special Agent Nicole Marks. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming all the way out here to talk with us,” she tells Emery who nods, shaking her hand as I move back to her side. “This is Special Agent George Daniels.”

“Formerly known as Seargent Daniels when I worked with this guy,” George says nodding at me. “I heard what happened to your brother. I’m sorry this all happened on top of that.”

“Thanks,” Emery says as we sit down to begin their process of getting her statement.