“I have, but there’s more, baby,” Gage says, giving me a kiss before he stands. “I’ll be right back, you keep eating.”

I nod, not arguing that because the soup is amazing, and the sooner we’re done, the sooner we can go to bed. I want his hands on me so badly—especially since I nearly blew this with my worry that he wasn’t as interested in things being permanent as I was.

My bowl is almost empty when he comes back into the room with a folder in his hands, and I quickly gulp down the last bite before savoring a cracker with cheese that has a million times more flavor than the stuff we had on the homestead. The butter might have been okay, but the cheese out there was just gross, so this is heaven.

All of being with Gage has been heaven. Even him killing those creeps. He did it because they were shooting at him I’m sure, but part of me thinks he’d have done it simply because they had me in that cage and were threatening to sell me off to some sicko.

Gage sets the folder in front of me, taking my bowl with a smile my way. “You want more, baby?”

“I’m good, I promise,” I assure him when his brow lifts, eyeing me closely. “What’s this?” I add, nodding at the folder as he puts the bowl in the sink before rejoining me.

“This,” he says, opening the folder to a sheet that looks to be a legal document, “is the trust information, but also a few things that will be helpful right now.” He flips to another section of it and my eyes widen seeing a copy of my license I’d barely gotten to use before we left.

“How?” I ask, seeing a copy of my birth certificate, and a copy of my social security card as well in there. I knew they existed but had never seen mine to learn the information on it that’s for sure.

“When we met with the lawyer, David told us both that he was worried about Harvey and your mother. That they seemed to be spending more than what Harvey was making and he was worried about what that might mean for your future. I guess at some point, your mom put the electric bill under his name and social, so he wanted to make sure that didn’t happen to you. With the proof that he had on your mom, he was able to have a lock put on your social, so they wouldn’t be able to use it without him being notified, and after he died, that notification was set to come to me as executor of the trust. He had the certified copy of your birth certificate as well as the card in case you needed them when you graduated, and I was able to get a copy of your license to add to this by filing a missing persons’ report when it became clear that you were gone.”

“There’s a missing persons’ report on me?” I ask, staring at him in shock about it.

“Yeah, when I got home, learnt that Harvey and your mom had disappeared, I made an official report to the police about it. They said that since you were underage and from everything they found, with your mother, they couldn’t do much about it, but since I was executor of the trust, they would make a report of it. That way, if we didn’t find you before you got a job, hopefully it would pop in a background check so the trust could get to you, or in case you showed up at a police station asking for help, they’d known to get in touch with me. With it, we were able to keep the lock on your social as well, so if they tried to use it, we’d known, be able to find you,” he says, showing me the copy of the report in the next section of the folder.

He flips to the last one and there’s what looks like a bank statement with a total that makes me gasp. My head pops up, finding his gaze as I shake my head at him. “That can’t be right…”

“It is, baby,” he says, dropping a kiss onto my forehead. “I was able to file for all of the benefits David was eligible to receive upon his death to go to the trust. There was a hundred-thousand dollars tax free payment for dying while on active duty. It combined with his hundred-thousand dollar life insurance policy, plus what he’d already had invested, has now grown to this.”

“That’s over three-hundred and fifty thousand dollars, Gage,” I breathe in disbelief that it’s really mine.

“I know, and it’s yours to use as you’d like. Until you’re twenty-five, I’m still executor of it, so I’d get final say, and I’ll be honest, I don’t intend for you to use it, when I can afford whatever we’ll need to live. If there’s something big you want to use it for, we can discuss it and decide together if it’s right or not. This place is paid for,” he adds, looking around us. “I bought the land from an old miser that just had a little two-room cabin originally up here. He was too old to deal with the winters anymore and didn’t want his kids that never did anything for him to get their hands on his money. So he sold the land to me for next to nothing as long as I promised not to log the entire thing and turn it into another ski resort. I told him I had no intention of doing that, just wanted somewhere I’d have peace and quiet to build me my own place. My business exploded soon after and I used some of that money to build this place because much as I like living up here, that cabin was basically a shack and I like my comforts, especially the internet.”

“Mmm, I haven’t been online in five years, don’t tease me,” I return, smiling as he laughs softly at my moan.

“Never,” he whispers, dropping a kiss on my lips, before scarfing down the remainder of his soup, his eyes flowing over me as I watch.

“Gage,” I hum seeing the look in his eyes, my nipples pebbling into hard little points, aching fully as they rub against the lace of the bralette.

“I know, baby, I know,” he says, his lips whispering against mine before he stands, taking the dishes to the sink. He quickly cleans everything up, putting the rest of the cheese in the fridge, then comes back to me, his hands moving to my face, holding it gently and my eyes fluttered shut at the sweetness of his touch.

“Please,” I whisper as his forehead pressed against mine.

“You’re mine, Emery. Tell me you’re mine. Tell me I can have you—all of you,” he grunts as me, and my eyes slid open, a smile on my lips at the desperation in his tone.

“I’m yours Gage. Take me. All of me, make me yours fully,” I plead, and a little gasp falls when he kisses me, long and hard. He picks me up, moving us towards the door while my legs wrap around his waist. I cling tightly to his shoulders, his hand on my ass, an arm around my waist and I never want to go anywhere he isn’t.

That feeling simply grows when he breaks off the kiss with a groan, before putting me on my feet next to the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. It’s massive but so is the room. It matches him perfectly. Everything in it strong and sturdy, not like the particle board furniture we had that never went together properly.

“This might be a little fast, baby. I’m on the edge already. I promise I’ll make it up to you for the rest of our lives if it’s too fast this time,” he warns, and my underwear clings even more to my skin, entirely soaked from his tone alone. His words simply making my need deepen.

He pushes the flannel off my shoulders, letting out a deep moan when he sees me in just tank top. It awakens every little bit of me, and I lift it over my head, leaving me in just the little bralette. My boobs are pushed together inside it, looking even bigger than normal, but Gage’s eyes says he more than likes what he sees as they roam over me.

“Fuck baby, I can’t decide if I want to suck or fuck these beauties first,” he states, and I swear, I have a mini-orgasm, before he even touches me.

His hands come up, cupping my boobs, his thumbs brushing over the tips pushing against the lace, and I can’t stop the moan that hits. It feels so good, making me want more and more. My eyes shut as he teases my nipples again, and a full shout comes, pulling my eyes open when his mouth covers one through the lace, “Gage!”

“You like that, baby?” he asks, a smile on his lips saying he did.

“Yes, more please,” I beg, pulling his head towards me, my body on fire.

“What was that, baby?” he teases, his fingers finding my nipples through the lace with a little pinch to both, and I feel it all the way down in my clit.