“I’ve got you,” I promise, moving to the back, grabbing one of my flannels and a pair of sweats I keep in it, in case I get wet or muddy while out. I have several flannels and offer them to the girls who gladly shrug them on, after bundling Emery into my clothes seeing just how short that damn excuse of a dress was on her.

Sam and Jess hurry ahead of us, and I wrap my arm around Emery’s waist, dropping a kiss onto the top of her head as she blushes. “That bastard’s lucky he’s dead. If he got even a glimpse of that sweet heaven I just did, I’d kill him with my bare hands.”

“We were put in these this afternoon. My feet were getting tired of standing but it was so short I didn’t want to sit down,” Emery says, her cheeks entirely pink making my cock throb again. “None of the men were there while we undressed.”

“Good, because the only one allowed near that pussy or these amazing breasts, is me. Understand?” I growl as we move into the store.

“I don’t want anyone else near me, Gage. I never have,” she whispers to me, and I nod, grabbing a cart and follow the other two towards the women’s clothing section.

I toss everything that Emery even begins to look at into it, making her confirm the sizes, and when she’s not sure on the pants, send her into the dressing room while Sam and Jess continue looking at things. They grab a few items, then put them back to grab others, and I head over to them, letting them know to get whatever they want or need.

“If we’re home tomorrow we don’t need much,” Jess says, and I give them a long look.

“How much do you still have at your houses? I’m going to guess not much, so grab what you’ll need until you can get more. We’ll get you some backpacks to pack it in for the plane ride as well.”

“You don’t have a brother do you because I swear, you can’t be for real,” Sam says making me chuckle a bit.

“Just me,” I say, biting my tongue when Emery calls out my name. The jeans she’s in mold to every one of her curves and I’m fucking hard as hell and jealous that they’re clinging to her when I want to be the only thing covering her. “Get them, in every color they have, baby.”

“You don’t think they’re too tight?” Emery asks, her hands running over her hips and if I don’t get my hands on her soon, I’m going to lose it.

“Are you kidding, if I had your hips and ass I’d be living in skinny jeans,” Sam says, putting a flush on Emery’s face that I intend to have live on her skin once we’re home.

“Like he said, get them in every color girl,” Jess agrees, and I give them both a nod of thanks when Emery comes back with three washes of them as well as a pair in black.

I let them deal with underwear and bras themselves while I shoot off a text to Kellan telling him Sadie’s safe, and I’m bringing Emery home. Then do my best to keep my attention off the things Emery puts in the cart. I can’t handle seeing them, knowing they’ll be cupping her big tits and covering her sweet pussy when I’m not. At least not at this precise moment without stealing her away to claim her as mine right now.

We move around the store, getting the rest of what they might need, including shoes other than the white flip-flops they all have on. I make sure to grab Emery some boots that’ll do for now and boot socks, hoping she’ll enjoy walking through the woods with me when the weather permits. There’s a hot spring hidden on my property I can’t wait to show Emery. Claim her as mine in it, knowing it’ll only ever be ours.

After we have everything purchased, the girls take a couple of their bags and head into the bathroom, while I lean against the wall waiting. A man starts moving my way and I lift my chin at him, waiting for him to say speak first.

“Sir, I’ve had some concerns brought to me about the safety of the young women with you,” he states, trying to sound stern despite being at least half a foot shorter than me, and I chuckle under my breath taking out my phone.

“Emery is the younger sister of one of my army buddies,” I explain, showing him the photo of me and David, then ones of Emery and David I have saved on it. “I finally tracked her here. Her stepfather moved them off the grid just a few days after he died overseas. I’m taking her home and making sure her friends get home safely as well.”

“I see,” the man says, sounding like he doesn’t quite believe me despite the photos.

“It’s the truth. He rescued us from the crazy cult my stepfather forced me into five years ago when I was sixteen,” Emery says pulling my attention over to her and fuck, she’s even sexier wearing those tight jeans with a tank top and my flannel over it. “They were going to sell us off to who knows who as brides, hence the dresses.”

“Sorry, just doing my job ensuring the safety of my patrons,” the man says, handing me my phone back, and I lean down, giving Emery a kiss, wondering how much of what she just said was true.

Chapter 4


I smile as Sam and Jess give me hugs before they both give one to Gage together. If I didn’t see how much space they kept between their bodies and his, I think I’d be mad—jealous. The airport wasn’t too far from the store we stopped at, and the girls only have a couple hours before the next flight to Boise leaves.

Gage had them call their moms before he bought the tickets, not wanting them stranded at the airport on the other end with next to nothing. Jess handed the phone to Gage after she’d explained things to her mom and while he took a few steps away from us, I heard him tell the woman she didn’t need to repay him for the tickets. He’s so sweet, but yet he was absolutely ruthless with those men earlier—not that they didn’t deserve it. It’s just a huge contrast I wasn’t expecting with him.

I swear my heart has been fluttering since he held my hand earlier. I’d be worried something was wrong with me if it didn’t only happen when Gage was with me doing something sweet or being protective—and it definitely happened when he gave me the hottest look ever while helping me with the sweatpants earlier and got a glimpse of my bare vagina.

I had to be red as could be after that, but oh boy the way he said the only one allowed near it or my boobs was him…crush city heaven.

“I don’t even know how to thank you for everything,” Sam says as she and Jess look from Gage to me as they link arms together.

“Tonight and tomorrow would have been so much worse without you,” Jess adds.

“Just do me a favor and don’t ever go hitchhiking again, and we’ll be even, okay?” Gage says, and they nod before hurrying towards the security check point giving us waves before they head through. “Ready to get home, baby?” he adds, and I glance up, seeing his eyes entirely on me and it makes my heart flutter once more.