Page 2 of Office Seduction

For a split-second, she wondered what it would be like to fuck Brand Wilcox. Just fuck him, with no thought to things going any further. To feel those capable looking, well-kept hands sliding over her naked body, to have his cock in her palms to stroke purposefully before guiding the throbbing thickness straight to the entrance of her waiting wetness…

“Now that’s some information I could use,” he murmured in reply to her last statement, his smile growing wider. Damn he had such a hot smile, she thought longingly, pressing her knees closer together. How could a man’s mere smile cause a moistness to spread over the cotton panel of her panties? Gosh she really needed to get a grip, soon. Or she’d be doing something crazy, like making a move on Brand Wilcox.

“Allison, I…” he began, but his words were broken off as the door to Mr. Mallory’s office opened across the expanse of the reception area, and the older man appeared. “Ah, Brand, I was just about to send for you. Something came up and we need to rework some details of the Jefferson account.”

“I’ll be in your office in just a minute,” Brand said calmly to Mr. Mallory, and Allison had to mentally applaud his coolness. Not that they’d been doing anything wrong or suspicious, but she’d been unable to hold back a guilty start when her boss had unexpectedly shown up seconds earlier.

Mr. Mallory disappeared, and she looked up questioningly at Brand, who paused. “Don’t leave without having a word. We need to talk, Allison,” he said meaningfully.

“We d

o?” she asked, eyes wide.

“Yes,” he said firmly, and with one finger, he reached out and traced the side of her face. Allison’s eyes closed briefly at that first, simple yet intimate contact. Then he was gone, striding away with that lithe, panther-like way of his.

Allison felt a dreamy sensation take over her. She couldn’t have imagined Brand’s look when he’d touched her face. The throb in his voice – she hadn’t mistaken it either. Could he be into her? Damn, she hoped so – very deeply. So deep, in fact, that she had a sudden spark of an idea.

It was crazy, stupid and definitely inappropriate – but she was done being sensible. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she couldn’t help the sense that she was on the verge of a very titivating, life-shaking experience.

Chapter 3

He found her waiting in his office when he opened the door.

Allison saw Brand’s look of surprise, but it was only for a moment. Then he shut the door behind him – and she could swear he turned the key.

She squirmed in her perch on the edge of his desk. Her legs were crossed, making her skirt rise up, revealing the edges of her thigh highs. She was leaning back on her hands, which brought her generous C-up breasts into more prominence. She saw him take the whole scene in a flash.

“I was wondering where you got to,” he murmured, placing the file he was holding on a nearby table before advancing into the spacious, cleanly decorated office. “I didn’t find you at your desk and I was worried you’d forgotten I said we needed to talk.”

“So let’s talk,” she said in a voice tinged with sensuality. She wondered if he could translate fuck-speak, because what she’d really meant was “let’s screw”. Oh well, he’d get the picture soon enough if he hadn’t already.

“Allison,” he worded, pausing as he stepped closer. She uncrossed her legs again, this time slowly. He had to have had a glimpse of her pink lace panties this time. However, he was such a hard man to read at the best of times.

“Brand,” she returned, a mischievous curve on her lips. She loved it when he said her name.

He sighed deeply, and she thought he looked almost regretful for a second. Then he said, “I’m not going to be here for very long. The job, I mean. Soon, I’ll be heading the Melbourne operations. I’m leaving.”

“What?” she said choking up, the shock causing her to momentarily lapse out of her seductive pose.

“I was never meant to be here more than a few weeks anyway,” he said casually. “I’m sort of like the fix-it guy, Allison. I go where I’m needed. But now I’m needed at the main office in Australia.”

“So what happens now?” she asked with perfect calm, though her mind was in a whirl.

He started to move forward again, this time stopping just inches from her. “I didn’t want it to be like this,” he said softly, and she frowned slightly in confusion but let him continue. “I kept holding back because I wasn’t sure if…”

“Sure what?” she asked softly, mesmerized by his voice and his closeness.

A slight shake of his head, and then she felt his hands on her knees. He pushed them apart and she gasped, her lips parting breathlessly as he settled in between them. Now she was so close to him that she just had to look up and their lips would touch.

“I have certain…needs,” he said huskily, slanting his head to slope his face against her sensitive ear lobe. He inhaled deeply, raggedly. “I watched and wanted you these past weeks, never quite sure if you could really take me. All of me.”

She shivered, turned on immensely just feeling his lips on her skin, his breath stirring the small hairs there. Fucking hell she wanted him, no matter what. Right there, in his office.

“I’m tougher than I look,” she purred, slipping her fingers through his hair, sighing deeply at the sensation of silk. “And it’s closing hours; everyone’s probably gone by now. We could do this as hard, fast, rough as you like.”

He groaned deeply into the base of her neck, and she felt her nipples harden of their own accord. Gosh she was so fucking horny for him.

“Allison, you don’t know what you’re saying,” he said thickly. “But yes I like it rough, very rough. That’s why I tried so hard to resist you all these months. I stayed on here as long as I could, wondering if I should make a move – knowing that I’ll be making demands from you that you might not be able to handle. If we do this, baby, we’ll do it my way.”