Page 3 of The Proposition


Her name on his lips made her head whip up as she looked straight at him. Why did the whole scenery seem to narrow down into just him and her, shutting the rest of the world out in a nanosecond? Why did she suddenly feel like she was treading on dangerous ground?

“I’m going to suggest something very inappropriate, but very imperative. I may be reading the signals all wrong, and I could just be acting my usual cocky self…In any case, I have a standing suite here at the hotel. I’ll like you to join me for a drink – among other things.”

For like ten seconds, Megan couldn’t get her mind to function. His lips lifted in a smile. “I know what you’re thinking,” he drawled. “The boss offers you a promotion, and now he expects you to sleep with him. I’ll admit here and now, that I knew I wanted you the minute we met. But trust me; even I know I wouldn’t need to dangle the prospect of a promotion in front of your face to get you to sleep with me.”

Megan swallowed tightly, and then said, ““Well, like countless women out there, I’m very aware of your charms Mr. Mayer. And I’m sure your powers of seduction are more practiced than I could ever imagine.”

He grinned wolfishly. “Is that what you want? Should I spend weeks trying to get you into my bed? Pursue you with stealth and cunning, till you’ll find yourself tumbling helplessly into my clutches? I wish I had that patience – or self control. But I’m much too used to getting what I want, when I want. I don’t like to wait Megan.”

Megan’s head was spinning even as her whole body suffused with heat. She was still shaking her head in disbelief. “But I never…it just didn’t occur to me that…”

“Liar,” he said smoothly, pushing his half-full glass to the side before he began tapping his fingers on the table. She couldn’t help staring down at his hands; nicely shapely, very neatly trimmed, sexy, with dark hairs dusting upwards to curl around his watch and sleeve. She went moist just looking at that hand.

Pathetic, she thought with self-irritation.

“You knew, deep down, beneath your subconscious. There’s that something. You just couldn’t tell yourself it could be possible. But you have a mirror, don’t you, Miss Kerry?” he half-teased. “You know exactly the effect you have on men. On me.”

All this was news to Megan. Apart from the fact that yes, she’d suspected a certain “chemistry” between her and her handsome boss, she’d never for a second imagined that she was the bombshell he was painting her to be.

Sure, she looked in a mirror – very often, every day. She knew she had nice enough looks. She had enough admirers after her but not that she felt it was due to her own insurmountable charms. In fact, she used to tell herself she never really liked her figure; much too heavy on top, and a bit too much junk in the trunk i.e. her ass. She was happy with her hair though: curly, copper, and trailing down her back. Her eyes weren’t bad either: a vivid green. And her heart-shaped face didn’t make babies cry. But still…


“I’m going to make this pretty easy for you, Miss Kerry,” he drawled, breaking into her confused thoughts. “I’ll go up to the suite. Then, I’ll give you fifteen minutes to join me. If I don’t see you in that time, I’d know you weren’t interested. You can leave, assured with the knowledge that no matter your decision, I fully intend to carry through with my promotion offer. That will still stand.”

Megan didn’t – couldn’t speak, and could only sit there in a daze as he added, “But one other thing; I will not proposition you again – ever. You choose to walk away, and then it’ll be the last time I ask this of you. I guarantee that.”

Still too bemused to reply, she saw him rise to his feet. He placed something that looked like a keycard on the table. “This will let you into the suite. If you choose to leave then you can drop it off at reception. Fifteen minutes, Megan,” he said softly, and her eyes met his hooded gaze for a moment before he strode away with casual grace.

Once alone, she shoved her fingers into her hair, thinking what the hell. Heath Mayer had just clinically asked her to join him up in some suite for a fuck.

She had no doubt in her mind that was what he wanted. What else could it be?

Megan spent the next five minutes just weighing her options. The one thing that stuck most in her mind was, this wasn’t a game. And she had a choice. She would leave and there would be no repercussion.

Only, perhaps, regrets.

I want the cocky bastard, she realized instantly. He’s sexy as hell and I’d fuck him in a heartbeat. Just like that first time she met him, she knew it went beyond his looks, his money or the corporate power he wielded. Like some lucky men in the world, he was the type who’d get even the most beautiful women into his bed whether he was loaded or not. He had sex appeal and some other indefinable essences mixed in which made it impossible for any woman to say no to him sexually.

But would she do it? Would she be so crazy to fall into Heath Mayer’s net?

He’d made it clear that if she declined, then it would be her one and last opportunity. She’d never get another chance because he’d never ask her again – ever.

He certainly had unorthodox ways of stating his intentions. He obviously wasn’t one for flowery wooing. What he wanted, he took – or demanded for.

And now he was demanding her body. With no strings attached, apparently. Could she trust him to mean it when he said it wouldn’t matter what choice she made; the promotion was still hers?

Only one way to find out…

Chapter Four

Megan was inside the door, backing into it and hearing the lock click shut behind her with a heart-thudding finality.

She was looking straight at him, standing there by the window. It was impossible to read his expression; there was no hint of triumph or even approval. Just a hungry, dark glint in his eye that was getting even darker by the second.

Hardly breathing, she lifted her hands mid-air in a shrug. “I’m not sure what to do next,” she said with a slight smile. “This has never happened to me before.”