Page 9 of Echoes of Passion

He was kidding, making fun of her, and Katie was a good sport with that kind of humor. She knew it had been silly to bring sweet butter cream-frosted cakes for someone like him; it was a very hilarious situation. What was shocking her most was that he found it hysterical as well.

“I'm fine, thank you,” Katie said smilingly. “Do you want to talk?” Knowing that he was capable of so much more than what she had remembered, she was feeling a lot more comfortable.

He fell onto the couch. “Well that was good fun. Now let’s get back to business.” When she nodded, his expression smoothed out, all signs of conviviality vanished. “Would you like to explain what happened the other night?”

Katie shuddered as she remembered the naked look of fury and distaste on his face. Then remorse. Those memories made her look up warmly, trying to penetrate his orbs and see into his soul.

“I got overwhelmed.”

He waited, as if expecting her to say more, but when she stayed silent he took a deep breath. “The thing is, Katie…I know this might not be something you will be interested in…”

“No, no! I am!” Katie almost yelled out, and then covered her lips as she realized her volume had probably been too loud. She was sure he was going to throw her out on her ass. The same ass he had so enjoyed spanking and making sore. Now she knew where this was headed. He had called her over to apologize in his own way, and tell her that the deal was off.

Damon gaped at her, watching the desperation in her eyes. She had been crazed with pain, and she had run like he was a demented monster. Now, she was begging to stay. “I don’t understand, Katie.”

Katie exhaled sharply, blushing as she gathered her wits to speak out. “I know that I was a stupid, completely wrong…submissive. But I don’t want to…” She paused and he raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Finally, she managed to blurt out. “I don’t want to stop. I want to try it again.”

Damon knew that he should explain. Despite what she may think, he had not sent her flowers to tell her that the deal was off. He had called her over to settle on a compromise, because try as he might, he hadn’t been able to push her out of his mind. His loins had been throbbing for her, and he had been killing himself with the knowledge that he had denied her an orgasm, and in turn denied himself his own.

He wanted her with a crazed, desperate frenzy. He had called her over to tell her that he wanted to have a go at it again, without the submissive bit. His chest tightened and the heat traveled down to his navel as he recalled how her ass had looked – how she had responded to his caresses. She was fiery and completely innocent, and a vanilla to his world. Despite the fact that he had been willing to compromise, he still craved what he always wanted. He was a dominant, and he sought her submission to him with all her heart.

“Okay,” he said, almost confused by her behavior, and she bit her lip to fight her smile.

“Okay, then.”


They stared at each other in awkward silence, and Katie squirmed in her seat. She knew, any second now, he would pounce on her and take off her clothes, start smacking her like there was no tomorrow. Her sharp indrawn breath somehow tipped him off of her thoughts, because he stood up and walked to the open kitchen.

Katie sat there in uncomfortable reserve, wondering what was going to happen. She had shaved her legs, and was wearing her best perfume along with a sexy pair of bra and panties. All she needed now was to be given a command, so she could lie before him while he took charge.

“Would you like sugar in your tea?”

Katie gaped at him as he stood waiting for her. In his hand, he held a tea bag. “I uhh…” He’s going to make tea? “No. No sugar, thank you.”

He nodded and walked off again, returning with two mugs of tea that he set on coasters. To her utter shock, he picked up the box of cupcakes she had baked and opened it. “Okay, then. Let’s try these. They smell yummy,” he said politely and Katie guffawed. The split second changes in his personality were endearing. He turned boyish and completely playful one second while the other second held no guarantee of cordiality. He could have her shaking like a leaf, or laughing like a giddy little girl.

“Stop making fun of me!” Katie cried. “I’m jobless so I have plenty of time on my hands. But I accept, baking cupcakes for you was a little silly.”

He tilted his head, his face devoid of any expression and his eyes shining with…adoration?

“I love cupcakes.”

Kate stared at his profile as he looked away and extracted a dark chocolate one from the box. “You do?”

“Yeah.” He peeled the liner and took a big bite, eating off half of the cupcake. “Mhmm. It’s good!” While she was still reeling from the incredible sight of him being so…normal… he swallowed. “What? Can’t a dominant enjoy some cupcakes once in a while?”

“It’s just…I didn’t picture you …like this...”

He handed her a cupcake and she timidly peeled off the liner, regretting her decision to not call him earlier, regretting ever running out on this sweet, adorable man. What he did behind the closed doors of his bedroom, in private, didn’t make him a bad person. She had enjoyed it, and hell she was a good person. She was nice and kind, she didn’t do anything illegal, and she liked cupcakes too. Her gaze warmed as he tucked into another cupcake.

“What did you picture me doing? Eating meat off babies?”

She chuckled. “No. Not babies.”

They laughed and he sucked his fingertip clean of frosting, then reached over to rub her face. His fingers slipped beneath her ear, and his thumb stroked gently over her chin. Abruptly, as if he had belatedly realized something, he jerked his hand away.

She blushed. It had felt good. Suddenly, the word ‘committed relationship’ didn’t sound so bad.