Page 3 of Echoes of Passion

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Silence ensued as Damon regarded her closely. In the privacy of her home behind closed doors, everything was a little confusing and daunting. Katie pushed her hair off her face and Damon observed, enchanted. She seemed to have a habit of doing that ever so often. The sleeve of her battered grey sweatshirt covered her hands up to her fingertips. Her hair was a soft brown wavy mess, falling over half of her face. Her face, wiped free of makeup, was an enchanting sight. It was a refreshing change. He was used to women plastered, covered in pasty makeup, eyelids dripping with bright hues. He had never had an aversion to it, but seeing Katie, his perception suddenly changed. There was nothing more endearing than a woman who was dressed for bed, and looked like a million bucks of sexy.

“I have a proposition for you.”

Katie’s face lit up and she smiled, sitting up straighter as she prepared for her fate to change. “I’m very grateful to you for taking the time to come and see me personally.”

His brow furrowed in confusion and he tilted his head, glaring at her conspicuously. “I want to make you my sub,” he announced simply, and waited for her to shoot out of her chair.

Katie just smiled at him, wondering what in hell a Sub was. “What would the position entail?”

He coughed and Katie had a distressing feeling that he was laughing at her. “You have no idea what that is, do you?” Katie’s smile evaporated and she shook her head. “Would you like me to elaborate?”

“Yes please.” She blushed.

“I want you to be my sub. My submissive,” he said pointedly. When Katie still remained blank, he cleared his throat. “Did you see the blonde with me this morning?”

Katie bit her lip and nodded. She had tried hard to push that image of him out of her mind – the image of him obviously spending the night with that gorgeous woman, and watching her possessively. The sight flooded her mind and she twisted her fingers, feeling foolish and naïve. She had had no idea what was up with Damon Meade then, and she had no idea in hell what was happening right at that instant.

“I just let her go. She was my submissive.”

Katie paused, and tried to weigh the sentence in her head. It was foggy and she was perplexed. The blonde had obviously been sexual with him. There was no way she could have missed that tangible chemistry between them. And he had just technically asked her to take the blonde’s place.

She stood up, her chest rising and falling. “Are you hitting on me?” she blurted out stupidly.

He stared at her aghast, then burst out laughing. “Not really.”

“I thought you were here to offer me a position at your company!” she cried, picking up the coffee cup she had placed before him.

He hoisted himself up and grasped her hand, somehow cutting off the blood flow to her organs. His face was mere inches away from hers, and their breaths mingled.

“I am offering you a position, Katie, but it’s not at my company. It’s in my life.”

His eyes bore holes into her brown liquid ones, dipped to her lips, and then lifted again in a mocking smile. Katie was immobile. She was trying to think of a way out of the shocking turn of events. All she had to do was push him away, but the wet mess between her thighs held her back. Her throat was dry, and her bosom tingled electrifyingly.

She swallowed, and the man holding her imprisoned by nothing but his magnetism shifted, sensing her puzzlement and inner battle. His hand lifted and she jumped slightly, but relaxed as his knuckle slid down her cheek, almost barely brushing her skin.

“Think about it, Katie. I'm asking you to be my submissive. It has its perks,” he bribed and she furrowed her brows. She had no idea what he was talking about. His mouth descended and Katie gasped instinctively, tilting her chin up to receive a kiss that she knew would surely shatter her completely.

Nothing happened, and breathlessly, she opened her eyes. He had a condescending, smug look on his face. He shook his head and she blushed. “I’m not really offering you this,” he said as if the thought disgusted him. His hand slipped around her waist, drawing her nearer.

Katie felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Every millimeter his hand brushed over was ablaze with a sensation that made her knees go weak. To her utter shock, the brazen, ridiculously enigmatic man clutched her asscheeks in one hand and squeezed, his lips parted. That’s when Katie saw the first glimpse of his smoldering indulgence.

Touching her ass changed his face. It became harsher, more sinister, and the fire lurking in those blue eyes turned into blazing blue lava of demolition. “I'm going to spank you, Katie,” he whispered and her jaw fell open, her eyes wide. He had expected the naïve girl in his arms to push away but she stayed put, only becoming more pliant in his hold. Encouraged by her reaction, he continued, “I'm going to do so many things…with this.” He squeezed the asscheeks and Katie found herself gasping, her eyes glued to his magnificently chiseled, molded lips.

“Aren’t you going to say something?” he hissed, his fingers brushing gently into her crack, letting the fabric of her sweatpants delve into the cleft. She moaned and her fingers grasped the front of his shirt. She felt like she was drowning. It was a different kind of absolution. She felt alive and transfixed at the same time, and her whole being was attracted toward his body. He abandoned her ass instantly and grasped her hands, forcing her to release the front of his shirt from her deathly grip.

He shook his head. “You have a lot to learn,” he snarled. When she gaped at him in question, he grabbed her waist and twisted her around.

“Aah!” Katie cried out, suddenly not so aroused anymore. Her inner thighs were tense with the sensations coiling up like a snake in her pussy. He yanked the sweatpants down and her ass was bared, with not a strip of clothing to sheathe it. Katie clenched her ass in fear, but it was already too late.

His palm, hard and unyielding, crashed onto one ass cheek with a loud smack. Her cheeks flamed in liquid embarrassment that made her want to curl up in shame at the debilitating act. Then the sting resounded and she lurched forward. “Aah!” she cried, jolting away. He grabbed her in place, and his hand warmed the sore spot. She flinched, panting as she glared at him angrily. “What?” she cried, her eyes wide.

“Shh shh,” he said. His face tense, his palm soothed away the burn on her flesh. Katie was horrorstruck. She was trying to be demure and push him away, but he was so…magnetic. She was being drawn toward him, closer to his body by a strange force. Try as she might, she couldn’t ignore the pull of her fate.

His hand caressed her backside intimately. The knowledge that a man she barely knew was being so intimate, touching her so gently after smacking her like a madman, made her pussy clench invitingly.