Page 15 of Echoes of Passion


“I hate that you don’t have time for me anymore.”

She stilled then met his eyes. “It’s just for a few weeks, Damon.”

“I know I know. I know it’s important, and I would never ever come between you and this project. It’s a life changing experience.”

“Then what?”

He tilted sideways and stared into her eyes. Reaching forward, he pushed a strand of soft brown hair off her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. She was so beautiful. She was real. No matter where they went or whom they met, she always dressed with quiet dignity, demure necklines, and modest hemlines. Before her, he had never thought he admired that quality.

“Move in with me.”

Katie’s jaw fell open. “What?” she chuckled.

“Its’ not funny. Really, Katie. I want you move in with me.”

Katie blushed. What is he thinking? True she was giddily attracted to him but they were dominant and submissive. Although it had the qualities of a real relationship, it was just too soon to gamble so much after such a short while.

“I live five minutes away!” she cried and he nodded.

“I know. But that’s five minutes I don’t get to spend with you.”

A smile spread across her face. She was smart. She knew that moving in with Damon Meade so soon was a terrible idea. Several of her friends had ruined perfectly awesome relationships by taking this step too soon. But he was not like the others. Their relationship was unlike any other.

Thinking that Katie was going to turn him down, he thought wildly for something to say that would convince her. “This is the first time I've asked someone to move in with me, Katie. You turn me down and I’ll be so pissed,” he joked and she grinned.

“I’ll bring my stuff over tonight.”

He visibly relaxed and exhaled deeply. “Now.”

“What?” she laughed and he stood up, dragging her along. “We’re going to get your stuff right now. You officially live here now. Let me change and I’ll be right out.”

Katie chuckled at his obvious eagerness. He had so many sides. He was like a diamond – brilliant and coveted – with many sides. Every side had a sparkle of its own.

The intercom buzzed and glanced toward the bedroom. Damon was in the bathroom so she went ahead and lifted the receiver. Since she technically lived there now, he surely wouldn’t mind her taking a call from building reception.


“There is a call for Mr. Meade. It is a Miss Sally Fields. She requested me to let her call through.”

“Uhh…hang on one second, please.” Katie peeped through the bedroom door and Damon was still in the bathroom. “I’m sorry, Mr. Meade is...”

“Hello?” A feminine voice sounded through the receiver and Katie realized that the building operator had placed the call through mistakenly.

“Hi. Mr. Meade is busy at the moment. Can you leave your number and I’ll ask him to call you back later?” Katie found a pen and notepad next to the phone.

“Damon has my number. Are you his housekeeper?”

“No, not really.” Katie didn't know what to say. I’m his girlfriend? He had never even used the word, she realized with a jolt. What was she if someone asked? His submissive?

“Well, that changes things!” The woman seethed with fury from the other side. Katie had a feeling that the woman had just realized that Katie was Damon’s present submissive. “Tell Damon our date this evening is off. I have somewhere else I need to be. But let him know he can come over to my place. Same time he did last night.” With that she hung up, and Katie held the phone to her ear in a daze.

“Ready to go?” Damon said from right behind and she turned, her face ashen.

Move in with me. I've never asked anyone to move in with me before. That’s five minutes I don’t get to spend with you.

She pursed her lips as anger and pain almost sent her to her knees. In that moment, she realized how attached she was to him. He had spun a web around her and she was trapped in it.