Page 13 of Echoes of Passion

“Can I take you out to dinner?”

“No!” he chuckled and leaned down to press a kiss on her cheek. The action shocked him and he inwardly resolved to control himself. She was developing a habit of making him lose all control. He was a dominant. He fed off of control. Or do I? He was uncertain as he observed her heart-shaped face.

“Why not?” she said jokingly.

He thought quickly. There was no way in hell he was going to give away that much control. He was the dominant. This is how it worked. “Because you’re jobless.”

She chuckled and he pushed her away gently, forming a distance from the young, naïve temptress who didn’t even know how seductive she was.

“Katie?” he asked as she straightened her hair in the mirror. “I asked my secretary to fish out your resume from the company records and it says you’re twenty-seven. How old are you really?”

“Do I look forty?”

“No. You look nineteen.”

“Pfft,” she said blushingly and he grabbed her arm, yanking her onto his chest. Her breath ceased and his heart stopped beating.

“I'm not corrupting you, am I?”

The words, said with heartfelt remorse and agony, made her swallow. She shook her head. “No, Damon.”

Her soft pink lips forming his name again made him bend over and kiss her, devouring her mouth in pagan wanting. She clung to his suit as he sucked it and licked her lips, and their tongues tangled in furious lovemaking of their own. When he finally surfaced, his cock was jutting out of the front of his pants, fighting to be freed. She pressed closer to it and he sighed harshly, pushing her away swiftly.

“Katie, if you keep doing this, I’ll have to throw you over the bed again.”

She panted, still breathless from the earth shattering kiss and slipped her arms around his body. Brazenly, her hands covered her hips and she pressed her stomach against his engorged crotch.

With a grunt, Damon gave up the fight of his loins and his sense. For the next hour, Katie lurched and writhed as he smacked her to his fill, and then poured his load into her wet insides. It was addictive – the knowledge that his cum was washing her insides with his heated sting.


A week later, Katie hummed softly to herself as she dressed to go to Damon’s place. Life had been a constant whirlwind of surprise after surprise. She gathered the sheets of designs she had been working on and stuffed them neatly into a file.

The phone rang just as she was about to leave and she yanked it up. It was Brianna.

“That’s really cool, Katie. You have no time for me anymore!” she complained.

“I'm sorry. I've been working on new designs for the boutique and I just can’t seem to get enough time. We’ll have lunch together sometime.”

“Your ‘sometime’ never arrives anymore, Katie. How’s the work coming along anyway?”

“It’s good actually. Mr. Reynolds, the investor, is a blessing, really. He’s so bright and he has so many ideas that could help our project start successfully. I went to check out a property yesterday for the boutique and it’s just wonderful. I’ll tell you the details later.”

“How’s Damon doing?"

“He’s doing well. Actually, I have to run because he’s waiting for me. Mr. Reynolds is due at his place in ten minutes and I don’t want to be late.”

“Best of luck, Katie,” Brianna said good-naturedly and Katie hung up.

Ten-minutes later, the elevator doors opened up to the place where she had found so much in the space of days.

“Hi.” Damon beamed at her and she forgot about everything as was becoming habit. No matter what was bothering her, the sight of his face just dissipated all her worries and she felt light and free. For the first time in her life, she had someone to rely on for help.

“I come bearing cupcakes,” Katie announced as she placed them on the coffee table and bent down to kiss his cheek.

Damon had been shocked the first time she kissed his cheek. Now, it had become a tradition. Every time she left and every time she arrived, she kissed him, and he was beginning to look forward to her cheerful entrance and departure.

He saw the box and opened it hurriedly. He hadn’t been kidding when he said he loved cupcakes. “Store bought cupcakes? Nice, Katie. I'm starting to feel unwanted around here now.”