Page 54 of Sugarplum

With his cock thrusting in my throat I was beginning to weaken even further. I lost all strength to struggle and finally I just spread my legs, allowing him to finger me viciously.

Please don’t get wet! I tried to prevent my body from getting aroused but there was no helping it. The rougher he was the more my body got turned on, even if my mind and heart was completely against what was happening to me right now.

“See, you can’t deny it,” he said as he noticed I was beginning to get wet. “Your pussy needs it. You crave to get raped like a little fucking slut. I’m your daddy now, bitch.”

Pop! He took his cock out of my mouth and I began to sob and cry. He didn’t care. He just turned me over and decided it was time to fuck me in his favorite doggystyle position. This time however he was much rougher. As he penetrated his cock into my pussy he took the opportunity to grab my hair, yank it so my mouth would gape open, and he took his one free hand to choke my neck. I was completely at his mercy.

“Tell me you like it,” he commanded me. “Say you want to get fucked like this.”

“I-I want to get f-fucked like this,” I said between my sobs. “I like it. I love it, d-daddy.”

“I am going to cum in you and break your mind until you become nothing more than a fuck hole. When I’m tired of you I can let my friends use you. I don’t care. You’re just a meatbag.”


The door suddenly swung wide open. I opened my eyes and looked.

“Dylan!” I exclaimed in joy as I saw him rushing in to help. He slammed a foot on Michael’s face and then grabbed Michael by the hair. Dylan yanked the asshole across the office and then smashed his head repeatedly against a small coffee table.

“W-wait,” I called out. “D-Dylan stop! You’ll kill him!”

Fortunately, he did stop and dropped Michael on the floor. Michael was in a pool of his own blood and one of his eyes were shut. Blood was spilling out from a concussion on his head. Despite the injuries, he was still slightly conscious.

Dylan pointed a finger at the enemy and then at a pin he had on his breast pocket, “See this thing here? It’s got a camera and I’ve got everything recorded. You better shut the fuck up about this incident. Nothing happened. You don’t get to fire her or else I release the footage and completely fuck you up. You’ll be tried for rape and the press will be all over it. You understand?”

Michael could only nod.

“Good,” Dylan stated. “Now stay down. You’re going to sign those documents she finished, seal the deal between my company and yours, and then you’re going to stop bugging Olivia forever.”

Dylan then turned to me, “Let him stay there for a while. He isn’t hurt too bad, despite how he looks. Here, put this on.” He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. For the first time since we met, Dylan actually wanted me to put some clothes on instead of taking them off. It was a sweet gesture amplified by the fact that he just saved me from the asshole on the floor.

“Thank you, daddy,” I told Dylan. He immediately looked at me and smiled at the mere mention of the word ‘daddy.’

“Come on,” he then grabbed my hand. “Let’s get out of here. You’re done for the day. Let’s get you some clothes and some space to relax before anybody else figures out what happened here.”

Dylan then faced Michael one more time, “I’m warning you.”

Michael sobbed and nodded. He was already wiping his wounds with the sleeves of his shirt and was probably just trying to put himself back together. He just got beat by an older man, after all. That must have hurt Michael’s pride.

He had it coming.

I took one last look at Michael, imprinting the image of his bloody mess into my mind, and then turned around to follow Dylan.


Dylan drove me back home, quickly and without any stops. He was quiet along the way but I could see he was just giving me space to think and calm down.

During the ride home my mind raced to the night Dylan kidnapped me and then introduced me to his BDSM ways. Bondage, slave, master and domination were all things I had only seen briefly in porn and I didn’t really understand it all. Now that Michael tried to rape me I finally saw the big difference between consensual submission and rape.

With Dylan, I was willingly giving up my freedom but at the same time I was being pleasured, teased and the effects were psychological as much as they were emotional and physical. After time I felt a sense of pride to serve him, to submit to him. With Michael I got no sense of satisfaction. I felt no pride whenever he’d try to use me and I definitely felt no lust for him. There was no respect.

“Uhm, daddy,” I started to say as we drove up to my place. “Would you please come inside?”

For a moment he remained in silence, perhaps deep in thought or maybe he was just trying to keep his cool considering what we just went through. After about a minute or two he then turned to me and said, “Sure. Got some coffee? I’d love a hot cup of coffee.”


Then it hit me. There was a game a few years back that had sexual content. That portion of the video game had to be blocked but hackers managed to gain access and they called their little mod, which put the sex back in the game, as “Hot Coffee.” Dylan seemed to hint he wanted to have sex.