“That’s exactly the point,” he told her. “This is their first time to see us this way. From our perspective, this is our second chance so let’s relish the moment and show them we’ve got more than just the basics.”
That was a challenge Julie was more than willing to accept. They made better use of the space available to them and it didn’t take long for Chace and Julie to conquer every corner of the dance floor. Yet even then they still had another surprise up their sleeve.
Very quickly the music heightened as the song gracefully neared its conclusion. Just as the music shifted in beat and style to the bridge, Chace let go of Julie. She twirled a few feet off to the distance but then halted and made a run towards Chace. With arms wide open he grabbed her, right on the beat, and then twirled her above his head before placing her back down on the floor. From there it as simple as executing the basic moves until the song ended and the lights came back on.
First there was an applaud from one person and then another until the whole room roared with the cheers from their batch mates. Julie knew that their performance was not really ground-breaking but they did put a lot of time and effort into it. Seeing people enjoy it as much as they did sparked something inside of her and before she could stop herself she pulled Chace in and gave him a kiss on the lips. As their lips clashed she let him take over. It took so much strength just to pull away before they’d get carried away.
There they stood, triumphant like there was nothing else important in the world at that moment. This was something they could claim entirely on their own and so they did.
“Thank you,” Julie told Chace. She held his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me this second chance to make it right.”
He shook his head and replied. “No, let me thank you for giving this a second chance. I really thought we were never getting back together.”
“I guess I can just say we really click every time you see me smacking some pervert in the face,” Julie joked. She then led him out of the center stage and they returned to their seats. A lot of their batch mates congratulated them and praised them for their performance. Julie soaked it all in with pride and a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. Just a few weeks ago she never even thought she’d be here let alone dancing and having a renewed relationship with Chace.
Chace took a sip of his drink and then pulled his chair closer to hers. “You really do know how to sink a punch into a guy’s face, that’s for sure. Now I’ll never piss you off.”
“You never know, I could be Jigsaw’s newest apprentice and if you ever ignore me again I’ll put you in a trap and have my creepy puppet ride a bicycle over to you while you wake up and taunt you,” she teased. “Next thing you know your head is blowing off or you’ll have to saw your leg off to escape inevitable death.”
“Remind me never to let you watch too many horror movies ever again.”
Julie laughed, took a bite off some chocolate cake, and then turned back to him. “Too late – Melissa just bought the blu-ray for the Babadook. Have you seen it yet?”
“No, is it any good?” Chace wasn’t really all that into horror movies. He preferred crime drama and thrillers over straight-up horror flicks.
Julie shrugged in response. “I don’t know. People say it’s more of a psychological thriller than a horror movie so I think you might like it. Stay over with us tonight so we can all watch it together.”
“I shall judge it with all my impure angst.” Chace said dryly.
“Then we have a master plan,” Julie said. “If Ned and Melissa start making out while we’re watching that’ll be our cue to ditch the movie and do our own thing.”
Chace patted her hand and held it tightly. “Jules, I love you. I know it sounds silly after all we’ve been through these past few days but I really do fucking love you. This has got to be the best Christmas of my life. I know it sounds cheesy and it probably is but I have to say that Christmas is never going to be same unless I spend it with you.”
Julie felt her heart melt and she couldn’t help but shed a tear. “Chace, Merry Christmas. I love you.”
“Merry Christmas too,” he replied as he lifted a hand to brush away her tears. He then grinned and told her, “I already got my Christmas gift but would it be out of place for me to ask for another?”
Julie laughed but the question alone already sparked a desire in her. She reached down below the table and gently reached for his leg. Slowly she let her fingers creep up his thigh until she eventually reached between his legs and got a firm hold of his cock, right through his trousers.
“Of course you can ask for another,” she teased, her tongue slightly poking out of the corner of her lips. “I love it when you ask for another.”
“Then let me have another and another and then another,” Chace played. He finally understood the problem. She only cheated on him because she needed his attention and that simple fact didn’t sink in until recently. “I can’t believe how I managed to not make you feel wanted because the truth of the matter is I am obsessed with you, Julie. I fantasize about you all day and I want to fucking ravage you all night. Oh, speaking of obsession, I was a little obsessed about the gift you gave me so I went out and got you something too. Hold on, it’s in my little bag here.”
Julie tapped him on the shoulder. “You got me a gift? You scheming bastard.”
“I learned from the best,” he replied as he opened a small brown bag and then pulled out a tiny box. He gave it to her and said, “Merry Christmas.”
Julie took the box and held onto it very tightly. It couldn’t be an engagement ring, right? She knew better than to expect something like that. They just got back together and even if they’d already addressed the issues that broke them apart last time it didn’t automatically mean they were on a level comfortable enough to warrant getting married.
“This cannot possibly be a ring,” Julie tried to convince herself.
Chace managed to hear her and simply teased her further. “What’s wrong if it isn’t? Are you expecting a ring?”
“Do I expect one right after just getting back with you? Of course not.”
“So what are you waiting for?”
She opened the box and inside was a gorgeous white-gold ring topped with small diamonds on its side and a big one in the center, held by a gorgeous casing. Julie looked up at Chace and didn’t even realize that tears were flowing down her cheeks.