Page 21 of Sugarplum

“Jules, listen to what you’re saying. You’re starting to sound like those reality TV stars who have way too much self-pity. You’re becoming a Kardashian, sweetie, and it’s dumb.”

“Shut it, Mel. I’m fucking serious here, why are you trying to make me laugh?”

“It’s what I’m here for, love bug,” Melissa answered and she wrapped an arm around Julie. “I’m the most annoying shithead to be your housemate so deal with it. You can either cry here, with me, and listen to me rant about how you’re turning into an MTV puppy or you can do two other options. One: you can go back to Chace and try to fix the issue. Two: you can get back in your car, let’s go to a bar, and hook up with some random hot guy… maybe a sexy Latino stripper if I get lucky.”

Julie laughed so hard she coughed out snot and had to dry her face from the tears and ruined mascara. When she finally composed herself she turned to Melissa. “Okay, let’s get fucking drunk. It’s Christmas time, I want to find myself some hunk with lips I can dunk my tongue in.”

Chapter Nine

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Julie asked Melissa. They sat in the latter’s car and were in the parking lot for the Caliber Rodeo, a country bar with a live band, small-time gambling tables, pool and darts.

Julie was dressed in a simple pair of denim shorts – they were a little ripped in some parts and Melissa said it was just to get more guys to stare at her – and a white blouse with the lapels and upper buttons open wide. She wore her ankle-high boots and a let her hair drop down instead of tying it in a bun.

Melissa, who absolutely did not tell Ned where they were going, wore jeans and a plaid shirt. She did her hair in pigtails and wore a really nice – and expensive – pair of aviators that Julie just didn’t deem practical. The skies were grey, there was light snow, and the bar was bound to be dark inside. She wore them anyway and to her benefit Melissa did look astounding in them.

“Of course, it’s a good idea,” Melissa replied after shutting down the car and adjusting her glasses. “You want to forget Chace but you still need to get down and dirty with a hot hunk. This is the place to bring on the filthy, honey. Trust me – this is where I picked up Ned for the first time. Cute little idiot was desperately trying to impress me with his non-existent dart skills.”

Julie let out a soft, nervous chuckle. She still wasn’t really sure if she wanted to do this but there really wasn’t any other option than to sit at home and cry in a corner. If she was going to be miserable she might as well flirt around and drag someone into her hole too.

“Fine, let’s do this,” she told Melissa and got out of the car. She was instantly blasted with the cold kiss of the winter air and she immediately regretted not bringing a jacket. Melissa didn’t bring one either but she had the common sense of running straight for the bar’s doors the moment she left the car. Julie followed suit but now she was shivering from the sheer cold.

“Go on in, you two look like you’ll freeze in a matter of seconds,” the bouncer told them right as they approached. He opened the door for them and Julie was pleased to see that Caliber Rodeo was a lot more decent than what she expected.

It didn’t even take them long to get some VIP treatment. Julie feared she wouldn’t get some attention here but apparently every guy in there wanted a girl with some meat on her bones instead of the really skinny types mostly portrayed on television shows and movies. In the first fifteen minutes alone she counted four different guys who were looking their way.

Melissa ordered herself a cold glass of beer and Julie settled with a shot of gin and tonic, a classic mix that she took pride in being able to hold in. It was when taking her third shot that a man came by and asked if he could sit beside her.

“Excuse me, I just can’t help myself when I see a fine lass like you drinking so hard,” the man greeted as he walked up and got right up next to Julie. “The sight gets me a little hard too, if you don’t mind my saying so.”

Melissa giggled and poked Julie to look at the guy who was trying desperately to nab her attention. The man was wearing really tight jeans, snakeskin boots, a black and white button-up shirt, and had a cowboy hat on. Julie didn’t want to condemn the guy as stereotypical but he even had a stereotypical moustache, a handlebar that was thick and slightly unkempt.

“O-oh, hi,” Julie greeted and she reached out to shake his hand. “I’m Julie and this is my bestfriend, Melissa.”

“Hi y’all,” the man responded with a wave. His breath was thick with the scent of alcohol and Julie figured he must have been there in the bar for a while now. “My name’s Griffin, Joel Griffin, and I’d love to get to know you sweet ladies.”

Hearing those words sent a warm flood of emotions down Julie’s body. She knew it was all bullshit and this guy was so drunk he probably just wanted to fuck someone – anyone – before calling it a night but she still appreciated the effort. It was a lot more than what she got from Chace.

“I’d love that too,” she told Griffin and welcomed him to join them.


“Wait, wait, so you’re saying you literally had to stick your arm into a cow’s ass?” Melissa asked Griffin.

It was 2 AM and the bar was still riddled with patrons. Julie had several shots and three bottles of beer. Melissa, who was a little weaker when it came to drinks, managed to drink more than usual while still keeping a sane head between her shoulders. Griffin, to their surprise, was a little allergic to alcohol so he had the least to drink ever since they got together a few hours earlier.

“Well, you see, sometimes there’s no fancy gadget or what not so you just got to do it yourself,” he answered. He then turned over to face Julie. “Now let me get this straight. Mel here has a boyfriend but you’re completely available?”

Julie blushed but she did nod, “I want to be honest with you. I was seeing someone, a guy I was in a relationship with before but we broke up and we got together and then broke up again. I don’t know. It’s a mess.”

“Damn, calm your tits and make a decision,” he told Julie. Melissa laughed but it didn’t exactly amuse Julie. “I don’t want to get drunk over here hoping I could spread them pretty legs of yours only to find out I had no chance at all because of a dying fling you’ve got with an ex. Come on, don’t over think these things, slut, just spread them chunky legs and let plow right into you.”

Melissa reeled in laughing but she halted when she saw Julie’s face was dry and serious. If a person’s imagination could poof into existence, she knew Julie’s ears would be billowing out steam and flames would be dancing on top of her head. Horns would be growing and she would smite Griffin down with a heavy slap.

“H-hey, Jules, you okay?” Melissa asked Julie. “You look a little red. Do you want to go home?”

Julie shook her head, “No, I’m fine. I can handle it. I appreciate it, in fact. At least he’s being honest.”

She then turned her attention back to Griffin and asked, “If I gave you a chance to sleep with me tonight, right now, would you take it?”