Page 19 of Sugarplum

“Hey, that’s unfair,” Chace protested. “I didn’t know we’re exchanging gifts today. I don’t have anything ready unless if you count a good time in bed an extraordinary gift. If that’s the case then babe, you know I’m ready.”

That got Julie smiling. She could feel the warmth of satisfaction just filling her insides when she heard him say that. It felt so good to hear Chace say these things again. She thought she would never get the chance given what she did to him before. She thought he would always be mad at her.

From her handbag she produced a small brown bag. It had no Christmas decorations or any of the usual ribbons and greeting card on it. It looked like a regular, plain, old brown bag. She handed it to Chace.

“A good time in bed is exactly what the doctor ordered,” she told him with a naughty smile on her face.

Chace opened the bag and found the kinkiest little lingerie piece inside. Along with it were a red gag ball and some pink fur handcuffs. There was a note as well.

“Will you have me for Christmas, handsome?” the note read.

Chace glanced back at Julie and rushed up to give her a kiss on the lips. He said no words and allowed his tongue to tell her exactly how he felt. Before she knew it her lips had parted and their tongues clashed and danced within her mouth. The warmth of his breath and the intensity of his body pressing down against hers were sending her mind off the edge. It was like every inch of her was being electrified but somehow in a very good, very relaxing way. It was as if she was intoxicated by something beyond alcohol and the like.

“O-oh, I guess we’re doing this first then,” she exclaimed when she felt Chace press his hips against her and immediately she felt his erection. He was hard and ready for some action.

“Oh, you know it. I’m addicted to you Jules. I always have been and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t want anyone else but you.”

The words were like music to her ears.

“Want me to put it on now?” she asked. As she stood there she wiggled her bum and seductively gestured with a finger for him to step in closer. Chace crept towards and he did hand her the bag.

“I’d love it,” he answered. “After all this time you still find ways to surprise me, Jules. Who would’ve guessed you’ve got a kinky side to you?”

Julie laughed but she did point out a reasonable answer to that. “Melissa would.”

“She doesn’t count. You two talk to each other all the time it must be like talking to your own reflection.”

Julie shook her head. “I’m just… plain old me. Melissa is a constantly moving ball of fire. I still don’t know where she gets all that energy of hers and it’s even more puzzling given how she’s even bigger than I am!”

“That’s true,” Chace agreed. “Mel can be one heck of an entertainer with her machine gun mouth and her never-ending supply of puns.”

Julie took the bag and first took out the lingerie piece. It was a one-piece babydoll nightgown and the beauty was that the cups for the breasts could be ripped off. There was also a portion at the bottom that could be detached, giving Chace easy access to her without having to take off the whole attire.

“Give me a second,” she instructed as she slowly took off her blouse. She tossed it over to the side of the living room couch and began undoing the fastened clips of her bra.


Chace reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Someone was calling. “Take your time, babe, I need to answer this one real quick.” He then stepped out of the living room and into the kitchen where he could discuss business.

“Oh w-wait, no, no, no,” Julie tried to stop him but by then Chace was already out and busy on the phone. Crossed, Julie let out a groan of disgust but figured she could use the time to get dressed. “Let’s see you do that when I’m wearing all this on.”

She took the lingerie, the gag ball, and the cuffs then headed to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and stared for a minute in front of the big mirror. “Julie Evans, is there something wrong with the way you look? I know I’ve seen Chace look at me with those pervy eyes like he wants to fuck my brains out but there are times where he’d rather masturbate to his fucking phone more than me. Let’s see him do that again when I’m wearing this.”

Julie quickly removed her clothes, including all her undergarments, and tossed them into the brown bag. She then took her lingerie and slipped it on. It was so revealing but in a way that made her feel even more seductive than usual. The piece was showing enough to get people interested but it hid the finer details that would drive men insane.

With that one she took the red ball gag, popped it into her mouth and then strapped it tight at the back of her head. She couldn’t speak with this ball in her but that was entirely the point. All she could do now was moan and plea for him to keep having his way with her. All she could do was drool in ecstasy when he’d thrust his massive toy deep into her flesh.

To finish the look, like icing on a cake, she took the cuffs and locked one on her left wrist. The other she kept loose and hanging but the key she kept tucked between her breasts, right in the center of her cleavage.

After one final look in the mirror she stepped out and headed through the living room. She looked around but Chace was nowhere to be found. She went to the kitchen, which is where he was earlier, but he was no longer there.

“Where in the world are you?” she thought as she started checking out every room and door in the apartment. It was to her utter disappointment to discover him in his home office, seated by the desk, talking to the phone while checking his laptop and a pile of paperwork.

Julie felt a rush of both anger and dismay. She was frustrated and even when she stood in the doorway, wiggling her hips and caressing her tits to draw his attention, Chace was still too distracted to even notice. It was like she didn’t even exist. It was just him and his work from this point on, a reality that was immediately sinking into Julie’s mind now.

“Chace?” Julie called out after she removed the gag in her mouth. He couldn’t hear her. “Chace!”

She shouted a little louder and then again but now even louder than before. He still didn’t notice her until finally she slammed the door shut and began to walk back to the bathroom.