Katherine tried not to look disappointed as she lowered herself. “That’s true. Well, how about you come over for dinner tomorrow night? We can make something special.”

Jayden shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’d like that.”

“Cool, so come by tomorrow at around seven and I hope you’re planning on wearing something much comfier.”

“I’ll see if I can oblige.” He deadpanned as he shook his head and laughed. “Anyway, I’ll see you later, little sis, Lee.” His eyes sought out hers. “It was lovely to meet you, Camilla.”

Camilla shivered as little tingles went up and down her body at the way her name rolled off his tongue.

He’s got a girlfriend. Snap out of it. Her head screamed as she gave him a polite smile in response. He waved goodbye and made his way out the door.

Chapter Three

Camilla zoomed in and out of traffic as she cursed under her breath wondering if she’d make it to work on time. She had woken up on time, gotten dressed and left at exactly the same time she left every day, but much to her chagrin, the street was completely backed up, and she was left drumming her fingers against the steering wheel. She hummed under her breath as she leaned back in her chair and sighed.

She began to fiddle with the radio dial until she turned to her favorite station. She tuned out the world around her and began to listen to a funny story the radio host was telling.

Once the radio host was done, she grinned as the new Coldplay some came on. She reached for the dial and turned it up and began singing out loud to the song something just like this.

She turned down the volume when her phone began beeping. She put her phone on speaker and answered. “Kat, hey, what’s up?”

“Cam, hey, Listen, I’m at work right now, but I’m going to stop by after work and pick up some things for dinner. I was thinking of making tacos and burritos.”

“A little Mexican, huh?” Camilla honked as the car in front of her refused to move.

“Yeah, Jayden is really into Mexican food, and he doesn’t get to eat authentic Mexican cuisine that often.”

Katherine was part Mexican on her mother’s side, so she always made a fuss about what was considered genuine Mexican food and what wasn’t because her abuela taught her everything she knew about food.

“You know I love your tacos and burritos, in fact, I’ll probably be salivating all day at work thanks to you.”

“Sort of like you were salivating over my brother yesterday.”

Camilla made a dismissive noise in the back of her throat as she made a U-turn. “I wasn’t salivating over your brother. I thought he was just a random guy who hit the doorbell and was you know lost or something.”

“Uh huh. Then why didn’t you just give him directions or tell him to eff off?” Katherine’s voice sounded smug.

Camilla hit the brakes as she spotted a prime parking spot. She put the car in reverse and began to maneuver into the spot. “Well, I’ll admit, I was curious.”

She switched off the car and began shoving everything into her bag.

“Curious isn’t exactly the word I’d use for it. Don’t forget he lives across the road now. But hey just remember that we’re best friends even if my brother ends up breaking your heart or something. I mean obviously I’d kick his ass, but our friendship wouldn’t change.”

Camilla opened the door, swung her bag over her shoulder and switched the phone back. She cradled it between her shoulders and ears before she clicked on the button that would shut her car.

“Kat, I really think you’re reading too much into it. Nothing even happened between your brother and I. We were just talking.”

“Talking?” Katherine snorted. “Is that what you call mentally undressing each other nowadays? Honey, I could feel the heat in that room, I was about to burst into a rendition of Nelly’s hot in here.”

Camilla rolled her eyes as she looked both ways before she checked to make sure that the traffic light was red. She hastened across the street. “Knowing you, you probably would’ve, so my question is, why didn’t you?”

“And ruin a moment like that? No, I was having way too much fun watching although at one point, I thought he was laying it on a little thick considering he’d just met you.”

Camilla shook her head as she walked up to the building where she worked. She swung the door open. “Well as fascinating as your theory is, it’s unfounded and unsubstantiated —”

Katherine interrupted her. “Don’t you talk to me in the journalist tone of yours.”

Camilla paused, confusion lacing her tone. “Journalist tone?”