Page 36 of Bossy Billionaire

“Let’s see if we can put those long legs to use.”

They collided into a mess of limbs as Mark switched on the shower and proceeded to keep his promise to make her scream.


Mark grunted as he lifted his jeans up and slipped on his shirt. He flicked his hair out of his eyes and watched as Lauren put on her hoodie.

The door clicked open, and he gestured for Laurel to go first.

She paused uncertainly at the door. “Will I see you again?”

Mark let out an aggravated sigh. “Laurel we’re both adults here, we both know how this works, so I’m not going to lie to you, but it’s been fun babe.”

Laurel nodded and straightened up but not before she grabbed the front of his jeans. Mark felt himself respond to her touch, but his face remained neutral.

“Well, if you ever want a repeat performance, you know where to find me.” She slipped a card into his hands before she reached up and nibbled on his ear.

“I doubt that. I make it a point not to sleep with the same woman twice.” Mark responded nonchalantly as Laurel stopped nibbling on his ear. He hooked his thumb in the waistband of his jeans and watched as Laurel eyed him.

“It’s there if you change your mind,” Laurel said once more before she gave him one last seductive look. She patted her hair carefully before she strode out of the room, her heels echoing in the hallway.

Mark let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He was still new to the whole bad boy thing, it had only been a year in fact, and it was Blaire who told him not to sleep with the same woman more than once. He told him that it would mean they expected him to call back, take them out and stuff like that, and Mark didn’t want that.

He wanted to be free and wild on the court and in bed.

And he liked how women fawned all over him. The second he walked into a room, he saw how women’s eyes trailed over his fit muscular body, taking in the piercing green eyes, shaggy blonde hair, and the tattoos that were on his body. He didn’t have many, but he had just enough that would make women want to lick, bite and kiss every single one.

The only person who’d just touched them slowly without doing anything was Jenny McAndrews.

He didn’t know why he was thinking about her now he thought as he made his way out of the gym and headed towards his convertible.

He hadn’t thought about Jenny in a year, not since they met in that bar when he had just joined the NBA, and she was there with a douche bag who had paid her no attention.

He saw her the minute he walked into the bar, how could he not? With her fiery red hair, blue eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

She was sitting next to a guy who was too busy flirting with the woman next to him to pay her attention. He noticed how Jenny had seemed sad about that, and after a few drinks, he decided to walk up to her and start a conversation.

The second she smiled at him, he knew he was in trouble.

Mark shook his head to clear away the remnants of the memory and threw his bag into the backseat. He texted Blaire to let him know that he was on his way, and got into the driver’s seat. He slid the door down and hooked in his phone to listen to some AC/DC.

He turned the music up and hit the gas hard enough to leave skid marks as he let the music wash out all thoughts of a certain redheaded woman he had never been able to forget.


“Look, it’s not that I don’t want to visit a hospital full of sick kids, but what if they get me sick or something?”

Mark could practically hear his manager roll his eyes. “You’re being paranoid, Mark. Besides, we need to do a little rebranding because your image has taken quite a hit after that fiasco with the Harley.”

Mark grunted as he began to stretch his muscles. “I already told you what happened. I was on my Harley smoothing out, and this woman comes up to me and asks me for a ride, I’m a warm blooded man, and she was hot as hell, why would I say no?”

“Because her boyfriend would start pummeling you, and it would end up all over the internet?” His manager offered sarcastically.

“Thanks Rob, as if I didn’t know what the outcome was, but how was I supposed to know she had a boyfriend? She came up to me.”

“Well, I’ll agree to that, but you couldn’t just walk away when he started trying to bait you?”

Mark bent down to touch his toes, and he let out a deep breath. “I suppose I could’ve, but really, the guy was asking for it.”