The beast was one of those things that you hear about without ever really knowing the truth. For someone like Josh it was clear why he wouldn’t want to tell anyone, people never knew what was fact or fiction. In my time in the forest, I’d only heard the creature. Only a very few men had actually got to see what the thing looked like, maybe Josh was the only one, the only one who got out alive that is. I wanted to ask more questions, but it didn’t seem as though he was in the mood to talk about it.

We eventually arrived back at the castle, and by that time the only light available was raining down from the moon. The drawbridge was lowered and we arrived in, I was expecting my father to be angry that we have been out after he got dark. He as standing there as soon as we got into the castle. His face was scornful until he saw that I was wearing something a little bit extra from when I had left a castle, a ring. His face turned from scorn, to intrigue, with a little smile drawn across his face. “What is that you’re wearing?” he said, knowing full well what it was.

“Well . . . I’m engaged” I said happily. It had been such a crazy day, but I felt happy that my mind was now settled on what I wanted to do. I just hoped that Josh was everything that I wanted him to be. My father looked happy, if not a little shocked. I had the feeling he expected me to be trouble for my whole life, and not settle down with someone who would have his blessing. He said that he’d through a huge banquet to celebrate. A part of me was happy just to see him happy with the news, I was still resentful that I had precious few options that would make him happy.

Josh had to ride back to his father’s castle which was about a half an hour’s ride from my father’s. I offered for him to stay with me, but he said that he was expected to return and would make arrangements so that we could start living together. I was excited, and so was my father. I felt as though we were both getting what we wanted, I just hoped that things worked out between me and Josh. My father congratulated me and looked proud for once in his life. If only he knew what I’d been getting up to recently. It seemed odd to be attached to just one man.

Bella - The engagement party

My father had arranged the banquet for the weekend, over the next few days arrangements were made for me to stay with Josh in his father’s castle. I wasn’t sure how it would work with my father’s throne once he passed, but there was no point thinking about that right now. I wasn’t ready to be a queen anyway, I could hardly cope with being a princess. I was nervous about living with a man, and the temptation of being around his brothers all the time. I’m sure that they still had fond memories of filling up all my holes.

The weekend came, and with it so did the banquet. Everyone was invited and me and Josh were to host the event and a celebration of our forthcoming marriage. Not a lot had been planned in that respect over the last few days, but I was excited to be able to have a big day. It’d be the biggest day of them all too, no expense would be spared and I was looking forward to making my demands to make everything perfect. I had already planned a few little bits in my head.

The last time I was in a room like this, it was my father’s birthday. This time though, the seven men I had desired before had now become six. John was still imprisoned down in the cells and I wasn’t sure when we’d be let out, or if he ever would be. I had hoped that with my finding my suitor that my father would be able to trust me enough to let him out, but that didn’t look like happening anytime soon. He was treated very well down there on account of the guards being his own personal men. I had no doubts some of this banquet would somehow make its way down to him. My father needed John, the army beloved him and my father was vulnerable if they weren’t in full support.

I hadn’t spoken to the other two brothers yet about the proposal, they would have both been hoping that they too would have been able to date me, but once I had a great time with Josh, I knew I didn’t want anyone else. I’m sure they understood, but they were all fiercely competitive, I’m sure it hurt a little that is was Josh that managed to get the girl. Given their position, they wouldn’t be searching for someone else for too long. Nobody as beautiful and as fun as me though, I gave them a great time.

Max was there too, I had tried to look at him, but he seemed to be avoiding all eye contact. He had obviously heard the news and I know that we would have been hurt by it. He knew there could never be a me and him though. Even if I was free to marry anyone in the world, I still saw him more as a friend. A very special friend. I hoped that we could carry on speaking once that I had gotten married, but it was unlikely. I’d be living in the castle and have no means by which to speak to him when I was here.

George was there too, and I felt a tinge of sadness at the thought that I never really had the chance to ever know him. I know that we both liked each other, but talking to him was near impossible let alone him being my husband. The forbidden prince whom my romance with would forever remain unrequited. I always held out hope that my father and his would be able to settle their differences, but it wasn’t meant to be.

The handsome doctor was there too, I had not seen him for a while and was wondering how much we would have connected if I got to know him better. He was very cold and reserved though, and never let me into his thoughts let alone his pants. I was looking at the room and wondering about how things could have been different. I was happy with my choice; however, I kept looking back at Josh to reaffirm that. His powerful figure, stunning good looks and protective nature were hopefully all I’ll ever need.

The banquet continued and I got increasingly merry. I was just about to be transferring my freedom from my father’s grip into the hands of Josh, and I was happy about it. I should hopefully be allowed to do more things and have fewer eyes watching my every move. “Make sure you watch what you drink” said Josh, as I noticed that he was just enjoying some water. He seemed to be annoyed at the fact that I was having a good time. He saw the way I was with him and his brothers, I hoped that he wouldn’t be the controlling type, but perhaps he was right, I was getting a little bit carried away with myself.

I was enjoying the rest of the night, talking to the crowd like I usually do. I got a brief moment to speak to Max as he was doing some work near me. “I won’t forget you” I said to him when I knew he’d be listening. He just looked up and gave me that sweet smile of his. It was a smile that was tinged with a bit of sadness. It was as though he was trying to be happy with me, but thinking that he was going to be forgotten about. Maybe he was right.

My attention turned back to my husband-to-be and I was looking forward to going up to my bedroom with him and enjoying a night of hot love making between just the two of us, but he seemed cold when I tried to talk to him. I had never walked into my room with another man before without fear that anyone may see something; I wanted to have that moment of freedom before I had to move to be with him in his castle.

Josh didn’t see too forthcoming however, and I wasn’t sure why. I decided to ignore his odd mood and continue socialising. I had a brief moment of chat with the forbidden price, George, as I knew he’d be leaving shortly. We exchanged pleasant conversation, but there wasn’t a lot to be said. I knew I couldn’t talk to him for too long as it’d be frowned upon, but I tried to get in as much conversation as I could. I could have been with him if things had have been different, but there’s no point thinking about that right now.

George – The regret

Of all the women, in all the land, I could have had my pick of any of them. That’s not to be arrogant, when you’re a prince women would fall at your feet and just want to be with you for your status, regardless of what you looked like. Some of the ugliest prince’s had the most beautiful of brides. I had my fun of course, but never got close to finding any woman suitable of being by my side. My father wasn’t too fussy, as long as it was a woman of fine character and reputation, he’d be happy.

So, all the women in all the land and the only one that has ever really sparked my interest was the one woman I couldn’t have, Bella. All the princess’ I had ever encountered always had a sense of entitlement and thought they were better than everyone else. Always rude and obnoxious with little regard for anyone else, but not Bella. She was the anti-princess in many ways; I got the feeling that she never really wanted the role. But I wanted her so badly.

I always watched her as much as I could, observe her every movement. I saw the way that she talked to and treated the servants, always had time to give a smile and sometimes a little chat which no-one else did. I often saw her give glances and looks to this one servant, I always thought it was cute. They obviously had something going on, but only I seemed to know. I kept watching him this night and I could see the sadness in his eyes. I felt sad too, I wish things could have been different between me and Bella. Our fathers hated each other, which meant that we couldn’t ever speak for more than a few moments at the time. We always got on so well, but never had the chance to properly find out if anything was there. If I risked it and took her away, I risked starting a war. That wasn’t a burden I could carry.

The servant that obviously had feelings for Bella came closer to me as he was doing a few jobs. “She’s a hell of a girl isn’t she?” I said, purposefully being vague about who I was talking about. He briefly looked up, before looking back down, almost in fear of being seen looking one of the guests in the eye. “I was talking to you” I jested, before repeating my original question.

“Err . . . wha . . . sorry” came the reply. I felt sorry for him in that moment, he was clearly uncomfortable so I quit the games and was more direct. “Bella . . . she’s a hell of a woman, isn’t she?” I could see the look in his eye which told the truth, and then heard the lies that came out of his mouth. “I wouldn’t really know” he said, with words finally coming to his lips.

“How long have you been friends?” I said, I looked at him with a knowing glace and with a wry smile that seemed to disarm the tension that he had.

“Quite a few years” came the short reply, and he couldn’t help himself crack a little smile himself. “What’s your name?” I asked.

“I’m Max”

“Well listen here Max, I’ve seen the way Bella has looked at your for a long time. I bet one day you’ll find yourself a girl as special as her . . . I hope I do.” I said, trying to cheer him up. It seemed like he had not wanted to be there this whole night, it was obviously a difficult day for him seeing the girl he loved with another man. I was struggling too; I always had this romantic notion in my head that one day we’d find a way to be together. Silly thoughts, I needed to move on.

Bella talked to me later in the night, and it was bittersweet. It was always lovely talking to her, except this time the dream had died. I kept wondering what this new man had done to deserve her, but there was no point dwelling on it too much. I knew he was a prince that her father would have been happy with, and thought that might have been it. The question was on the tip of the tongue, but I wanted to say it without directly asking.

“Was he the best of a bad bunch?” I said, she knew what I was referring too.

“Well, he seems like a lovely man” she replied, “But, you might be right”

We both shared a pained smile in that moment, before we both agreed to end the conversation for fear of being caught talking to long. As soon as we did I raised my head and looked at her fiancé, he was staring straight back at me. I stared back for a while, but then gave a little smile, nod and raise of a glass in congratulations. He didn’t look too pleased; I was soon to leave anyway.