Seven Princes
Boy, I hate these kinds of events, the kind of occasion where I have to keep up with appearances and pretend to be the person that my father wants me to be. It’s many little girls dream to be a princess, but not me. I wish I wasn’t one, I wish I was free to do what I wanted to do.
But what is a girl to do? I’m the princess! I can’t exactly run away and lead a normal life, for now I have to do whatever the king tells me to do. Your father is hard enough to disobey as it is, when your father is the king and you’re not allowed out of the secure walls of the castle? You have little choice.
So here I am, bored. Trying to let the wine make this evening bearable. In a room full of pretentious people and a bunch of men that my father feels would be suitable for me to wed. Of all the men in the entire world, I have a handful to choose from. A handful of suitors that my father thinks worthy to have me, but a handful that I feel unworthy of me.
People like Prince Alexander, the perfect match. I mean, the perfect match as far as my father is concerned. With the arrogance of the man, you’d be tricked into thinking he was God’s gift to women if you were blind, but his ugliness is both on the inside and outside. He has no chance with me, not that he thinks that. But I have to be polite. He comes from money and a family that is an ally in the area. I don’t want to, but I have to play nice. I’ve given him enough cold shoulders that he seems to be finally getting the picture.
No, not for me, someone else will have to do for this princess. In truth, by my count there’s only seven men in this room who I’d want to feel inside of me. By my count, only four of those my father would be willing to accept, which causes somewhat of a problem.
Three of those are brothers, the sons of King Richard of Sanyek, Isaac, Ralph and Josh. King Richard rules the neighbouring kingdom of Saynek and is a close acquaintance of my father. It had long been thought that I’d marry one the princes, but which one? I could never quite decide which one was the most handsome, but all three were tall and well built. The type of men who could protect their princess, maybe all three of them at the same time would be able to fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before, a girl can only dream.
Isaac was the oldest and most self-assured of the three. He commanded the respect of the room and that was always a bit of a turn on for me, he had physical power to go with his powerful presence. He knew it too, he was confident to the point of cockiness, but had a charm which was alluring. The middle brother, Ralph was more of a follower of the three. He’d do whatever Isaac told him to do. I knew if Isaac wanted me, there is no way he’d let me get with Ralph. But he was sweeter and more polite than his elder brother.
Josh was the youngest, but the biggest of the three. He was the opposite of his eldest brother however; he didn’t carry the same aura about him. He was quiet, and only spoke when he had to. I’d not spoken to him a lot, but he was always polite and sincere. From the look in his eye, I knew he liked me. He was an absolute physical specimen. He must have been around six and a half foot tall with biceps bigger than most people’s thighs. No-one in this room could come close to taking him in a fist fight; he could certainly protect me, that’s for sure.
The three brothers all were suitable enough, but it was another prince who held my affection above all others, but this one was the forbidden fruit of the forest. If King Richard was a close acquaintance of my father, George’s father of the Oxerod kingdom was at the other end of the scale. They hated each other, and the only thing stopping them from going to war was a mutual trade of goods and services which suited both kingdoms, it was a very unstable partnership.
I rarely saw George, he and his family were only invited to occasions like this when they absolutely had to be. This, the occasion of my father’s 50th birthday, was such a time. Everyone had to be invited, which gave me a rare opportunity to gaze at this beautiful man. On the few times I had spoken to him, I found him to be charming and chivalrous, but also full of wit and humour. He was forbidden though, I wasn’t prepared to take that leap of faith with a man I barely knew.
But no-one in this room, however, had ever got me to be wet to the point of desperation more times than John. He was my father’s right hand man, and had many times acted as my personal bodyguard. He had known me since I was a teenager and I had constantly flirted with him when no-one was around. He would sometimes ignore me, sometimes flirt back, but he never acted on it. Even when I made it very clear I was there for the taking. He knew the consequences of anyone finding out, he was obviously never prepared to take that risk. He was in his 40’s, but more handsome than ever. Strong and brave, my father trusted him with his life. I would too.
I probably wouldn’t trust Max, not that he’d ever be asked too. He was a nice boy; he was young like myself and was trying to make his way up in the world. He worked around the castle and did the kind of jobs that no-one else wanted to do. I’d see him every so often, and we were good friends. You could say friends with benefits too; I used him at my whim whenever I was craving some cock. There was a secret passage into my room that only I was meant to know, I had told Max a few years ago and he’d come and visit when I demanded it. He knew I could never be with him though, he had no standing in the world and my father would never allow it. In a room full out men trying to be more powerful and boisterous than the next, he was a ghost. Cleaning up the mess and changing barrels.
No-one in this room intrigued me more than Adam though, the handsome doctor. He was allocated to the castle, but lived outside of the walls, which was odd, as most others stayed on site. He was young for a doctor too, and devilishly good looking. He had treated me on a few occasions and always felt safe with him. My father wou
ld have preferred me to marry into fellow royalty, but Adam would have just about been suitable. He was cold-hearted though, and his bedside manner left a lot to be desired. I probably wouldn’t have been interested, but there was something about him that intrigued me greatly. Almost as if there was a kind heart behind that cold exterior and I always wanted to get inside his head and see if I was right.
So, seven men that held my affection. All of them knew it to a degree, and I was pretty sure I had their affection too. In a world of closed walls and guards at every corner, my choices were slim. I was sure I’d find the right man for me soon.
The sweet and beautiful princess, all grown up and ready to marry. I say sweet, as that’s how she comes across to everyone else, but it was the little devil inside her that made me crave her so much. Cravings I had to constantly keep in check regardless of the constant flirtation. Her father would probably have me killed if I acted upon those impulses. He often told me to keep an eye on her. Half of my job was to control the army, the other half was to try and control her. The latter often proved to be a lot more difficult, but a lot more fun.
“Hello princess, how are we today?” I said keeping a check on her as usual.
“Bored as usual” came the reply. I knew her thoughts on these types of occasions and having to marry one of the men that her father would allow. “Any of these fine single men catch your eye then Bella?” Whenever I was with her and no-one could hear, I’d call her by her first name. At every other time, I’d have to address her as ‘princess’. I couldn’t be seen to be her friend.
“No, not really” she said answering the question, “Only you”. It was the type of comment I was used to, but it never ceased to turn me on. I also had to not smile, which was difficult. Sometimes she tried to make it as difficult as possible for me, the wine seemed to turn this moment into one of these times. “None of these men could fuck me like you could“ she said. It immediately made it uncomfortable for me, so to speak, God help me if anyone asked me to get up right now. Thankfully the erect cock in my pants was hidden underneath the table.
I was so desperate to take her, but thankfully I was always able to resist. She had said to me in the past that she wouldn’t utter a word, but I could never take that risk. What if someone were to see? A few moments of enjoyment aren’t worth losing my life for. Sometimes I’d look at her and feel like I wouldn’t care. Her beautiful long brown hair, doll-like face and the perfect curve of her body were almost enough to die for. She was slender, but with the body of a woman, unblemished and perfect. There were so many times when I almost broke my resolve. I knew she wanted me, I could never understand why, but I couldn’t care less.
Max – The unattainable dream
Cleaning pots, taking away glasses and mopping up the sick from the floor . . . nights like this are the ones I hate the most, I might as well be a ghost as I make my way through the crowd cleaning everyone’s mess. No-one in this room knows my name, no-one would care if I died, no-one knows anything about my story . . . except for Bella that is. She’s always treated me like an equal, which, considering she’s the second most important person in this place, is pretty special. Not quite as special as when she lets me be her own personal dildo, but I take that whenever she wants, I’m a slave for her in more ways than one. A slave who she treats like a king, I’d do anything for her. I’d do anything to be her husband, but I know that can never be. The day when she finds her suitor would be the worst of my life, to see someone else by her side would be heart-breaking, hopefully it’s no time soon, although I can see the way some men in this place look at her.
I am probably the person she is most fond of in this room, but she can’t so much as look at me. I respect that, if she pays attention to the man everyone else ignores, people will talk. I have plenty of my own time with the princess, away from the beer drinking and noise of the king’s party. I catch a moment in the night when I can be by her side, in a literal sense. Clearing glasses from her table, I glance towards her as she looks straight past me. For a brief moment she is sat on her own and no-one else is within earshot of the both of us.
“I may be alone tonight, make sure it’s not the case if I give you the signal” she says, still not looking at me. I feel a twinge run through my cock at just the thought, that’s me not being able to concentrate for the rest of the night, I’ll be constantly looking out for her to give me that signal. As the hours go on through the night, she must be spoken to by at least a dozen men, all either trying to get her to wed, or get her into bed. Each time I see it, I am willing them to fail.
I still have dreams of being a man capable of taking her hand in marriage, but that’s a long shot. I wanted to work in the castle as a way into the army. I know I’m a good fighter, but have yet to be given my chance. It’s hard to be noticed when you’re a humble servant. When I am given my chance, I know I’m going to impress. I’ll work my way up and be respected by all men before me. I fear by that time however, the princess will long be married.
For now, the brief moment when she is bored and calls me up to her room for a moment of passion is all that I can have, not that I’m complaining too much. The night starts drawing to a close and people start to leave. It’s at this time you can see where the relationships are the strongest. Those known not to be too close to our king leave as soon as socially acceptable to do so, it always makes me laugh. The princess almost looks bored to the point of tears. I get caught gazing at her, it happens from time to time. Thankfully no-one notices, as no-one notices me. Apart from the princess that is, she looks back at me, tries to stop a smile before delivering a wink in my direction. The signal.
Bella – Maximum pleasure
It can be hard to get a good fuck in a place like this; Max was basically a human dildo for when I get bored and desperate. Not that I thought of him like that, he was just there to serve my needs when required. There were constantly eyes on me and the activities I’d get up to, so trying to have fun was hard work sometimes. My father probably still thought I was a virgin, far from it. I’d make the most of any chance I had to have some fun, but it was tough.
That’s where Max came in. He was a good looking young man, around my age in his early 20’s, as he was a servant, however, he almost went by unnoticed. Not that I could bring him into my room for anyone to see, that’d be too risky. If my father ever found out that Max was my fuck buddy, then he’d probably have him killed. Thankfully, no-one knew, that was in part due to a secret passageway that led into my room.
It was built as an emergency escape route should anything ever happen to the castle, the only people who were meant to know about it was me and my father. There was a hidden entrance in my tower room that led to a very narrow staircase that would take you to the bottom of the castle. Once there it led to a hidden ledge that wasn’t accessible to the rest of the castle. The plan was to make it across the moat to the other side should I ever need to escape.
I say that the ledge wasn’t accessible from the rest of the castle, it was to everyone else but Max. The window of his room was directly on top of that narrow ledge. Whenever I required his services, he would tie down a rope and climb to the bottom of the ledge. From there, he’d walk up the narrow staircase and knock from the other side of my room to let me know he was there.
I couldn’t be bothered saying goodbye to the rest of the party; I was bored and couldn’t be bothered with the pleasantries that I’d have to go through with everyone that was left in the room. I decided to sneak off and head to my room. By this time Max had gone, there was a point in the night where half the servants would go off to bed to do the rest of the chores in the morning. Thankfully Max was let go early.
I made my way up to my room and close the door behind me. I decided to get undressed and await Max’s arrival behind the secret entrance in my room. I was happy to be away from the party and was already getting wet at the thought of Max being inside me. The wait for him always felt so long, but I always patiently waited. I was always tempted to just get him to walk into my bedroom with me, but one quick glance from anyone else and they would have gone straight to the king. It wasn’t worth it.
After what seemed like an age, I eventually got the knock on the other side of the door. I opened it to let Max come in, and there he saw me in all my naked glory. It wasn’t an easy trip for him, and he was always slightly out of breath when he arrived. The sight of my naked body seemed to instantly calm him, and a wide smile developed on his face.
“Get on the bed” I demanded, he was more than happy to do whatever I asked him to do. He quickly took off his shoes and his socks and went to lay down on the bed for me. It was at this point where I’d usually give him a rest from the physical exertion that he had just been through. I pulled his pants and his underwear straight down to reveal his fine cock. I’m sure it wasn’t the biggest in the land, but it was more than enough to make me happy.
I told him to take off his top and we were both now naked, embracing in our perfect little secret. I climbed upon on bed, kissing his legs before I made my way to the inside of his thighs, gently kissing him as I made him wait for the main show. I placed my hand on his cock, lifting it up so I could kiss further up his thighs.
I started to kiss further up his thighs and I could feel the tension running up his body, I was soon to put him out of his misery and into ecstasy. I stopped for a moment before taking my tongue and touching it at the base of his cock before licking all the way up the length. I did it a few more times, top to bottom as his breathing deepened with the occasional large intake of breath. I did it again, but this time I rolled by mouth over the tip and slid his cock into my mouth until it reached the back of my throat. He must have forgot to take a breath whilst I had his cock in my mouth as he took a huge intake of breath as I drew my lips back to the tip.
I worked around the tip with my lips while stroking my cock with my hand, occasionally looking up to take wonder at his pleasured face. I started from the bottom of his body and was slowly moving my way up. I didn’t want him to have too much fun without me having mine, so I moved on from his cock and kissed further up his chest. Kissing his nipples before I got the chance to kiss those lips that I had kissed so often before. Lips that no-one else in the world had seen me kiss.
At that moment I sat back, grabbed the base of his cock and slowly sat down on it. Not that it needed much persuasion, I was incredibly wet and the whole of his length went deep inside me. His cock was long and it was always enough to pleasure me greatly. I was usually this wet when he came to greet me. I don’t know whether it was the fact that he was cute, the wait for him to arrive or the naughtiness of fucking in private, but I was always incredibly turned on by the time he knocked for me.
I was grinding on his cock, moving my hips back and forth and loving the feel of him inside me. He placed his hands on my hips as he watched my pert breasts move up and down to the rhythm of my body. He looked like he was taking enormous pleasure from me fucking him, and that turned me on even more. “I’m getting close” he said, as clearly my expertise were a bit too good for him. I wasn’t close, so I thought I’d give the cute servant a little break from me pleasuring his cock.
I moved further up his body, but I had nowhere else to kiss. This time, it was his mouth that would have to do the work as I placed my legs either side of his face as I lowered my wet pussy onto his waiting tongue. I felt a surge of pleasure as his tongue lapped against my clit, it was fast and relentless and had to be careful not to cum myself, I wasn’t ready to yet. I moved my legs up and down to alter the pressure that he could put on with his tongue. I could have cum right there and then, but I wanted to feel him inside me and that’s the least he deserved for his climb up the escape route.
Except, no-one was going to cum. Not yet anyway. At that moment, I heard the keys being entered into the bedroom door from the other side. There were only two people who had access to the keys to my room, and I knew it wasn’t going to be my father. He made it some else’s duty to make sure I was alright. I whispered hide to Max, but by that time it was too late. He had only made it off the bed before the door flew open. There stood John with his sword drew out, ready for a fight. As soon as he saw the state of the room, he knew there was no fight to be had.
“I heard a noise and thought you were in danger, I’m so sorry Bella . . . but I’m going to have to tell your father bout this at once.” Said John
I was there on my knees with the bed cover wrapped over me, and Max was frozen in fear, fully naked by the side of the bed. I dropped the cover that was wrapped around the top of my chest and let it fall to the bed, revealing my pert breasts and pussy to a man I know desired me. I walked over to him slowly as he lowered his sword by his side. Max was still frozen, and now too was John. My father’s right hand man wanted to fuck me so badly, I could feel it. Now I was here, naked before him and he had no idea what to do. I shut the door behind him to regain the privacy I thought it had.
“You won’t be telling anyone anything” I said to him, in an assured, but flirty manner.