Page 79 of September Rain

The morning came before sleep did. All night long I tossed and turned, arrested by Jake and remembering his words. He had such a way with them. I've read hundreds, maybe thousands, of books and none of the characters ever talked like Jake. None of them ever could because there was only one of him and he doesn't live in this world anymore.

But I'm on my way to find him. Wherever he is, I will get to him. I will be with him again.


I was thankful when the review committee sent for me early.

When I get back into the interview room, Tight Bun Tara and Quiet Darren are already there with my lawyer, as expected. I roll my eyes at the coincidence of all three wearing gray coats.

The three appear to be in conversation when I'm brought in, but stop whatever they're saying and begin doling out the obligatory morning pleasantries. How did I sleep? Did I eat breakfast? Have I had my meds already?

"How do you feel?" My lawyer asks.

"Fine." I mutter, even though every muscle in my body feels sore.

And then jump back in time . . . my soul aching as I speak the words. "Jakes' bad feeling was contagious . . ."


I awoke the next morning with a heaviness settled over my chest. It felt like a hangover, only I hadn't been drinking. I slept, but could not recall falling asleep. I laid in bed for a few minutes, feeling the empty sheets beside me, wondering where Jake had gone and how long ago.

Aerosmith played from the radio as I washed in my tepid shower. Steven Tyler sang, "Tell me what it takes to let you go," and I wanted to reach out for the radio and break the damn thing, but with my luck, I'd slip on the smooth bathroom floor and crack my head open.

As I ran the conditioner through my hair a pair of hands suddenly gripped my waist. The one thing that kept me from screeching was the sight of Jakes wet face when I whirled around. He was too good at sneaking up on me.

Breath whooshed into my lungs. "Jake! You scared me."

His brows pulled together. "I'm checking on you. You were kicking so much I barely slept, so I know you couldn't have."

With that, he released me and adjusted the shower head so the water hit us both. He hummed, taking the bottle of shampoo and squirting a dollop on my head. The bottle made a gross noise and we both chuckled. I was already done washing, but let him rewash and condition my hair. My blood heated as he caressed me with his soapy hands. I wantonly pressed my back against his chest, but he didn't take the next step. I turned to face him as he stared at me, water pouring down his face. He looked so sad.

"Are you alright?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine." I wrapped my arms around him and set my head on his bare chest. The spray from the shower beat down on us.

"Let's get out."

Jake was pensive, sitting on the counter, watching me blow dry my hair. When I finished, I decided to make use of the silence. "Where did you go?"

"To get clean clothes." He hopped from his post on the sink top and ran his fingers through my hair. "We're pushing out." He set a paper in my hand. "Motel address. Meet us there."

"I hoped to be riding with you."

He caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. His reserved gaze held an air of something I could not identify. "There's so much shit in the van, I'm riding with the guys from Proselytes. But I'll see you when you get to the motel. We'll bunk up tonight, too."

I felt my face light up.

"I can't stay away from your skin," he ran his nose along my neck, caressing my jaw with his scruffy one. "Angel," he groaned in a rough whisper that sent shivers through me. "I love you."

"Jake, I want to ride with you."

"Oh, I bet you would love that," he teased, "but we have an interview to get to and you're not ready." He stepped away from me, holding both my hands as his eyes pointed to the towel I was still wrapped in. "It's going to be a few hours before I get back to the motel, anyways. Take your time. I've got some meetings and promotion shit."

Whatever had been bothering him the previous night was still an issue, I could feel it. I couldn't think of a way to broach the subject, so my response came without words. Jakes' eyes widened as I threw my towel on the floor.

"Well," a wicked grin stretched his face. He ran a hand down my rib cage, making my skin tingle. "Why didn't you say so in the first place? There might've been time for foreplay."