Page 85 of Salvatrice

Instead of going straight to the door, I took her to the nearest car that was parked on the street so I could shake hands with some guys.

“Who are they?” Salva whispered. “Neighbors?”


“Do they need lookouts?”

“It’s always smart to have a couple.”

“Do we…I mean you?”

“We live in a fancy skyscraper. We have a security detail, but in the future, I would like to talk to you about the possibility of a guard.”

“A what?”

“Think of it like a driver who carries a gun.”

“Absolutely not. No guns around Romina.”

“Baby, I’m wearing a gun right now.” She looked at me with owl eyes and I laughed it off, even if it was damn true. “How are you feeling?”

“Now? Worried that the cops might arrest you for carrying a gun, and a little undressed. I mean, you’re in a suit and so is that man.” She nodded in Gino’s direction.

Of course we were, there was no other way. When you’re famiglia, you should look like it. Always. It was one of the things that Gino’s grandfather, Galliano, had taught us when we were being groomed to take over. Courage, honor, loyalty, and a little style – if you don’t have them all, you weren’t a gangster, you were just a fool with a gun.

“You look perfect, amore.”

More than perfect – her olive skin was glowing, her legs were long and tanned, her hair fell to her waist over the light-yellow dress. I would have fucked her right there in the middle of the street if I thought I could get away with it.

Gino, Muse, and Romina were waiting for us.

“Don Nucci,” I mocked him and shook his hand.

“Fratello, welcome. And you must be the woman…” Muse punched him in the next second. “I mean Salvatrice. Romina’s mother. Salvatrice Carter.”

“Yeah, that’s me, umm…yeah. I’m also the woman, yes. The woman who left Roman, twice, the woman who hid his child, the dying woman. I’m all those things.”

A streak of pride crossed my chest because I knew how uncomfortable she was, but it wasn’t stopping her from showing her teeth. My brave girl.

“Yeah, but I’m not allowed to say any of those things because my wife won’t let me. In my own damn house. There was a time when people respected me, you know?”

“Because of all the killing?”

I put a hand on her shoulder.

“Ok, Salva.” She was my woman, but Gino was still my don. At the end of the day, Salvatrice and I were not married, so she shouldn’t have heard all the things I’ve said to her. Not while she couldn’t refuse to testify in a court of law.

Gino, on the other hand, didn’t seem bothered by her remark.

“Yeah, exactly because of that. Anyways, I’m Gino Nucci.”

“Oh, I’ve met your sister and her husband.”

“Ha, what a lucky person you are,” he snorted sarcastically. Don’t take it the wrong way, it was just brotherly affection. “This beautiful woman is my wife, Muse.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Salvatrice.”

“Likewise. Roman speaks very highly of you.”