Page 83 of Salvatrice


“Roman, how long has this been here?”

“Six years.” Since she left me. The first time she left me.

She turned like a tornado and came at me so hard, I was thrown to the wall with her lips over mine. I’d kissed Salvatrice a million times, but never like this. This was possession and commitment. Sorrow and love. It was everything.

“I never left you, not really. You have to know my heart was always in your hands, Roman. There wasn’t a moment I didn’t love you, not even when I hated you.”

“It doesn’t matter because I have you now.”

“Tell me you love me.”

“You know I do.”

“I want to hear it.”

“I love you more than life, amore. It’s you. It was always you. I knew my search was over the moment I found you in that coffee shop.”

“I knew it too.” She smiled and rolled her eyes. “I felt it, Roman. You looked at me and slapped your name on my ass. I just didn’t want it to be true because it was scary how hard and fast I fell for you. I want you to know I have no regrets.”

I kissed her forehead, feeling the course this discussion was taking.


“No, I need to say this. You know how I feel about this – what do you call it? Family?”

“They are my family.”

“If we could go back in time and you’d told me from the get-go who you were and what you do, I would…I would still be yours.” This meant a fucking lot, because in the back of her mind, I knew I was still just like that man that pulled the trigger and killed her mother in cold blood, but she loved me despite it. She loved me beyond it. “You gave me my daughter and she’s the greatest gift. I have no regrets so when I won’t be here…”

“Ok, shut up. We’re done talking about your funeral. That won’t happen for the next eighty years.”


“Enough, woman. You love me, I love you, and you’re not leaving me again.” I walked to the nightstand and grabbed a Swiss knife that I got from Gino’s father, the old don, when I was fourteen. For some reason, I always kept it on hand. “Give me your hand.”


“Just give it to me.”

She extended her arm and before she had the chance to retrieve it, I cut her across the palm, not deep, but enough for the blood to show, before doing the same thing to myself.

“Damn it, Roman, have you lost your mind?”

“I’m making a blood oath to you, Salvatrice. I won’t let you leave me again.”

“Roman, baby, you can’t control that.”

“Give me a fucking chance to try. Look into my eyes and say the words, Salvatrice. Tell me you’ll let me keep my oath to you, no matter what. Hope with me, amore.”

Her sparkling emerald eyes were cloudy with tears and defeat, but I didn’t back down. I burned through her skin and straight into her soul, my eyes fixed on hers, begging.

Finally, she spoke the right words.

“I’d do anything with you, Roman.”

And we clashed into a kiss that made the air crack.