Page 8 of Salvatrice

“Pretty deep pockets for someone so young. May I ask what you do?”

She wasn’t about to get a straight answer.

“Back in New York, I’m a lawyer.”

“You’re deceivingly handsome. Is there a Mrs. Stefani?”

I hoped my smile covered the fact that I felt like she’d just hit me in the gut with a sledgehammer. A fugitive image of Salvatrice, sitting on our living room couch and admiring my grandmother’s engagement ring while telling me she loved me, flashed before my eyes.


“I see. Too bad, but maybe this is your lucky summer.” I wouldn’t go that far.

“Tell me, Mrs. Aida, what there is to see here in Portofino?”

“Other than this amazing view that lies at your feet?” She pointed to the sea. “Well, we have a museum and an art gallery. Castello Brown is close. You could also go visit the Church of St. Martin or St. George, but most people come here just to lay in the sun, enjoy the waves, eat and drink. I suggest you do that. Unless you are one of those people who want to go to the bottom of the sea to see that underwater statue of Jesus. I find it quite blasphemous.”

Ah, I’ve heard about it, but I had no particular desire to start and explore the sea just to find some statue.

“I see. And where can I find some good restaurants?”

“Piazzeta di Portofino, of course. That, young man, is our Time’s Square. It’s only coffee shops, bars, and good restaurants with amazing views over the marina. You could go up from the plaza on Roma Street; that’s also packed with restaurants and fancy designer’s stores. This is a small town, but trust me, we have a big shopping district, if you’re looking for some presents to take home.”

“I might do that.” Since I was planning to get back to New York right before Cat’s first day at Columbia, I could bet she’d love a few accessories from here. “Is there a jewelry store? My brother just had a son and I might have something for him.”

“Roma Street. You’ll find everything you need there.” That was the moment when Maximus showed his proud face and stepped joyfully out in the sun. When Aida saw him, she pushed herself back in the chair. “Oh, dear God, that is a big dog. I was not aware…does he bite?”

I called Max and told him to sit next to me and the dog executed immediately.

“No, don’t worry. He is very well-behaved and quite friendly, despite his mean looks. He will not damage your house or that little garden in the front of the house in any way.”

“I’ll take your word for it. I’m nervous around dogs since a mutt bit me when I was but a girl.”

“Not Maximus. He has been to more classes than some people, so don’t worry.” To prove my words were right, Max laid down with lazy moves and closed his eyes with no interest in hurting anyone. “See?”

“Mhmm.” I could tell Mrs. Aida was not a big fan of my dog just yet. “Oh, you could also rent a boat from the marina, or a yacht if you want to sail for a few days. I assure you no one can get bored of Portofino. And if you’re lucky…”

She let the sentence dangle and wiggled her eyebrows and I didn’t know what to do with that.


“This place used to be called Portus Delphini, the Port of the Dolphin. Maybe you’ll see some dolphins. Sometimes at sunset they make a spectacular show.”

“I hope I’ll catch it.”

When I was done with the eggs and pancetta, I put the plate away and dumped a biscotti in my coffee. When I bit into it, I was taken by surprise at how good it was.

“Damn, this is a good cookie.”

Miss Aida winked at me over the table.

“See? I told you. Portofino also has one of the best bakeries in the world. I strongly advise you to go and try everything she has, and if you do, there’s also a tip jar on the counter and if you want any of my scrambled eggs ever again, I advise you to be generous.”

“Is that so?”

“The owner is a single mother to a sweet girl, and hard worker. She took out a loan to open that shop and you know how banks are, always hunting you for everything you’re worth.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. What is it called? The bakery, I mean.”