Page 65 of Salvatrice

“Medication?” This was the first time I’d heard about Romina being on any medication.

“It’s a sleeping prescription if she has a really rough night and active sleepwalking, which might happen. She will be very stimulated because everything is new and all that. If you need to take her to the doctor…”

I rolled my eyes.

“She won’t end up in the hospital. Salva, if you are so worried, let’s just wait and go together.”

“No, this is just mom talking. I’d do the same if you took her to the park. Again, if you need to take her to the doctor her medical chart is in the pink luggage with the rest of the papers. Do you remember her allergies?”

“Pineapple and bees. Don’t worry, I’m Italian, we don’t put pineapple on pizza. It’s against the law.”

“There is an EpiPen in her backpack. Also, this is Remy’s first time flying, so you have nausea medication there.”

I grabbed her arms to make her stop rambling.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Roman,” she sighed, letting her head fall back, “did you hear anything I said.”

“Every word. We will manage. If you have any doubt, any doubt at all, we can cancel right now.”

Salva exhaled and let her body fall lax in my arms, so I held her and stroked her back.

“I’m sorry.” I looked down to see why her voice was shaking and saw her crying. “It’s just one day. You’ll be fine, she will be fine.”

“Right. Last chance.” I checked my Rolex. “If you want us to stay, say it now, or go say goodbye to Romina and tell her you’re coming tomorrow.”

“Yeah. It will take a minute, ok?”


“Baby?” Salva’s voice distracted Romina from her new fluffy friends.

Salvatrice went to sit in the chair next to her and touched her hair.

“Yes, Mama?”

“Baby, there’s been a little change of plans. You’ll go with Roman, and I will come the day after tomorrow. Are you ok with that?”

“Why aren’t you coming, Mama?”

“I, umm, the plane is full, but I’m just going to take the next one, baby. You trust me, right? You know you will be fine with Roman.”

“Yes. He bought me all of this.”

“Yeah. Ok, so promise me you’ll be nice, and respectful, and you’ll listen to him.”

“Mama, you’re coming soon.”

“Yeah, but you still need to promise.”

“Cross my heart.”

“Ok, now give me a hug. A really, really tight one.”

Romina nestled into her mother’s chest and I got to witness the purest love I’d ever seen. It was like they were wrapped in light. Salva kissed Romina on both cheeks and whispered something in her ear that made the little one smile. When they let go, I could see that Salva was on the verge of crying.

They came to me together, holding hands, and Salva came with us to the gate. When she handed me Romina’s hand, something felt wrong – I just couldn’t put my finger on it.