Page 36 of Salvatrice

I sat down on the bed facing her and she got up on her knees on the mattress, letting her body bathe in sun rays.

“You’re perfect.” I didn’t look at her in detail because I didn’t need to. My woman was perfect, I’ve known that since the first time I saw her at work.

“I have stretch marks.”

My eyes slid down to her stomach that was now marked by a few thin white lines. They were visible, but smooth when I touched her with the tips of my fingers. I was entranced by her beauty.

“Salvatrice, I have never seen anything more amazing. How could you think differently? This is the womb that held my daughter. Those stretch marks are from when Romina was growing inside you. I could look at you all day.”

She rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply.

“My tits are also not what they used to be.”

I grabbed her and pulled her closer so I could take one into my mouth and suck her nipple hard enough to make her moan my name.

“I would have loved to see them growing, full of milk. You’re beautiful, and if you weren’t, it wouldn’t change a damn thing.”

She looked down with her green, vulnerable gaze that I was possessed by.

“You can’t talk like that to me anymore, Roman. Don’t make things harder than they are.”

“Pardon?” I had no clue how speaking the truth about how I felt – how I still felt – would make it harder for her.

“I learned how to live without you, Roman. I had to. I know you’ll never leave Romina’s side again and I don’t want you to. She deserves to have two parents who love her, but we can’t let what happened last night repeat.”

“Why the fuck not?” I jumped back like she’d put a soldering iron on my chest. Where was she going with this speech?

“We lost our chance, Roman. All that’s left for us is to be parents together.”

Joint fucking custody. That’s what she was giving me.

“Listen to me, woman,” I caught her chin between my fingers to keep her eyes on mine. “You won’t leave me again. I won’t let you. How well do you know me, Salva? Do you think I’m the type of man to just accept no for an answer?”

“This is not about you, Roman.”

“Yes, it is, damn you!” My temper was slipping away from me again. That never happened, unless Salvatrice was involved. “You might have learned to live without me, but I didn’t. My whole life has been about you for eight fucking years. You’re my woman, and nothing will ever change that.”

“Roman,” she hissed frustrated.

“This discussion is over. We’ll go have breakfast, and then we’ll go to the bakery so you can open while I watch our daughter.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“And stop telling me what I have to do or not. Romina is not allowed to wander alone on the streets anymore, so she can spend her day with me while you deal with your clients.”

Salva raised an eyebrow.

“She’s not allowed?”

“Exactly, and you are not allowed to ever sleep in a bed that I’m not in.” With that, I threw her over my shoulder, slapped her ass and walked to the bedroom door. “Starting now, I’m taking a stand as the man of the house.”

“Man of the…put me down, asshole. I’ll have to be dead before obeying you,” she barked with her head hanging as she squirmed and twisted, attempting to get down and I couldn’t contain my smile. Yeah, that was the Salva that I knew.

“So you keep saying.” This time I chose to pat her ass cheek instead of spanking it. “And every time you say it, you end up with my dick in your mouth. Should we do that now?”

“Roman, are we not speaking the same language or what? I told you this won’t happen.”

“Mhm, but you came to me last night.”