Page 30 of Salvatrice


Portofino, 2000

I couldn’t sleep, I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, and I couldn’t stay still. I paced around the living room so much, I left footprints in miss Aida’s quilted rug. I was halfway through a bottle of rough Scottish whiskey, but the booze did nothing for me. I was still buzzing like a thousand volts were traveling through my body. Even Maximus could feel I was on edge, and it put him on alert.

I shouldn’t have kissed her.

What the fuck was I thinking about? I’d spent days and nights between her legs and it wasn’t enough. Why the fuck did I ever imagine that a single kiss would be enough to smother the ever-burning fire I’d had in my chest for the last six years? Eternity with Salva wouldn’t be enough. The only thing that stopped me from dragging her into the private suite and putting her pussy on my face for hours was Romina. Salvatrice was my cocaine; she had a strong hook in me but that little girl owned my heart. A minute – that’s all it took for me to fall in love with her.

Holy fuck, I was a dad. I had a child with the only woman that meant something to me. I was cursed with the blessing of having only half of everything I ever wanted.

If Salva imagined for a second that we would do some long-distance co-parenting shit, she had another thing coming. She was my woman, the mother of my child. I’d die before being without her and my kid again.

A knock on the massive front door of the house broke my march around the room. It was almost two in the morning; who the hell was visiting? The only person it could be was miss Aida, but I had doubts that she was here to deliver breakfast in the middle of the night. The moment I opened the door, I froze in place.

Salva was on the other side, playing with her hands nervously and biting on her lower lip. I desperately wanted to replace her teeth with mine and mark her mouth.

When Maximus saw her, he barked playfully and went to smell her.

“Hey, Max.” She greeted him, smiling, but took a small step back. “Are you sure he won’t bite me?”

“He won’t.” Max knew better. “You came to me.”


I couldn’t help the words that came out of my mouth. I was used to analyzing everything before speaking, but not this time. I wasn’t a lawyer or a consigliere with her, I was but a man.

“Come on, Salva. You know you belong with me.”

“Roman, be serious. I need to talk to you.” She looked at me, taking in the fact that I had just a pair of sweatpants on. “Can you please put on a t-shirt?”

“You used to like looking at me shirtless.” I raised an eyebrow and leaned into the door frame.

“That’s exactly the problem. I wanna talk about Remy.”

I tensed immediately. Yeah, so she was serious. Flirting had to wait.

“Something wrong?”

“She’s ok. Sleeping. My friend is watching her for the night.”

“Come inside.”

I did as she said and put a sleeping shirt on before coming back downstairs and finding Salva looking out my terrace.

“You have a nice view here.”

“Yeah, money well spent. Can I get you anything? Wine?”

“Just water. I think I had enough alcohol for one day.”

I frowned at the comment because she only had a glass and a half, but I poured her a big glass of ice water and threw some lemon in. She took it gratefully.

“Tell me, Salva. What was so important about Romina that couldn’t wait until morning?”

“If I’m bothering you…”

“You could never bother me, especially if it’s about my daughter. I’m just curious. You turned into ice after I kissed you earlier.” She blushed and looked away from me. It was ridiculous to hold anything back now. She was my Salva, we knew each other inside out. “Can we talk out on the terrace? I want to leave Max out to run a little. He needs to let out some steam.”