Page 89 of Chicago Code Black

I got to the kitchen and fired up my electric stove and put Rita's coffee metal thingy on. It took exactly three seconds to realize I had no idea how to use this, but I was not about to give up. I needed a win, no matter how small, so I was not going to let this coffee maker bring me to my knees.

Fourteen minutes and two YouTube tutorials later, I was ready to brew the damn thing when my phone went off in the other room. My heart almost punched its way out of my chest because there was the slightest possibility for Rita to call. All my enthusiasm fades when I saw an unknown number on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered and waited; there was a little pause before Avery's voice crashed over me like a heavy rock thrown from the sky.

"Hello, James. I need my bracelet back. The one my grandma gave to me; you know, I wore it at our wedding. It's gold with pearls and a few diamonds."

"Excuse me?"

I think the alcohol, tiredness and hurt got to me because there was no way I heard that right. No way.

"I really need it James, and fast. The old bag is ready to move to the beyond, and if I don't show at her death bed wearing that, she'll take me out of the will. You know how much money she has to give. I'll be in town next week, and I can pick it up."

I had never had such an ugly feeling towards a woman, and I mean never. I didn’t even wanna define the emotion that ran through me right then.

"This better be a fucking joke."

"James, it's very important."

"Months. You've been gone for months with no trace, not a phone call, not a word that wasn't passed through a lawyer. You haven’t seen a fucking picture of your daughter in months, and the first thing you say is about some fucking bracelet?"

Silence. Yeah, she'd better be fucking silent. Who did something like this? My anger only grew in intensity thinking about my Rita. She refused to talk to me, but I’d bet my balls she was turning and twisting thinking about Chelsea. That woman that I found in the streets a few short weeks ago was a better mother to my daughter than the one I thought was my forever could ever be. If there was any shade of doubt left, Avery squished it right then.

"I was going to ask about her after. How is she?"

"Do you really care?"

Another long pause dangled between us.

"What do you want me to say, James? I never wanted a child; it's too early. I am not ready to be a mom to anyone, but you are. I don't hold it against the child, though. It's not her fault our marriage fell through the cracks."

What the hell was this woman talking about? I was starting to suspect on a real level that she started taking drugs.

"No, it's not; it's your fault, Avery. You didn't even have the curtesy of talking to me about it. You just left our home and your newborn baby. With another fucking man." This was the first time we had talked since her departure. First opportunity to splash her with my venomous frustration, even though it was not like me to do so. But today? Today I lost the woman I loved, and if Avery was the one to take the shot, then so be it.

"I didn't leave with another man, don't make me sound like a cheater. He's my agent. Now stop stalling and go get my bracelet. I need it."

Stalling? She thought talking about our daughter was stalling?

"I don't have your fucking bracelet, Avery. You took all your clothes and jewelry with you." Quite the expensive luggage. She cleared the security box we held at the bank of any trace of a shiny stone and split our bank account. That was all; she didn't take a fucking picture, a toy, nothing.

"No, I don't have it, so it means you do!"

"I don't have your bracelet," I said with the flattest tone possible.

When I heard her voice, I prepared to feel my gut ripped out of me. I expected more pain, more sentiment, more...something, anything, but I only felt pity for her.

It was very eye opening. I dodged a bullet...well, not exactly dodged because I married her, but I took out the damn bullet.

"Yes, you do have it. You can't keep it; it's mine. James, I am serious; if you don't give that back to me, I will sue you for it. It's my property."

HA! I burst out laughing.

"Good luck with that. I don't know what the judge will say about you if you show up in court for a bracelet but didn't bother to do so for your daughter. I’ve had enough of this, goodbye Avery. Don't bother me again if it's not about Chelsea."

I was pissed at her, but I was not cruel; if she wanted to see Chelsea, I was not going to keep the baby from her. Honestly, I didn’t think this would be a problem anytime soon.

I shook my head, trying to drop all this extra inconvenience. Avery couldn't have reached me at a worse time, but I needed to leave that damn phone call. I had only one goal right then: bring my woman back.