Page 80 of Chicago Code Black

This was a celebration of love, all the highs and lows that got them there. So much emotion.

I felt my heart floating with so many emotions. I couldn’t help but wonder if my wedding was anything like this little picture of heaven.

A few staff members were hovering around the corner, and as we walked a little more, we saw Zachary and Paris chatting in front of the flower arch.

Zachary Ford was a good-looking man; I knew that already. He was tall and well-built, and his tuxedo fit like a glove, hugging his body to perfection, but all of that had nothing to do with the beauty that radiated from him. The usual mocking smile on his face was gone, and the only thing left was pure and utter beatitude.

He turned to us, and the look on his face brought tears to my eyes.

"Oh, here you are! James, I need you to listen to my vows once more."

"My man, I've read your vows over six times. You need to calm down."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I am calm as a sunny summer day," he said, and Paris puffed from behind him.

"Yeah, like a summer day in Siberia. James, Rita, I'm happy you're here because I think this goof is getting cold feet. You better find a way to heat them up fast because if he even thinks about walking out on London, I will hang him by the balls next to the Bean. He’ll be Chicago’s next attraction"

See? She looked like she was made out of fondant with her foxy hair and pale pink dress tightly wrapped on her killer body, but she could be so scary.

James laughed so hard, he had to put a hand on his stomach.

"Paris, you look stunning." my husband said, and I couldn’t even get mad because was true. "I think he will be fine, but don't worry because I will keep an eye on him."

"Thank you! I would hate to hunt him down for ghosting my cousin on their wedding day."

Zach growled and lost a little of his euphoric mood.

"It will never happen, Paris." His voice was hard as stainless steel, and I remembered that James told me how his first girlfriend walked out on him. The joke might have hit a little too close to home.

"Where is the blushing bride?" I asked, excited.

"She's getting ready with my mother, but no one is allowed to see her. Not only Zach, but everyone is strictly prohibited from going and talking to her because we are under high risk of tears."

I was not surprised. I already felt like balling and nothing had happened yet.

Zach took Chelsea from her stroller, and started walking around, talking with her and playing with the decorations.

"Well, papi, at least we have a free babysitter."

For the next hour, Paris made us take a million pre-ceremony pictures - I didn't even know that was a thing - and meet a shitload of people.

Zach's entire family was here, from great-aunts and his grandma to his sister, Lillyane, who I heard was aiming to get to the Supreme Court soon. Everyone on his side was into law, so he was the rebellious one. Can you imagine that? A family where the black sheep was the guy who became a doctor? I mentally rolled my eyes thinking about it. Where I came from, things were a little different.

I was looking at the sparkling water when James came from behind and kissed my shoulder.

"You need to take your seat, love. It's starting."

"Oh, how exciting."

I went to collect my daughter from Zach who was trying to look like nothing could affect him, but his hands were shaking like gelatin.

"You'll be fine, cabrón; don't freak out."

He shook his head and frowned deeply - this should have been his signature move. Really, he should have sought a trademark.

"Why does everyone think I'm freaking out? I am not! I want this! If I'm scared of anything, it’s that London will see I'm not good enough for her and call the whole thing off."

Oh, wasn’t he sweet, getting nervous like that? His big heart peeked through the douchebag façade, and every time that happened, his edges smoothed out nicely.