Page 49 of Chicago Code Black

"Yeah, go ahead." They walked out, and London turned back to me. "You look stressed, James."

"Stressed doesn't even cover it."

"Ok, but you also look heureux."

"I look like a what?" She giggled, and I smiled. London liked to throw us off with her sweet French language. She used it to curse her dumbass boyfriend out all the time.


I needed a long second for that to sink in. I was. I was happy every day I woke up to find the most amazing woman in this hemisphere and spend my time with her and my daughter. I was happy when she smiled at me, or yelled in Spanish, or when I saw her praying over Chelsea’s bed at night.

"If it's that obvious then why did Zach run out the door?"

"Don't worry about it; you know him, he can act like a bull on cocaine when he's flustered. I'm just glad that for once I'm not the red cap that he wants to stab with the horns." In the beginning of their relationship, Zach made a habit of bullying London, and she still gave him time out for it. This girl took a handful of his balls, and she was not about to let go.

"He's pissed at me."

"He is worried. It's you that's on the line here, James. You're his best friend, and he looks up to you, but he also looks out for you."

Ha, Ford the big softie.

"I know."

"Where is Chelsea right now?"


"She's, umm, home with Rita."

London bit her lip and took a deep breath. This was the thing I liked most about her, how she stopped to think about what she was about to say, not just spit out some brainless statement. She was the total opposite of Zach, and maybe that was why they were so fucking perfect together.

"You're one hundred percent sure the baby is safe?"

"Absolutely. You don't know her, London. Rita is sweet and gentle. She looks at Chelsea in a way that Avery - her own mother - never did before. I'm telling you that woman would sell my soul to see Chelsea happy and safe."

"Then it's like Jessica said, we'll figure it out."

The confidence and understanding in London's eyes made my gut settle for the first time in forever. Yes, we'd figure it out. The moment was killed by the sound of her pager.

"Look, Zach is already better."

"He's calling you on a 911?" If there was something that could bring back Zach's good mood, it was a good emergency.

"No, he's calling me in supply closet 19." And that. That could defiantly bring his mood back.

We both got up on our feet ready to walk out. I opened the door for London, but instead, someone else walked in. Emmanuel Shaw was not the man you wished to see on a good day, let alone when I just had been the victim of a fucking inquisition.

"Hello, Emmy. Nice to see you after all this time."

Two weeks was nowhere near enough make it nice to see Emmy but whatever. I'd play nice.

"Sullivan." He slapped me lightly on my shoulder like we were some kind of frat brothers. "London, my most beautiful nurse, you look like you need company."

Ha, so this was still going on. Almost out of instinct, I put my arm around London's shoulders.

"Shaw, I feel obligated to tell you to take a step back and leave her be."

He crossed his arms and rolled his grey eyes all the way back to his skull.