Page 44 of Chicago Code Black


Who the fuck was Trujillo?

I felt so much Shame right now. How was I supposed to look into my husband's eyes again after calling him the wrong name? Trujillo. My gut told me that I should know who that was. That I did know who that was, but I couldn’t quite place it. It felt like a memory was trying to crawl back to me, but it was too hard.

A knock on the door shook me out of my deep thoughts and back to earth.

"Rita, love, is it ok if I come in?"

I jolted and opened the door so I could look at him. Since all this shit storm rained on my life, he'd the only light at the end of the tunnel.

"You don't have to knock, James, this is your bedroom."

That little line of concern and annoyance formed in the middle of his forehead.

"Our. I just thought that maybe you needed a few more minutes to process whatever the hell happened in there."

If I only knew...

"James, I am so, so sorry for messing up your name. Could you please forgive me?"

He put on the something-is-not-right face, and I let my eyes fall to the floor in shame. I hurt him.

"Rita, look at me." He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look into his eyes. "Love, I'm not mad or sad or anything of that sort. I just want to know what you remember, and how this affects you? Any nausea; does your head hurt; is your sight alright?"

Just when I thought I was getting settled in this life - my life - and getting used to how good a man could be, he kept pushing. I just called him another man's name. In our house. Bathing our daughter. And his only care was if my stupid eyes were fine.

"I'm fine, nothing hurts and no, I didn't exactly's really weird. I feel like I know this person, like I should know him, but that's all. Nothing comes back, and it fucking pisses me off."

"Frustration is a normal emotion for you right now."

"Frustration doesn't even cover it." I was fuming. I wanted to set my fucking mind straight, and I had no means to. I just wanted to fight someone or hit a fucking wall. "I want to know why I'm doing shit like this, and I want to know who the fuck Trujillo is."

The shadow in James' eyes told me that he wouldn't want me to know who that was, and instantly, my mood changed for the best. On the right man, jealously can be a sexy emotion. James was definitely the right man, first because let's face it, anything looked good on my candy man, and second...because I was a bitch.

He was so sweet and caring, and it was perfect, but at the same time, it made me look for trouble; find any way to spike emotions in him. Some very intense, maybe ugly, emotions. Anything that translated into a rough fucking. When his hand was in my hair, his lips were bruising mine, and his dick was drilling me like sewing machine, it was when I felt like the universe was back in place.

Desperate to feel my world settling after Hurricane Trujillo, I jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around that hard waist. I was not one to fall for appearance, but my man was mouth-watering, and I would take advantage of that.

"I need my medicine, doctor."

His innocent, confused look disappeared, so the fun was about to start.

"Where does it hurt, ma'am?"

"My lips are sore, and my neck needs some attention. I think I have a bruise."

He buried his head in my neck curve and traced a line of heat with his tongue.

"I can't find a bruise, I'm sorry."

"Oh, there will be one when you're done with me, doctor. And maybe you could take care of my nipples; they seem to unexpectedly pucker when you are around."

"Maybe it's an allergic reaction to me."

"Meh, that doesn't explain the pain, doctor."

James bit the skin on my collar bone a little too hard.