Page 29 of Chicago Code Black

"Love, I work long hours. Sometimes, I'm caught in the OR for twelve hours or more. I usually spend twenty-four to forty-eight hours in the hospital on one shift." He stopped and rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you think this will work? We can talk with the nanny to assist you with Chelsea and hire a housekeeper for a few weeks. I could cut back on non-emergency consults and..."

I got up and stepped in front of him in all my glorious nudity to make sure I had his full attention.

"Hey, calm down, papi. I did it before, right? And I can absolutely do it again. You and me will figure shit out."


"Hey, how was it in there?"

James stepped in front of me as soon as I stepped out of the MRI room. He was tensioned and stiff, like I just went under the knife for surgery. This dude needed to relax.

"Papi, I'm fine, but please don't make me do this again, I hate the sound of that machine."

"That's just the magnet."

"There is a magnet in that thing?"

"Yes, love." His entire posture changed in the fraction of a second. He straightened his shoulders, raised his chin and put a serious look on his face. "MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. What the machine does is activate very powerful magnets to create an electromagnetic field. We can see different types of tissue based on their magnetic proprieties."

This new face of him really worked for me. Who knew nerd talk could be such a powerful aphrodisiac?

"Mhm," I said and bit my lower lip. "Do I need one, or this is just you playing mother hen?"

"Yes, especially after those incompetents in Boston didn’t gave you a CT. That it works with x-rays, and sometimes, the image can be tricky because of the bone structure. You can think of an MRI as of a detailed CT scan..."

"Damn, you're hot."

He stopped mid-sentence and smiled. Coming closer to him, I chained his midsection with my arms and looked up to meet his eyes.

"Well, then you should listen to my lecture about cranial concussions. It will get you all wet. Guaranteed."

"Already there. How about we go in one of the rooms in this long hall and we take advantage of this very loose hospital robe I have on?"

I got up on my tiptoes and nipped at his lips, but unfortunately, I had to stop when the doctor strolled through the door with two nurses on his tale.

"I'm glad to see you still have excellent patient care skills, James." He addressed my husband, and they shook hands. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to check you in myself, but I came down from a consult straight to the MRI room."

"No problem, Jack, I know my way around here, and your staff was very helpful."

I refrained from reminding him how the receptionist was trying to be more helpful to James - probably because his shirt showed his appetizing arms - than to me.

"So why private practice? Why not bring your..." he looked at me, smiling, "...friend to Chicago General?"

Friend? What the fuck? Maybe they were not such good friends after all. I imagined all good friends would have been invited to our wedding. I needed to ask James to show me pictures one of these days.

"Because I can't treat Rita myself, so I don't see why. It's more comfortable this way, so what do you know?"

"Yeah, we got the films, but I would like to talk to you in private first. You know, for a less official consult. Why don't we let Rita go in a private room and get a cup of tea with nurse Rosie, here?"

I'm sorry, aren't we talking about my head?

"I can stay. Even if it's bad, I can handle it."

James put his hand on my elbow and squeezed to get my attention and calm me.

"Rita, I'll be back with you in a few moments. I just want to take a look at the films myself, and you can't be in that room. It's for medical staff only."

Well, shit. And now I needed to sit and wait? This was my least favorite type of sitting.