Page 27 of Chicago Code Black

She landed herself on my dick, taking it all in in just one fluid move that makes me buck. This woman might just be too much to handle, I thought. She had secrets and talents that played with my heart.

She pushed herself up then slid down like damn professional; like her job was to serve this dick - my dick.

"Fuck, Rita." I reached to touch her boobs, suddenly overcome by a desire to feel the creamy skin, but I ended up with my wrists cuffed above my head and her face very close to mine.

"Behave, Sullivan, this is for you to enjoy. It will make you think twice before denying me ever again."

My balls contracted with the pleasure of her tight body holding me like a fist. When her lips sucked mine into a kiss, I could feel her everywhere, all over my body. It was all Rita aroma.

"Will you ever say no again, James?"

"I don't think I can. Move faster."

"And now we are making demands. Well, well, be careful what you wish for."

Rita pulled her body up and I followed, hugging her body while she put her hands on my shoulders and pressed her knees into the mattress for stability.

"Put your lips on me, James." When I do, I taste the saltiness of her neck, and I could see myself easily getting hooked on it just like a drug addict.

Rita started riding my dick faster and faster, squeezing me tighter, so dedicated to making me orgasm and lose my fucking mind. She was working us both with deep movements, and I could see she was close again - her moans were louder and closer, but she wouldn’t give in. She was battling her own pleasure to see mine. Seduced into oblivion, I let it go, spasming into her body, and to make it better she followed a few seconds after, milking me dry inside her. Absolutely nothing ever felt better in my entire life.

When we collapsed together on the bed covers, gathering our breath and settling our heart beats, she giggled into my neck.

"Something funny, Mrs. Sullivan?" The appellative felt sweet on my tongue.

"Just thinking on how you'll beg to do it again tomorrow. I win, Sullivan."

Yeah, she won for sure.

"Tomorrow? Give me ten minutes, and I'll fuck you against the shower wall."

"Anal?" My breath cut, and I coughed, choking on thin air like an idiot. "What, we don't do that? Is it weird that I said that?"


"We can try."

What the fuck did I get myself into with this mermaid of a woman.

I woke up early, right when the sun started to hit our bedroom window, with Rita's legs entwined with mine. The intimacy and calmness in the room was priceless, worth more than our reckless lovemaking. This moment put things in perspective for me. It was why I sucked her into my life, like a mischievous hurricane, and put all my shitty expectations that Avery shattered on her.

I hugged her closer to my neck and kissed her naked shoulder, inhaling the smell of citrus and sex that lingered on her. I was ready to lick her deliciousness from head to toe starting right here on her collar bone.

"Mmm, I told you, James, you'll never stop wanting if I give you a little piece of me."

Fuck. That was a little piece?

I chuckled on her neck, tracing lines on her skin with my tongue.

"Good morning, love. Yes, you did tell me so." Crooking my neck, I sucked on her bronze nipple, and she gasped in pleasure without opening her eyes. "You're not going to look at me?"

"No, but don't let it stop you."

And I didn’t. I made love to her slowly, taking my time to enjoy this moment of lazy bliss. Judging by history, this would be the only time I got to have my way with this fire ball. Although, I couldn’t say I was opposed to playing obedient if it ended like last night.

An hour later, we finally managed to get out of bed, shower and get dressed. Rita came to me and drowned me in another kiss. We were ready to jump back into bed when the baby monitor lit up, and we heard Chelsea’s joyful babbling.

"The baby is up."