Page 108 of Chicago Code Black

"What's with you today? Tears, girl talk. Are you PMS-ing?" Oh, I loved this. The tables had finally turned.

"It felt good saying that, didn't it?"

"A little, yes." I was lying; it felt amazing.

"The woman loves you, man. It's nothing like Avery; it doesn't have anything to do with your money or your rich and high-class family." Of course it didn’t, Rita had no idea how influential my family was. "She loves you for, ugh, your heart. And she said something about you eating her ass."

I jumped up on my elbows, but the jolt of pain took me back down.

"I have never, I mean I didn't...not yet."

"You should, it's awesome."

The only thing that was missing from this discussion was Jessica.

"We are sorry, Dr. Brooks, Ford is an idiot."

"Hmm? I wasn't listening." Sure, she wasn't. "Keep talking asses or anything you want because I have to give you four stitches, and it will hurt."

Like a bitch. She pushed the hook needle through my skin, and I cursed out loud.

"How sure are you she loves me?"

"Come on, man, you know it too. Maybe this time try to ask her on a date before tricking her to be your baby mama."

"I don't know if there’s a feeling strong enough to smooth the scars of my mistakes."

"Yes, there is. Rita puts up with me, indulges Jessica's dirty jokes, loves baby Alexandria. You are her fucking hero. I mean, her face when we heard you beat up her obnoxious, loathsome, nasty ex? You could give a woman the moon, and it would not put that look on her face."

"Wait, she knows who it was?"

"Yes, and I know what he did. I told you, we had a heart to heart talk. The Chief got news from police headquarters, by the way. Because the patient died, they're bringing Trujillo Batista on charges of domestic terrorism. My father and his friend at the supreme court are all over the case; he will never see light of day again."

This was too easy. Prison was a treat for someone like him. I would have been happy to finish the job I'd started if the intervention team hadn’t have burst through the door and pulled me from him.

"I want to talk with your father, I need a favor."

"You will because they need your deposition, but not right away."

"I want another charge for domestic abuse. I know it's irrelevant in the case, but she deserves it, man. I've seen her scans and the way she scares if I move too fast. Rita needs her justice too."

Zac remained silent for a couple of moments, looking off in the distance, trying to find something on the wall, then he nodded almost unnoticeably.

"Sure, yeah, I'll let my old man know."

After that, there were not many words left to be spoken. I pushed through the pain while Zach sat on a chair by my side with his arms crossed, showing support the only way he knew how, frowning. I would get him a Best Friend of the Year trophy for Christmas. He deserved it after today.

Fifteen minutes later, Brooks and two nurses moved me to a private recovery room that looked very similar to a hotel suite, with a posh bed, a huge Tv and the private bathroom. I guess being the VIP patient had its perks.

Tatiana was the nurse in charge of my case, and she did everything humanly possible to ensure my comfort. The woman even fluffed my pillow.

"Dr. Sullivan, are you all set? Can I do anything, bring you anything?"

"I'm alright, and you should start calling me James. Our best friends got married."

"Yeah, but I don't wanna disrespect you, sir. You're one of the best doctors we have."

"You call Ford by his first name."