Page 77 of Chicago Code Black

Every time we had casualties, I tried to focus on the bright side, and a kid who was almost crushed by a billboard pulling through from that kind of accident… it was a fucking miracle.


"Do they have a cause of death? She was trying to point to her stomach when we were down in the ER. Maybe we missed some internal bleeding."

"No, her heart was very weak even before the accident, and this was just too much. There was nothing that we could have done. Oh, and her bloodwork came back; she was pointing to her abdomen trying to tell us she was pregnant."

A metaphoric baseball bat crashed with my stomach. It never got easier. Never. And maybe it was because I had Chelsea now, but my bad mood just became a fucking nightmare.

"Hey, man," I said, "are you covered in the ER? I really want to go home right now."

"You need your support pussy?"

"Well, not all of us have the comfort of working next to it," I said dryly and turned around to leave.

We were not bitter to each other, but all that frustration had to go somewhere.


I got in the house, threw my car keys on the stand near the doorway and loosened up my tie. The day I’d had sucked the energy out of me, but this was the job I’d signed up for.

Rita appeared at the top of the stairs wearing two scraps of silk, a short night gown and a matching robe with pink, fluffy slippers. She must have done some shopping because there was no way those atrocities with bunny ears that she had on her feet came from the same store I had her clothes brought from.

"Hey, baby. How was work?" Crap. All I could bring myself to do was look at her and smile briefly. "Something wrong?"

"No, love, I'm just tired." And I was; it was not a lie. I was fucking exhausted.

I put a hand through my hair and looked up at her, watching the gracious steps she took when she came down to meet me. Man, this was a fucking beautiful woman, with her perfect caramel skin glowing in the soft light and her glossy, long hair raining over her shoulders. She came silently toward me and pulled me to her lips for a comforting kiss, and it was like she was trying to absorb my bad mood to make it go away.

After tasting her in depth, I stepped back, caressing her face with my knuckles and taking in her features. Beautiful. She was a fucking wonder. Now more than ever, I felt taken by her, ignited, infatuated.

"Papi, I was wandering," she said, but I couldn’t concentrate on her words because I was too focused on her lips - her lips wrapped around my dick. "Do I know how to drive?"

I snapped out of it and looked into her eyes.


"I took Chelsea to the park today, and I couldn't find an Uber, and I started wondering. I want to know if I have a license because I think I'd love to drive myself around."

Fuck me, I was not in the right mind for this right now. I couldn’t play this game with her now.

"Rita..." I had no fucking idea if she knew how to drive, and my mind couldn’t craft a story right now.

"So?" she insisted, but I had already decided not to have this discussion.

I leaned down and sucked the sensitive, thin skin of her neck and this made her shut up. She tasted exactly like you'd expect a woman like Rita to taste, burnt sugar and spice. She was the best dessert on the menu. Taken by the moment, I bit her hard enough to leave a mark, and she moaned, welcoming the pain.

"Ah, so fucking good. Don't make forget what I was about to ask, James."

Oh, but that was exactly what I was about to do.

I pulled her body closer, picked her up from the floor and moved. Something burned in me, and the urge was so bad, it made the living room couch seem a mile away.

Desperate to have her, I took three steps until we reached the nearest wall. I pushed her into it and hooked one of her legs around my waist so she could feel my erection. My cock felt like I was made out of steel already.


"Right here with you. No more talking. I need you, baby." In response, she rolled her hips, showing me how wet she already was - always so prepared for me. "Rita, hold on to me because I'm about to fuck your fucking brains out."